Yu Yueqing accepted a brocade box from Bai Mu, but she didn't know what it was.

"Hey, do you have something to say?"

Yu Leqing looked at Jiang Qifeng with a look of embarrassment, and her heart was full of doubts.

"The martial arts cheats you gave me last time, is it true?"

Jiang Qifeng thought of how he looked after training, his skin expelled a lot of dirt.

Moreover, when cultivating internal strength, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

The previous dark wounds are also slowly healing, although very slowly.

Yu Leqing saw Jiang Qifeng frowning for a while, and sneered for a while, thinking that he was here to find fault.

"Well, don't get excited. The I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra is true.

I originally wanted Wen Hui to learn it, but Wen Hui has no kung fu background and no famous teacher to guide him, so I dare not let him learn it rashly. "

Yu Leqing asked Xian Xian, the Book of Changes Xisui Jing is an ancient book, it is true.

"I'm a little excited, but happy. You've done me a great favor.

I am here today, one is to thank you, and the other is to say goodbye.

I'm going to go on a long trip, it may take a few months, slow, it may take a year.

I have a token here.If you are in a hurry, go to the Wanya Bookstore in the county. I have already explained that they will cooperate with you. "

Jiang Qifeng took a deep look at Yu Yueqing,

Yuleqing Pupil Earthquake,
"My God, you are not the kind in the picture book, the invisible boss?"

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, Jiang Qifeng tapped her on the head,
"Don't look at the picture book, it's all messed up."

Seeing that Jiang Qifeng only gave one sign, Yu Leqing complained inwardly, didn't he order any other gifts?
"I have someone renovate Yan Yuting's shop, so you don't have to worry about it.

Once the decoration is completed, you can start business directly. "

Jiang Qifeng told him worriedly, Yu Leqing saw that he seemed to be in a real hurry, so he took out a small bottle of spiritual spring water from his cuff.

"You take this medicine, it is for life-saving. You are out of the house, pay attention to safety."

Yu Yueqing hesitated, but still handed it over,

Jiang Qifeng thought it was the last medicine, so he declined,
Yu Yueqing stuffed it into his arms,
By the way, I put that son of a bitch at the door, you can bring it over later, I am really leaving.

After speaking, Jiang Qifeng left without looking back.

Yu Yueqing opened the brocade box given by Bai Mu's father, and inside was still a stack of silver coins and a gold pendant.

Feeling puzzled, Yu Yueqing entered the room and took the opportunity to stuff it into the space.

"Mother, what did Uncle Jiang say? Why are you unhappy?"

Lingling, Erya and grandma were in the west room, and they didn't hear clearly what they said.

"It's okay, Uncle Jiang said, and rented another shop in the town, but he didn't know about rouge and gouache, so he thought of me.

Ask me to help open the store, I'm a little tangled? "

Yu Yueqing didn't realize that she was unhappy, could it be that she was really unhappy?

Now life is better, there is more money, and the child's life is slowly getting on the right track.

Yu Yueqing didn't think about Jiang Qifeng's abnormality at all, so she went to get two sons of dogs.

"Mother, is this a son of a bitch?"

Seeing Lingling, she couldn't be happier.

"Yes, I will be with Xiaobai when I grow up, and I don't feel relieved that Xiaobai is alone in the back mountain."

Lingling and Erya happily went to build a hut for the son of a bitch.

The backyard is now vacant, some vegetables have been planted, and there is still a lot of open space.

Grandma Huzi complained that she was wronged. She didn't know who pulled out so many melon seedlings, but no one paid any attention to her.

As for the client, Heizi, ever since Yu Yueqing gave him the unknown medicine, he was both afraid and hated.

He kept an eye on Yu Yueqing's family all the time, only Grandma Huzi plucked melon seedlings, and he also followed, along with Gao Ye.

It's just this matter, neither of them will talk about it.

Huzi's grandma was roasted for more than a month, so far, she has become a lot more honest.

In more than a month, the watermelon has grown to the size of a palm.

The chickens in the back mountain have all grown up.

Xu Hong was relieved when she heard that Grandma Huzi was possessed by a demon.

There is a baby in the stomach, and the couple also went to the town to see that everything is normal.

The lotus seeds in the village are all ripe, and every family in the village has picked some, and decided to continue planting next year, so that the whole river will be full of lotus.

Wen Hui's summer vacation is over, and Yu Yueqing plans to go to Zhuangzi to pick him up.

"Mother, Wen Hui can't think of leaving anymore. I'll go pick him up with you."

Lingling was talking while packing her things.

"Auntie, I want to go too."

Erya is much bolder now, and is no longer cowardly, Yu Yueqing is very relieved.

"Okay, let's go to the village to have a look, Erya, do you want to eat, let's bring some."

Mrs. Zhang stayed at home to watch the door, she was worried about everything at home.

Ever since Yu Yueqing was wronged by Grandma Huzi and was almost treated as a monster, Zhang Shi was even more careful.

"Mother, don't worry, Xiaobai has grown up a lot now and can take care of the house.

You can rest assured that Xiao Hei and Xiao Hui are in the back mountain. "

What kind of breed Jiang Qifeng sent, Yu Yueqing felt that it looked more and more like a wolf.

They ate a lot of meat, so Yu Yueqing asked Xiaobai to take the two of them to the back mountain to find something to eat.

Sometimes, they will bring back pheasants and hares.

Lingling and Erya are very fond of each other.

Now the two puppies are already taller than ordinary dogs.

Yu Yueqing occasionally feeds them and drinks the water with spiritual spring water, Xiao Hui and Xiao Hei are also very human.

As for Yan Yuting, Yu Yueqing changed its name to 'Hua Xiangrong' rouge and gouache shop.

The source of the goods was indeed approached by someone, and the brand they took was similar to the pattern Jiang Qifeng gave him.

It is the brand of Jiang Qifeng, which looks like black jade, but those are relatively ordinary.

But when they saw Yu Yueqing's brand, they were all very respectful.

Erya took some pastries, all of which were recipes given by Yu Yueqing, and the two sisters pondered over them.

Yu Yueqing discovered that Erya's embroidery was average, but she was very talented in making pastries.

The letter of recommendation that Qin Yuanwai said would be completed within a month has yet to be found, and Yu Yueqing is not in a hurry.

Let the two children study hard, and when the winter is over, ask Bai Mu to help and ask, they should be able to pass.

Yu Yueqing remembered that it was extremely cold here in winter, and she was reluctant to let the two children suffer to go to girls' school.

"Wenhui, let my sister see, have you grown taller?"

Lingling and Erya pulled Wen Hui and chatted non-stop.

"Sister, it's getting colder now, and many people have figured out how to make Aiyudong, so it's hard to sell now."

As soon as Ling Jing met, she reported the latest situation to Yu Yueqing.

"Okay, I see. How about the martial arts master I hired for you?"

Yu Yueqing didn't understand either, so she invited him directly in Wuxing.

"Sister, I can't say anything about it, you just go and see."

Ling Jing hesitated to speak, and took Yu Yueqing to the newly built martial arts arena.

"Waste, it's just a [-]-jin sandbag, can't you carry it?"

After finishing speaking, he kicked an eight or nine-year-old child on the knee.

The child was kicked down and lay there crying!
Today's fourth watch is completed, let's spread flowers.recommended ticket

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