Jing Qian found out, this village woman who has no sentimentality at all.Even if Huanfeng can take a fancy to him, he can't stand another man.

"See what you mean, do you know the poisoned people in Qiwu Town?"

"What? You know that people in the town are poisoned? That's right, like you, you must look into it. To tell you the truth, I've cured several people.

I am a person, I do things according to my mood, you just strangled my neck, I don't necessarily want to treat you! "

Yule Qingba said a lot,

"Noisy! Talk about the solution, or die!"

Jing Qian released his murderous aura in an instant, and Yu Yueqing felt that this person was too moody.

Seeing the other party's restrained anger, Yu Yueqing didn't dare to be embarrassed anymore.

"Qijiashui, your hair, and your hometown!"

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, Jing Qian was unpredictable, could it be that the sky was going to kill him.

"Hometown? I was an orphan since I was a child. Where did I come from? What kind of broken recipes do you have? It's unreliable at first glance."

Jing Qian felt that Yu Yueqing was fooling him, and he was almost impatient.

"Believe it or not, what you are using is a type of soul-hunting technique. This method of cracking it is inherently mysterious. I don't understand metaphysics.

As for the hometown, it's just to stabilize your three souls and seven souls, so that the caster can't easily control you. "

"Okay, come here, do as she said. You, stay here for two days first, and then leave after I get better!"

After Jing Qian finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Hey, don't go, listen to me, you are really impatient.

I have three days of medicine here, dendrobium and purple lotus seeds, and this day's water.You boil it and drink it to filter toxins. "

"It's best not to play tricks, otherwise, you can bear it."

Jing Qian took the dendrobium in his hand suspiciously, and could smell the faint fragrance of flowers through the paper bag, which was a bit refreshing.

Intuition, this medicine works.

"You still use colored glaze to pack this potion, Huanfeng really dotes on you, I guess half of your wealth will be handed over to you!"

After Jing Qian finished speaking, hahaha left.

"What half a fortune, I didn't take anything, right?

Just leave like this, really won't let me go? "

Yu Yueqing didn't care, she hid in the space and escaped.

And as soon as she returned to the town, she saw many people surrounded the streets on both sides of the town.

"Hey, big sister, what's this for? It's so lively, isn't it a special day recently?"

It was the first time for Yu Yueqing to see so many people in the town.

It's really rubbing shoulders, but a lane is automatically left.

"You don't know that, do you? Master Zunyun from Baiyun Temple came to Qiwu Town to pray for the people. This Master Yun, a person that the king can't even invite, never thought he would take the initiative to come to our town!"

When the people around heard it, they cheered again.

"The lord of the country can't even invite you, but he came to our town. This kind of honor is not something that everyone can enjoy."

Yu Yueqing looked along and saw a plain, dusty sedan chair with an eminent monk sitting on it.

"Host, this monk is a great virtue, and his spirituality is as high as the sky. I don't come out to hang around recently. If you find me, it will be a disaster for you!"

After Xianxian finished speaking, he ran away quietly.

Master Zunyun suddenly felt the fluctuation of the surrounding magnetic field, and looked at Yu Yueqing with sharp eyes.

Yu Yueqing and Master Zunyun looked at each other for a second, then immediately closed their eyes, and took advantage of the trend to back away, being overwhelmed by the crowd.

"It's dangerous, but luckily it wasn't discovered. The virtuous and eminent monk is different, he looks like he knows everything. I hope you don't know my existence."

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she went to Zhuangzi.

It is said that after Yu Yueqing left, Wen Qing started to look for the dean with her dendrobium and purple lotus seeds in her arms.

"Student Wenqing? But do you need help with your studies or life?"

The dean is a kind old man in his 50s.

As a top student who wins glory for the school, Wen Qing is the face of the school.The dean and the master basically know the top [-] students in the school.

"Dean, I have something to say, I don't know if I should talk about it." After Wen Qing finished speaking, he opened a pack of fresh dendrobium.

"This? Is it fresh Dendrobium? It's still blooming?"

The dean saw it and couldn't put it down.

Dendrobium is blooming, it can be viewed and used as medicine, which is only affordable by the royal family and nobles.

Someone sold dendrobium potted plants for 20 taels a pot before, but he hasn't snatched them yet.

"This was sent by Bai Qi, who said it was for all the teachers and students in the school to boil water for drinking."

Wen Qing didn't say that his mother gave it to him, even if he said it, the dean would not believe it.

"Oh? It's so valuable, could it be that the county magistrate asked him to send it?"

The dean felt that the young master of the Bai family didn't dare to take such a valuable thing.

"Students have worked hard recently, lotus seeds clear the heart, and dendrobium strengthens the spleen and stomach. Drinking it is good for the body.

In another month, isn't it the county college ranking exam?I hope our students can perform exceptionally well this time. "

When Wen Qing said this, the dean thought it was the county magistrate taking care of the college, after all, his son was studying here.

It would be a good idea to sell him as the dean.

"Wenqing, don't worry, I'll go to the back kitchen right away and let everyone drink today.

Play well this time, let the town look down on our academies, look at our Crouching Dragon Academy, it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. "

After the dean finished speaking, he cheerfully carried a basket of medicines and went to the back kitchen.

Wenqing also distributed several sachets to several people who had made good friends according to what her mother said.

"It was sent to me by my mother, and it contains fresh ingredients.

My mother said, let me get along well with my classmates and give it to the student I have the best relationship with. "

Wen Qing was grinning, and basically everyone in the class gave away several.

"My mother went to the Earth Temple and specially brought this pile of sachets to worship.

You can also give it to someone you know well. I hope that this time our ranking test will perform exceptionally well and bring glory to the academy. "

"Wen Hui, Aunt Qing is so kind! I'll go and integrate two of my cousins, thank you!"
Zhang Shuqi patted Wen Qing on the shoulder, looking like a good brother.

"Shuming, go and give your cousin two!"

Wen Qing is also a smiling face now, a little different from the cold look before.It may be because of the mother's love, the whole person is much warmer.

"Wenqing, I, okay, I'll send two of them, and everyone is very happy."

In this way, a large basket of sachets was passed on from one to the other, and there were basically a dozen people in each class.

Later, I don't know who gave it to me, but I just said it can bring good luck.

"Today the dean gave everyone a bowl of Dendrobium lotus seed soup, peace of mind, I hope everyone can have a good rest and get good grades in the exam."

When Wen Qing went to eat in the afternoon, the people in the cafeteria were shouting.

Everyone sitting at the table has a big bowl full.

"Hey, there is really Dendrobium, the dean is so kind."

"Dean Xie, I will go to study after dinner, and I will live up to the dean's expectations."

Wen Qing smiled lightly, as long as everyone drinks, his goal will be achieved.As for fame, it was a burden to him.

Wen Qing didn't know, but this time, he earned more than 1 merit points for his mother, and it was really unintentional.

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