Chapter 23 Going to Town Together
Early the next morning, Yu Le woke up at dawn.

Now that she has space, she is not afraid to go to the back mountain.

She quietly went for a walk around the back mountain, pretending to pick a lot of impatiens and came back.

This time I picked more colors, and Yu Yueqing poured spiritual spring water in the space.

Who knew that impatiens could grow several colors, which is simply amazing.

A few days ago, Yu Yueqing quietly removed two plum trees and went to the space.

So she picked a lot from the space, why not take a walk around the back mountain, there is no way to wash it.

"Ah, Mrs. Wen Qing, what did you pick from the back mountain?"

Shuan Ziniang has changed a lot towards Yu Yueqing, and she is still very grateful for the life-saving grace. The villagers are very diligent and get up early every day.

"Sister-in-law, here are the wild flowers and plums I found."

When it comes to plums, Shuan Ziniang is also not interested.She knows that stuff, it's sour and astringent, and some are a little bit bitter.

"Ms. Wen Qing, wait for me."

After Shuan Ziniang finished speaking, she went into the house.Yu Yueqing probably knew what it meant, but she didn't stop.

After a few breaths, Shuan Ziniang came after her.

"Ms. Wen Qing, someone really beat Gao Ye yesterday, and the other children were forced to stand all night.

You were right to send Wenqing to study, no matter what, the villagers dare not underestimate you if you are a scholar.

This is the eggplant and beans that I planted myself, you can take it and eat it. "

Shuan Ziniang was afraid that Yu Yueqing would not want it, so she forced it into Yu Yueqing's arms.

How could Yu Yueqing not know that Lizheng was held up yesterday and could not get off the stage.Second, it is because Wenqing now has the opportunity to test for talent.

Otherwise, she knew that as a widow with three children, it was normal for the villagers to look down on her.

Just like that, Yu Yueqing went home with a pannier and two baskets on her back.

Passing by Grandma Huzi's house next door, I saw Grandma Huzi staring at me.

Yu Yueqing glanced at it, but she didn't expect that the woman's mouth was rotten and torn, it was really scary.

In her mind, she couldn't help asking Xianxian.

"Host, this is your crow's mouth mode, trust me now!

But the energy in this world is conserved, if she is right, I can't punish her. "

After Xianxian finished speaking, he ran away.

"Ding dong, once you help others, you will be rewarded with one point."

Yu Yueqing didn't even think about it, she didn't help others today.

After stopping at the door for a while, I realized that the insect powder might be effective.

It turned out that accumulating merit is not that difficult. In an instant, Yu Yueqing felt that the future could be expected.

"Mother, did you go to the back mountain early in the morning?"

Lingling and Wenhui ran over quickly.

"Mom, I made pancakes and wheat kernel porridge. I also served cold lettuce. You should wash your hands quickly and eat."

Afraid of waking up the children, Yu Leqing originally planned to cook after coming back from the back mountain, but she didn't expect Lingling to be so diligent.

"Lingling, you are really my mother's little padded jacket, you have worked hard.

Hurry up and taste, what delicious food my mother brought you. "

At this time, Wen Qing also came out of the kitchen and patted his sleeves.

It should be burning just now, Yu Yueqing saw it and waved to him.

Wen Qing hesitated for a while, but also came over.

I saw that the big basket was full of red plums, some of which were as big as eggs.

"Mother, I haven't been to Houshan for a few days. How big is this plum?"

Lingling and Wenhui expressed their shock, took the water ladle made of gourd, and began to wash the plums.

"Mom, I took a sip and it was very sweet, so hurry up and eat it."

Yu Yueqing took the plum that Wen Hui took a bite of and started to eat it.Really sweet and juicy.

"Mom, it's so delicious, did you mark it? Let's pick it together later."

Wen Hui yelled while eating.

Wen Qing also picked it up and took a sip. It was really sweet, and it tasted like overripe peaches.

"Mother, can we sell these plums in the town?
We can't finish eating so much! "

After Lingling ate two, she began to talk about her thoughts.

Yu Yueqing has always supported and respected the opinions of children.

"Lingling, these plums are not very rare. But we really can't finish them, but today, my mother is going to the town to sell mouth balm and mosquito repellent cream, so I can't be too busy."

Yu Yueqing said this on purpose because she already had her own ideas.It is also good for children to experience life and make money properly.

"Mother, why don't I go to the town with my eldest brother and sister. You go to sell mouth fat, and the three of us sell plums?

With Big Brother here, you don't have to worry about our safety. "

Wen Hui finished speaking with a smile, but he didn't know that Yu Yueqing was waiting for his words.

"Oh? Will Wen Hui settle accounts? How much do you plan to sell for a catty?"

Wen Qing has long seen that Mother did it on purpose to let them go to town together.

In this way, the family took a bullock cart to the town after eating.

"Mother, this plum is so heavy, I will carry it."

Wenqing wants to take it.

"Wen Qing, you are only ten years old, how can I let you carry it. This basket of fruit weighs almost [-] catties, at least."

The mother and son, four people, soon arrived in the town.

Yu Yueqing still went to the door of the tailor shop, while Wen Qing took her younger siblings to Caishikou.

"Shopkeeper, this is a wild fruit I picked in the back mountain, try it."

"Looks good, um, smells good."

Sister Wei washed it with water and couldn't stop eating.

Yu Yueqing had been selling at the door for an hour, and several women came to ask.Yu Yueqing also opened a bottle to try it out, but some people only tried it and didn't buy it.

"The last time my neighbor bought lip balm at your house. It costs ten cents a bottle, and it can also be used as a blush."

"Yes, it can be used as blush. They are all natural and good for the skin."

Yu Yueqing looked like a human being, and she was a little arrogant, so she endured and introduced her for a trial.

"Well, yes, bring me two bottles.

I saw that sister-in-law Qin used it for a few days, and the lines on her lips faded.

To be honest, this is a good thing, if it is not a good relationship.I don't even want to tell her. "

The person who came seemed to be quick-talking, and seemed to have a bit of a heart.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will sell it at this door in the near future. Many people will see it, and good things will not be dusted."

The woman bought two bottles, looked at the mosquito repellent cream, and didn't want it.

Jiang Qifeng didn't see Yu Yueqing go to the shop to buy porcelain vases these few days, thinking that her business could not continue.

I was sniffling in my heart, but I didn't expect to hear the discussion from people passing by.

"Oh, your lip balm is really good, and it's a new color! Where did you buy it? Couldn't it be Yan Yuting who bought it?"

Two women came to the shop to look at things, chattering all the time.In the past, Jiang Qifeng didn't like gossip women the most.

Now, he strained his ears to listen.

"Yan Yuting is so expensive, just a box bigger than a fingernail, and my family doesn't make much money. I'm not willing to buy it.

Let me tell you, at the door of the tailor shop.A woman and her daughter made it with her ancestral recipe, and it was not expensive. "

 When will Wenqing trust her mother?Jiang Qifeng feels pretty good!
(End of this chapter)

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