Qin Yuanwai solemnly promised that within one month, the matter of the two letters of recommendation would be settled.

It's just that Erya has no foundation, Yu Yueqing intends to make up for it.Not to mention other things, at least, you must be able to recite the Three Character Classic.

After sending Qin Yuanwai away, Yu Yueqing moved the box into the house and put the things into the space.

An empty box was left.

"This Qin Yuanwai is really rich! There are so many pearls and emeralds, host, you won't pick the most expensive box, right?"

There are all kinds of pearls, jade, and emeralds. Immortals are blinded when they look at them.

"Ah? No way? But judging by Qin Yuanwai's expression, it might be!

The Qin family really has a profound heritage. They gave me so much gold, silver, jewelry and silver last time, and there are so many more. "

Yu Yueqing looked like a miser, Xianxian couldn't help shaking his head.

"Erya, Lingling, you heard it just now, I asked Yuanwai Qin to find two letters of recommendation from women's school.

This month, Lingling taught Erya to memorize the Three Character Classic.For the rest, leave it alone for both of you. "

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, all three were overjoyed.

"Erya, quickly kowtow to your aunt and thank her for her kindness in rebuilding."

"Auntie, thank you for saving me from the sea of ​​suffering and nurturing me! I, in the future, will take care of you in the old age."

Erya actually knelt down, Yu Yueqing quickly helped the child up.

"Mother, what are you talking about? The child is still young, so I don't want to talk about repaying or not repaying in the future.

I help you because you are all good people and your close relatives.

Not for payback. "

Mrs. Zhang was a little embarrassed by Yu Yueqing's words. She didn't expect that this would put so much pressure on Erya's heart.

"Erya, it took a lot of effort for my aunt to snatch you from your parents.

My aunt doesn't ask for anything else, she just hopes that when you grow up, you can have your own life.

I hope that one day, you won't blame your aunt for letting you leave your parents. "

After a few people got bored for a while, everyone realized that Wen Hui hadn't come back.

"I rented a villa in the town. It's not big, but it has everything. Wen Hui thought it was fun, so he stayed there."

"Mom, sister Ling Jing helped rent it"?
Seeing Yu Yueqing's reassurance, Lingling immediately thought that she must be with Ling Jing and the others.

It's just that grandma didn't know, so she was somewhat worried.

Yu Yueqing told her that grandma can rest assured only when she is with her friends.

Yu Yueqing arranged for the children and went to the field by herself.

The family has planted an acre of cold melons, and the seedlings have already begun to climb.

When Yu Yueqing watered it, he mixed a few drops of Lingquan water, and it grew very well.

"Linglingniang, your melon seedlings are growing really vigorously."

"From Wenliang's family? You are from my mother's family! Thank you, I told you in the village last time that my elder brother and sister-in-law were playing tricks, so I was alert.

My melon seedlings were raised a month ago.

A few households in the village also planted early, probably the same as my family. "

Hearing what Yu Yueqing said, Wen Liang's family didn't know whether to praise her or hurt her. Anyway, she didn't have bad intentions, she just spoke quickly.

"Then it's too late for me to plant this year? Hey, will your melon be sold by then? I'll buy two then."

Seeing that Yu Yueqing didn't want to talk to her, Yumei went to pull weeds in her field.

The few families that have made friends with Yu Yueqing all planted melons.

Sowing in June and harvesting in September is just the right time.

Yu Yueqing pulled out the grass in the melon field again. I don't know if it was because of the Lingquan water, the melon seedlings are flourishing, and the grass is even more prosperous.

"There are purslane and Cyperus rotifer. I really made a lot of money today."

Purslane is steamed and eaten, and Cyperus cyperi is dried, but they are Chinese medicinal materials that can be sold in pharmacies.

It's just that people in the village don't know it, and they have been treating it with weeds all the time.

When it was getting dark, Mrs. Zhang came to ask Yu Yueqing to have dinner.

"Mom, I know, I'll go back right away."

Along the way, the two mothers chatted and laughed. Recently, the people in the village have settled down a lot.

In one month, the lotus flower withered and a lot of lotus seeds grew.Few of the others knew how to eat, so Yu Leqing pulled out two tender lotus pods.

"Mother, try it, it's very sweet."

Yu Leqing peeled one and fed it to her mother,
"Oh, it's so delicious! Besides looking good, it's also delicious."

Mrs. Zhang hardly ever lived in the town, and rarely heard of lotus flowers, let alone lotus pods.

This is a rare thing only in the south, and it grows in the village, so it is already a rare thing.

"Mom, I'll make you spicy rabbit meat today and a plate of braised pork.

Today is still a good day, I will tell you later. "

Mrs. Zhang saw Yu Leqing was mysterious, so she let her go.

My daughter is fine everywhere now, except that she is single and alone.

But thinking that her grandson is obedient and promising, grandma is relieved.

While eating, Yu Yueqing took out a cold melon from the basket.

Lingling didn't ask, and neither did the others.

"You guys are eating, mother is announcing an important matter."

Several other people stopped their chopsticks one after another, Yu Leqing smiled, forget it, it seems that they are anxious.

"It's like this. I've fed a lot of chickens at home. It's very tiring and dirty. I thought, whoever feeds the chickens pays the wages, three hundred yuan a month for big workers, and one hundred yuan a month for small workers. How about it?"

"Yueqing, no need, mother..."

Mrs. Zhang was a little at a loss, she didn't expect her daughter to say this.

"Mother, there are no rules, no rules. It's not because you are my mother. Listen to me carefully.

First, you can save up your monthly salary to buy things for the children and give out lucky money at the end of the year.

Second, let my mother help me.Putting this system into practice, I will need more people when the chicken farm expands in the future.

Before recruiting people, I asked my mother to help me see where I was lacking. "

Yuyueqing Balabala talked a lot, and in the end, she gave three hundred wen to Zhang, one hundred to Erya, and one hundred to Lingling.

Several people are very excited, this is their labor income.

Yu Yueqing's family ate purslane, watermelon, and meat, and fell asleep soundly.

But Grandma Huzi next door couldn't sleep no matter what.

"Hmph, Jade Widow, aren't you arrogant? Didn't you even help your ancestors?"

Grandma Huzi's legs finally healed, and her mouth also healed, and she started acting like a demon again.

Yu Yueqing woke up the next day amidst bursts of yelling and cursing.

"Who killed a thousand swords, actually pulled out my melon seedlings."

"Yeah, who the hell killed my melon seedlings. The melon seedlings on an acre of land were pulled out overnight, why don't you die of exhaustion!"

When Yu Leqing heard this, she was worried about her melon seedlings, so she hurried to the field to look.

Seeing that the melon seedlings in her house are all good, Yu Leqing's heart skipped a beat, this is for her!
"Wen Qingniang, look, your house is fine, why are other people's houses gone?

You don't want to give everyone melon seedlings and let everyone make money. You said it earlier, why are you so wicked.

When the melon seedlings are about to bloom and everyone is looking forward to it, you can pull out the melon seedlings! "

Heizi Niang yelled,
Gao Ye's grandfather Wenping also took the opportunity to step on it.

"That's right, I'm just like the Jade Widow recently, helping people raise chickens and grow melons, so I'm waiting here, I really don't change my nature!"

Wen Ping was very happy, his Gao Ye had been lying on the bed for more than half a month, and everyone said that the Jade Widow was evil.

It is also said that his man is protecting her in the sky.

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