"Yes, there are also people who know the goods"!
After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, a man in black robes unexpectedly walked out from the darkroom behind the pool, even the mask was black.

Yu Yueqing felt that this person was full of lifelessness, and he definitely had something to do with this incident.

"Playing tricks,"

Jing Qian has such a quick temper, and when he sees an enemy, he immediately throws a knife in his hand.

I saw the red clothes flying every now and then, but the black robed man was able to hide.

"Oh? Not bad? You can hide from it, heh, interesting!"

The black-robed man laughed fiercely twice,
A cloud of black mist swept over,
Yu Yueqing shouted anxiously in her heart,
Jing Qian and the people behind him also protected Yu Yueqing at the same time.

At this time, Xianxian also drew out the spiritual energy in the space, forming a protective wall.

"Jie Jie, it turned out to be a spiritual energy cave? You really made a lot of money today!"

The black-robed man was suddenly surrounded by black mist, and soon he himself turned into a cloud of mist, attacking everyone.

Jing Qian is not a vegetarian, the internal force was swept away, and the man was repulsed and returned to his original shape.

And around him, densely packed, there were small insects scattered all over the place.

"Stop playing, die!"

Jing Qian's whole body was wrapped in a cyclone, his whole body was like an iron wall, a storm was brewing, and he strode towards the man in black.

I saw the man in black, pushing out all the subordinates behind the secret door to block them.

"It's time to complete your mission."

The man in black took the opportunity to run out,
Yu Yueqing didn't give her a chance, and quickly followed her.

Jing Qian had no time to deal with the seemingly invincible group of medicine men.

"What are you still doing, to protect that woman, if there is any mistake, Huan Feng will not spare you!"

Jing Qian actually saw that the people left behind by Huanfeng hesitated when Yu Yueqing was in danger.

"Master just wants us to save her life in a critical moment, but not to delay her growth and experience."

A woman's voice, Jing Qian knew it was not good when he heard it.

This is one of Huanfeng's top ten protectors, Huanlan, but Huanfeng's diehard fan.

This Huanfeng's mind was filled with water, and he asked his female subordinates to protect his sweetheart.

Jing Qian was in a hurry,
"The other one, hurry up, if something happens to that woman, even if Huan Feng doesn't deal with you, I will never stop with you."

Jing Qian was really speechless, this group of people couldn't be beaten to death no matter how hard they were beaten, like puppets on strings.

However, the combat power is quite powerful.

"Want to fight with wheels and consume me to death? Young master, I am a person who has seen the world."

Jing Qian saw that a few people had chased after him to protect Yu Yueqing, and he was able to concentrate on the fight.

head, limbs, heart.

Jing Qian slashed everywhere, but he was able to heal and stand up again.

"I'm going, it's really evil!"

Jing Qian gradually felt exhausted, and these people were exuding poison and an unusual chill.

They are medicine people fed by dementor fruit, they are walking dead, and they also take away evil spirits, so they can't be killed at all.

Jing Qian was out of breath and kicked them all into the pool one by one.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were more than twenty people, and Jing Qian clapped his hands triumphantly.

"Hmph, fight with me?"

After finishing speaking, he also went out from the secret door.

He didn't see that the pool was gurgling, like boiling, and the whole pool was shaking.

Yu Yueqing chased the man in black and came to the ruins farther away.

"The host don't run away, you can't catch up with him, watch me!"

The fairy released the spiritual energy, which flowed thousands of miles, forming an invisible wall.

Yu Yueqing couldn't help giving Xianxian a thumbs up, she was exhausted, being a hero is not so easy!
Yu Yueqing simply sat on the ground and rested for a while, without martial arts, she really couldn't outrun these masters.

The black-robed man ran around, but couldn't get around!
"Ghost hitting the wall?"

Heipao was in a hurry, and sent a cloud of black mist towards Yu Yueqing,
"So far away, how could you hit me?"

Just as Yu Yueqing was chattering, she found that the black mist, like eyes, turned around and ran towards Yu Yueqing.

"Spit, spit, spit..."

Yu Yueqing seemed to have seen countless small bugs flying towards her.

Holding the flowers in both hands, a cloud of spatial aura struck towards the black mist.

All of a sudden, countless small flying insects landed on the ground.

"Sure enough, you have an aura cave! The Celestial Master is right, with his dark aura, there is a bright aura like you!
Those who are sensible, hand over your cave and spare your life. "

The man in black didn't run away either, but ran towards Yu Yueqing.

Yu Yueqing was exhausted from chasing after him,

"Hmph, bullying my first-year wife, right?"

Yu Yueqing was holding a flower in her arms again, striking out with heavy punches, like a thunderbolt, as if the situation would change color.


The man in the black robe was knocked to the ground, and the black robe was also overturned, revealing half a skeleton!
"Ouch! Neither human nor ghost, the insanity technique in the town is your masterpiece?"

Yu Leqing looked at the skeleton on one side and the hermaphrodite of normal people on the bottom, and couldn't help but feel his stomach churning.

"That's right? Why, you are also interested in getting that treasure? That's right, wealth is alluring. Who doesn't want to be rich like a country!"

The skeleton man walked towards Yu Yueqing crookedly, Yu Yueqing couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"They have been cured by me, you have no chance. And the people behind you will never have a chance!"

"That's not necessarily true, they are the princes of your Yunque country, and not only in your town, but in many places, there are people from us.

Hand over your cave, and I can spare your life and dedicate you to the Celestial Master. "

Eagerness flashed in the empty eyeballs of the man in black, as if he was a little afraid of Yu Yueqing.

"Heavenly master? The evil master who studies these things? Really powerful, with such a brain, can't you be a good person?"

Yu Yueqing couldn't help complaining.

"What do you know? We, Yinglai, are not as big and rich as yours. We have lived on an island for generations.

If it weren't for the great master of heaven, who thought of letting our women come to other countries to borrow seeds on a regular basis, maybe we would have perished long ago.

You eat well, live well, and have a good place. Of course, you cannot understand our pain.You just have to promise to give me the cave.

When I become your emperor, I will make you queen! "

"Go dream!"

Yu Yueqing couldn't take it anymore, a large amount of spiritual energy from space was drawn out and hit the black robed man.

"Hey, the man in black was completely crushed and turned into ashes."

When Huan Lan and the others arrived, they saw a pile of ashes and a black robe.

"Hmph, vicious woman!"

Huan Lan couldn't help barking at Yu Yueqing,
"Shameless woman, ugly, only dare to wear a mask. Maybe it's an old woman in her 80s or [-]s.

Huanfeng asked you to protect me, but you were jealous of my beauty and saw me in danger.

How about a person like you, no matter how high your martial arts are?Always a clown..."

Yu Yueqing, Balabala, was full of grievances and had nothing to say, so she couldn't help but pissed off Huanlan.

"Ding dong, trigger the crow's mouth mode!"

Immortals don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, so they naturally support their host.

Moreover, the host has solved the mastermind behind this place and rescued the people in the town. This time, he has earned a lot of merit, so why not pamper him!

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