Chapter 29
"Master, what kind of immortal is coming? Why don't I know?"

Seeing Master Qin's agitated appearance, Butler Qin thought he was suffering from paranoia.

"Housekeeper, really, quickly, take me there!"

Master Qin didn't believe the housekeeper, and was anxious to go out by himself, ignoring his frail body, as if returning to the light.

The butler couldn't resist, so he had to accompany him.

Unexpectedly, I really saw a Taoist nun holding a floating dust.

"Fairy, fairy!"

As soon as Master Qin saw Yu Yueqing, he immediately knelt down at the gate.

"This old man, please come up. This Taoist nun saw the black air surrounding the Qin residence and smelled the air of dying. She couldn't help but feel soft-hearted for a while, so she came to have a look!"

Yu Yueqing also has a good reputation for putting on airs, and it seems that it is really the case.

"Xiangu really has supernatural powers, please help Xiangu!"

Master Qin kowtowed excitedly, as if grasping at straws!

"It's not impossible for me to make a move, but I have a request!"

"Xianggu, please tell me, as long as Qin can do it, he must obey it."

Master Qin knelt on the ground, looking at Yu Yueqing eagerly.

"Master, quickly invite the immortal into the house, there are people coming and going outside!"

The housekeeper pulled Master Qin up, and Yu Yueqing followed him to the courtyard.

"Just in the courtyard? Your family has been doing business for generations. You need to know what you take from the people and use it for the people. You must not be stingy. You need to spend thousands of dollars to heal."

Let you covet my son, if I hadn't traveled here, the children would have suffered so much.

Master Qin is not very old, he looks 40 years old.

It is said that a daughter is like a father, and his daughter should also be a beautiful embryo.

Hmph, don't be soft-hearted, don't be soft-hearted, Yu Yueqing reminded herself.

"Yes, this is what it should be! Health is the most important thing, and money can be earned when it is gone.

Steward, quickly bring all the gold, gold and silver treasures in the treasury to the immortal. "

The butler hesitated for a moment, called his servants, and went to the warehouse.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Yu Leqing really didn't intend to ask him for money.But he offered it for nothing, so it's okay for Yu Yueqing to take some, right?

"Okay, but you can't take this money for yourself, most of it needs to be used to help the victims!"

Xianxian said in his mind,

"What, help the victims? I just want to be a rice bug, not a hero. You're trying to catch ducks on the shelves!"

Yu Leqing wailed in her heart!
"Points, points! With these silvers, one thousand points will be available soon. To help the poor, a lot of points will be given.

Think about it, ten thousand acres of fertile land and endless mountains and forests in the space.

Mountains and rivers, birds and beasts.When the time comes, the inexhaustible resources will be yours.

And when your points reach one billion, you can choose a younger generation to inherit your space after a hundred years..."

In order to persuade Yu Yueqing and Balabala, Xianxian threw out a huge cake.

It's not impossible to fight for one billion points.

Seeing Yu Yueqing standing upright in the courtyard, Qin Yuan seemed to see a great light in his heart.

"Why isn't the housekeeper here yet? Hurry up!"

Qin Yuanwai felt that there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart, making his limbs full of strength.

Needless to say, this is the credit of the immortals, for better robbing the rich and helping the poor.

"Master, don't rush, come here!"

Butler Qin looked at the tightly closed door, and nodded in satisfaction. As expected of a servant he trained, he really has good eyesight.

"Master, Immortal, please look! Ten boxes of gold, one hundred boxes of silver, fifty boxes of rare treasures..."

Slowly, it took half an hour to finish the move, and Yu Leqing was getting impatient waiting.

"Okay, okay, the immortal has been waiting for a long time. I don't know..."

Master Qin didn't feel sorry for this million-dollar family wealth at all, he was still a man.

"I know, that bowl is half filled with boiled water."

"What are you still doing in a daze, listen to the fairy, go quickly."

Master Qin was naturally not worried, Yu Yueqing took the things and refused to treat the illness, after all, it was on his own territory.

Even if you grab it, you can only grab one box at most, after all, you only have two hands.

There are also [-] good guards in the mansion, Master Qin is naturally relieved.

I saw Yu Yueqing, took out the crystal clear porcelain bottle, and poured a drop into the bowl.

"This water is only found in the sky, and it cannot be found on earth. Drink it!"

Yu Yueqing couldn't help giving herself a thumbs up. It turns out that she also has the potential to be a magic stick. It seems that human potential is really infinite.

Qin Yuanwai gritted his teeth and drank it.

Yu Yueqing didn't leave in a hurry, and after a quarter of an hour, Qin Yuanwai felt as if a stone had been removed from his chest.

"After three days, it will be fine!"

Yu Yueqing said, and with a big wave of his hand, all the gold, silver and jewelry in the yard disappeared.And, of course, herself.

This was not a lie to Qin Yuanwai, it was Xianxian who told her.

"Immortal, really an immortal!"

All the people in the courtyard plopped and knelt down, exclaiming that they met a god.

Yu Yueqing stayed in the space, controlled the space with her thoughts, and walked out.

He changed his clothes and walked out from a hidden place.

"Mom, you've been there for a long time, it's almost dark."

Wen Hui quickly hugged Yu Yueqing.

"Where is it dark, it's only at dusk at most. You are such an adult, you can always act like a baby and make a shameful face."

Lingling also hurried over and hugged her mother's arm.

Yu Yueqing gave Jiang Qifeng [-] bottles of lip balm and [-] bottles of mosquito repellent ointment, which cost only [-] Wen.

At this moment, Jiang Qifeng closed the door early and returned to his home.

"Housekeeper, send this to the capital as soon as possible, and hand it over to Madam in person, she knows how to do it."

The wife Jiang Qifeng mentioned was his mother.

He originally had a fiancée, but in the end he empathized with someone else and married him with a ball.

After Jiang Qifeng was sad for a while, he traveled around the country and rarely returned to the capital.

However, I often give some rare things to my mother and the elder sisters and sisters in the house.

Jiang Qifeng thought of Yu Yueqing's shrewd look when he went to deliver things today, which really made people's heart skip a beat.

It's just that she has a child, so what's the matter, it just so happens that she doesn't have to have one, so she can be a cheap father.

A flash of light flashed in Jiang Qifeng's eyes, which was bound to win.

Yu Yueqing didn't know that she had already been regarded as a prey.

When the mother and son returned home, it was already dusk.

It's just that the village is quiet today, unlike usual, many people are chatting outside the house.

"Mother, why is it so quiet today? Could there be thieves in the village?"

Lingling couldn't help but think so much,
"Lingling, it's very good to have a sense of urgency, so as to ensure that you will be less hurt. Wenhui, you have to learn from your sister in this regard."

"I know mother!"

Wen Hui knows that he trusts others too easily. Whatever his mother says, he has social bullshit and can talk freely with anyone.

"However, this is somewhat impossible. You see, the lights are on in every house, and when we come back, we can still hear dogs barking."

Yu Yueqing was also a little puzzled, except for the barking of dogs, there were cicadas chirping, one after another, like a babbling tune.

 God stick, Yu Yueqing feels that her life is getting more and more interesting

(End of this chapter)

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