Chapter 52 Rescue the Disfigured
Sure enough, many things, if they don't happen to you, you can hang them high. This is human nature.

"Old man, tell me, what should we do with Qiuxia? She was going to get married in half a month, and she said she wanted to dress up.

Who knew that after buying Yan Yuting's face cream, her face is now festered.

If the man found out, he might have to divorce the engagement. "

A woman in her forties spoke sadly.

"That's right, old woman. Although they paid five taels of silver, the medical clinic said that the face was too rotten and could not be cured.

What can I do?Is the happiness of our family's young daughter in this life involved? "

The couple seem to love their daughter very much.

"Ding dong, trigger the helping mechanism. Rescue one person and restore their appearance, and reward ten points."

Xianxian would not miss this opportunity to accumulate merit, but this was exactly what Yu Yueqing wanted.

There is no way, who made Xianxian promise a shocking cake.

Once you have accumulated enough one billion points, you can choose a predestined person among your descendants to inherit the space.

For this benefit, Yu Yueqing is actively working hard now.

It's just that these people have been deceived once, how can they trust themselves?
Yu Yueqing felt a little troubled.

At this moment, a familiar voice was suddenly heard.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Yan Yuting was selling fake products.

I was thinking, your hands are always cracked in winter, so I bought you hand oil with the money from selling vegetables.

Unexpectedly, but let your hands become like this!

Doctors said that it would take a long time to heal, and it would leave deep scars. "

"Little Qi Niang, you also have good intentions, this Yan Yuting's things are precious, who knew he would sell fakes.

I'm not much better than those little girls, I'm just my hands. "

Yu Yueqing made a plan, quietly took out two bottles of face cream from the space, and put them on her cuffs.

"Grandma, big sister, I hear your voices sound familiar, have you seen them somewhere?"

When Yu Yueqing said this, the other party also thought the same way.

"Huh? By the way, I remembered.

I heard what you said about insect powder before. I went to the pharmacy and bought it for my children. It is really a magic medicine.

Sure enough, the worms came out. "

Xiao Qiniang suddenly thought of Yu Yueqing's prescription for killing insects, but she was a little embarrassed to think that she had picked up the prescription.

"Yes, there was a very powerful doctor in my ancestors who left many precious prescriptions.

The little girl is not talented and knows a little bit about medical theory, so she usually thinks about some gadgets. "

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she made a gesture to leave, and she still knew how to play hard to get.

Others generally don't know how to cherish the things that are rushed.

"Girl, stay a step, then..."

When Xiao Qi Niang spoke, she felt that the people in front of her seemed to be able to help them.

"Big sister, I'm not a girl. I'm the mother of three children. I'm 30 years old now, and my eldest son is ten years old."

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law felt that they really met an unusual person.

It looks like, at most early twenties.

His eyes were shining brightly, as if seeing a savior.

Under the shocked eyes of the two, Yu Yueqing said that the facial fat she had been thinking about could mainly eliminate scars.


"It's true, one jar can be used as a facial mask, apply thickly every morning and evening, it will show results in one month, eliminate scars in three months, and whiten and refine the skin in six months."

After Qiu He finished speaking, he made a gesture to leave. Finally, the two asked Qiu He to buy a bottle.

In this way, Qiuhe successfully sold a bottle.

"Ding dong, reward ten points!"

When Yu Yueqing heard this sound, it was almost like hearing the sound of receiving money, and she was a little addicted.

Feeling that the groundwork is almost done, she estimated that someone will find her in a week.

As for the couple just now, after watching for a long time, they also went up to buy a bottle with Yu Yueqing.

Yu Leqing pretended to be very embarrassed, took the opportunity in the space, picked up two more bottles of face cream that had been packed before, and added two more drops of spiritual spring water.

"Auntie, I don't have many things. You have to keep it secret, otherwise those ugly people will not break the threshold of our house."

"Well, girl, if someone asks my old lady then, she won't be able to tell a lie.

I'm here first, thank you girl.

If it can really cure my daughter's face, it will be a great benefactor of our family and save my daughter's lifelong happiness! "

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she jumped up and down to find Jiang Qifeng.

Jiang Qifeng was still dozing off behind the counter, when he heard familiar footsteps, he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Why are you here at this time?"

His voice was a little hoarse, it seemed that he really fell asleep just now.

"Oh, didn't you save me yesterday? I'm here to thank you."

After finishing speaking, Yu Yueqing took out a book from his cuff without waiting for Jiang Qifeng to speak.

"I found this from a beggar. It is said that if you practice it, it can prolong your life. I don't know what it is."

Jiang Qifeng looked at the yellowed writing, and there were a few large characters lying quietly,

"Book of Changes Washing the Marrow".

"Here, are you sure you won't go crazy after practicing? Have you never heard of such a book in Jianghu?
Look, there are typos in it, are you trying to thank me or harm me?"
Jiang Qifeng thought it was just a prank by Yu Yueqing.

"That's not a typo, it's a simplified character."

Immediately, Yu Leqing read a passage to Jiang Qifeng.

"Well, that's really the case, there are really similarities. I received your thank you gift, so you have nothing else to say?"

Jiang Qifeng watched Yu Yueqing hesitate to speak,

"Um, I'm just curious if the hostile person I met yesterday is the boss behind Yan Yuting.

Also, what happened to Yan Yuting, I don't know which master was responsible for it. "

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding.

Some words need not be said clearly.

Yu Yueqing wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Bai Mu.

"Hey, two, is it the right time for me to come, or should I go out first?"

As soon as Bai Mu entered the door, he saw that the two of them were not far away, and smiled with a secretive look.

Do you feel that you have ruined some people's good deeds?

"Bai Mu, why are you here at this hour?"

Yu Yueqing quickly sat down on the chair next to her, and Jiang Qifeng immediately asked Bai Mu.

"Brother Jiang, Miss Yu, it's better to come here sooner than later. I was here today for Miss Yu."

Bai Mu cut to the chase,
As he spoke, he took out a stack of banknotes from his cuff,
"Miss Yu, you gave me such a precious medicine, I can't take it for nothing.

I don't know if the money is enough, if not, I'll get it when I go home! "

Jiang Qifeng originally wanted to stop Bai Mu's movements, but Yu Yueqing accepted the bank note with a smile in the next moment.

"Master Bai, you really have eyesight. I don't have many potions, they are all for saving lives.

If it weren't for my warm heart, I wouldn't have given such a precious medicine to someone when we met for the first time.

I understand what you mean, I still have a bottle here, I hope you drink it, and you can take good care of your body.

By the way, I will give you a set of prescriptions, which is buy one get one free. "

(End of this chapter)

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