Widows and peasant girls are not easy to mess with, and they are busy getting rich with their childr

Chapter 265 The finale of Chapter 265: Gathering in Hailan Country and getting married

Chapter 265 265. Finale - Gathering in Hailan Country and getting married


It's indeed very similar to the original.

"Then, can I still call you mother?"

Lingling felt that the bond between mother and daughter was too deep, otherwise they would not have met.

"Silly boy, yes. If you need an excuse, just call me godmother."

Lingling got a satisfactory answer and felt happy.

The eldest brother and Wen Hui haven't found their mother yet, but they already know the whole story.

He told Yu Yueqing about Xuexiang again, and Yu Yueqing promised to show Xuexiang.

Xuexiang didn't expect that Lingling's mother was so young.

"Miss Jade, how is my health?"

Xuexiang was a little uneasy, she still wanted to have a child of her own.

"Hot chicken man, the anti-aging medicine I gave you is also very ineffective. It doesn't hurt the root cause. I will prescribe medicine for you to drink for three months."

Hearing this, Xuexiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Thank you."

Xuexiang couldn't help but blush.

The matter in Lingshuang Pavilion has come to an end, and Ling Jing has to go there and get back what originally belongs to her.

"Aunt Yu, thank you. If I rely on myself, it may take decades, and I may not be able to recapture Lingshuang Pavilion."

Ling Jing knew that this originally belonged to her grandfather and had been occupied by the dove.

"Silly boy, even without me, there is still Wen Qing!"

Yu Leqing deliberately tested her, but she didn't expect Ling Jing to blush slightly.

But there was no hiding.

"Aunt Yu, I have never avenged my great revenge, I have nothing to offer, and I am not worthy of Wen Qing.

Now, I have no regrets. He fulfilled his parents' last wish and had the courage to live for himself. "

Ling Jing seemed to have made up her mind.

Yu Leqing is very relieved.

"Okay, I'm relieved that you can marry Wen Qing. Wen Qing is responsible, and you will be happy."

Yu Yueqing didn't say anything else. She understood Ling Jing's thoughts.

Qi Chuang took Yuzhu and others to find Brother Hai.

"Qi Chuang, you're not dead? Do you still dare to come?"

Brother Hai was surprised at first when he saw Qi Chuang, and then became murderous.

"Brother Hai, we are brothers. I came here today to advise you to tell me the whereabouts of the woman you rescued.

I don't want you to fight to the death, and the bridge will return to the bridge in the future. "

Qi Chuang knew that the girl who rescued them turned out to be the young master of Wanxian Tower. Although Wanxian Tower is low-key, its prestige in the world has long been spread.

Now he just wants to stay with Xuexiang.

"Brother Hai, Qi Chuang is a good person. I can trust him."

Tian Yang has always been aware of current affairs.

Brother Hai hesitated and looked at Zhao Kui again. Zhao Kui was a rough guy, but he also knew that Qi Chuang was followed by several good players.

The inner strength is unfathomable.

"Brother Hai, Qi Chuang always sticks to his word, so we just believe them once.

However, can you guarantee that you will not burn bridges? "

Zhao Kui looked at Yuzhu and Huanxing behind Qi Chuang and suddenly stuttered.

"Could it be that I'm not with you anymore?"

Yuzhu hits the mark with one word.

"In the Liu Mansion. Liu Bin said he was the master of his pavilion and wanted to take him back for treatment.

None of us are Liu Bin’s opponents, so naturally we won’t stop him! "

Brother Hai also understood the situation.


Huanxing went ahead, followed by Yuzhu and Qi Chuang.

"Brother Hai, master! Fortunately, we didn't force ourselves.

Military advisor, we listen to you and bring back the gems from Aquamarine Country. I quit the business of robbing families and homes. "

Zhao Kui shouted and said what Brother Hai wanted to say.

"Tian Yang, you are right. In the past, I was arrogant and took chances. This time we wash our hands in a golden basin and do the right thing."

Brother Hai seems to have really changed his ways, but he still knows what he is thinking.

Liu Bin took Ling Shuang to the Liu Family Courtyard, which was in a secluded suburb and not easy to find.

Just as Liu Bin was inputting his internal energy, he heard the sound of rummaging. It's too late to leave.

"Liu Bin? If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

Yuzhu raised his sword horizontally, Ling Shuang hurt Ling Jing, they would definitely not let it go.

"Heroes, are you here for revenge?
You see, our Pavilion Master, no, she is no longer the Pavilion Master, and her family is gone too.

All the veins in her body are severed, and she can only lie in bed like this from now on. Do you still want to kill her? "

Lin Bin was telling the truth. Yuzhu went forward to investigate and found that it was true.


They are not villains who take advantage of others. Ling Shuang is already in a terrible situation. Moreover, Yuzhu also saw that Lin Bin was by no means a gentleman.

If Ling Shuang fell into his hands, perhaps life would truly be worse than death.

Half a month later, everyone was almost finished. Wen Qing's ship has also arrived.

Yule got up early in the morning and waited at the beach.

Jiang Qifeng put a cloak on her from behind.


Yu Yueqing was overjoyed.

Wen Qing walked out of the boat and saw a happy woman. He looked like he was only about twenty years old, but with those scorching eyes, he would never be mistaken.


Wen Qing flew off the stage and ran to Yu Yueqing.

"Wen Qing, I have grown taller and lost weight."

"Brother, wait for me!
Mom, I miss you so much! "

Wen Hui followed closely behind. He wanted to hug Yu Yueqing, but was blocked by Jiang Qifeng.

"You have clearly seen that men and women cannot be intimate with each other"!
This also reminds the two of them to be more relaxed in front of outsiders.

Sure enough, Wen Hui is like a child who has done something wrong.

Soon, we arrived at Wanxianlou Inn.


"Mom, I've seen my mother!"

The two brothers knelt down in unison. Yu Yueqing's hands were trembling and she wanted to help them, but she seemed to be frozen.

"Get up, I will be your godmother from now on!"

This was Yu Yueqing's decision, after all, their mother was here.


Wen Hui held his tongue and wanted to say something else, but Wen Qing stopped him.

"The kindness of nurturing is greater than that of heaven. The kindness of upbringing and the kindness of reincarnation cannot be repaid. Mother!"

Wen Qing knew that the woman in Wenjia Village was their mother, but the woman who wanted money was the mother who trained them to become talents and overcame all the difficulties for them.

"Good boy, you see, I am so young now, I can only be your biological mother. By the way, I will get married to Jiang Qifeng in three days, so please prepare."

Wen Qing knew it a long time ago, and he sincerely wished it.

"Mom, when you have younger brothers and sisters, will you stop loving me?"

It's not that Wen Hui doesn't understand, he knows what's going on. Big brother also explained.

It's just that he just likes the mother in front of him.

"No, you will always be brothers and sisters. You will always be the people I miss the most."

Three days later, all his subordinates and partners arrived.

"Jiang Qifeng, if you treat her badly, I will take her away!"

Lin Jin looked at that familiar yet unfamiliar face and knew that she was still alive, better than anything else.

"You won't have a chance! I will love her for the rest of my life! Never give up!"

The wedding was what Yu Yueqing thought of, the seaside, the beach, the people she loves, relatives and friends.

"From now on, we will stay in Hailan Country, and you can come and play when you have time!"

Yu Yueqing said while toasting.

"Huh? It seems that we are going to develop quickly. Nanli Kingdom is already in the pocket, but I don't know how the progress of someone from Xiwu Kingdom is!"

Lin Jin glanced at Jing Qian, who was serving dishes to Cheng Sang Li Yu.

"My wife is now the real leader of Xiwu Kingdom, and her progress is of course faster than yours!"

Jing Qian and Cheng Sang Li Yu have been in love for a long time and got married.

She knew Jing Qian's mission, and she also wanted Xiwu to be peaceful and peaceful, so she could only let those restless people disappear.

Lin Jin was at a loss for words. He had Wen Qing's help and fought for so long before he succeeded to the throne. I didn’t expect Jing Qian to be so fast.

"Try it quickly. This is the wine I brewed myself. It has been stored for decades!"

Everyone in the space was invited out, and there was great joy.

Yu Yueqing and Jiang Qifeng were also considered successful in cultivation and lived a carefree life.

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