Chapter 95 95. The Qin Mansion Meets Bai Mu

Yu Yueqing suddenly thought of the silver bag given by Jing Qian last time, so she couldn't help opening it to take a look.


Yu Yueqing's eyes were wide open, fortunately she parked the ox cart on the side of the road, otherwise her hand would tremble, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"This! Another treasure map?"

Yu Yueqing didn't expect that Jing Qian had this thing, and gave it back to her.

"Could it be that he knows that the Qin family's piece is also in his own hands?"

Yu Yueqing thought of Jing Qian, although the weather was uncertain, but he was very kind to him.

"It turned out to be gold. I'm really rich. I don't know if I can use it as jewelry."

Yu Yueqing soon arrived at Wenqing Academy, Wenqing was already well, and the messenger called Wenqing to the gate of the academy.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Yu Leqing saw that Wen Qing smiled at herself, this was the first time this brat smiled at herself.

"Are you feeling better? Have you found out who poisoned you?"

Yu Yueqing handed Wen Qing the basket, which Yu Yueqing specially asked Zhang to make up.

Just like a modern handbag, it is larger and can hold a lot of things.

Speaking of this, Wen Qing looked a little ugly.

"Mother, it's a long story, and that guy Bai Qi still can't understand, so don't ask me when the time comes."

Of course Yu Yueqing listened to her son, and with this son's IQ, he was right to listen to her.

"Mother, why hasn't Ling Jing come to deliver sachets recently? My classmates even asked about it!"

"Did the classmate ask, or do you want to inquire about Ling Jing's situation?"

Yu Yueqing had a playful face, Wen Qing helplessly shook his head.

In his previous life, he didn't know Ling Jing. For the sake of power, he once married Jiang Qifeng's concubine sister.

Unexpectedly, in this life, many things have become different. It should be because of the person in front of me, right?
"Wenqing? What are you thinking? Are you distracted while talking to your mother?

I asked Ling Jing to help me research the lychee fragrance, and I'll bring you some when the time comes.

This is the clothes Erya made for you, and the embroidery was designed by her and Lingling together.You have to wear it, otherwise I'm afraid Erya will be sad. "

Erya, this life is also an accident.

Thinking of her big brother, Wen Qing's eyes suddenly turned cold, and Yu Yueqing couldn't react.

Is this son so imposing at such a young age?Still don't worry about asking Xianxian if he is delusional.

"Mother, don't talk nonsense, I just want to help you earn more money.

You have to pay attention to Erya's elder brother, he knows some desperadoes, so you must guard against them!

And Wen Hui, didn't he always want to be a general?Tell him that even if you are a general, you have to learn strategies, but you can't be a reckless man. "

If Wenqing remembers correctly, in the previous life, my mother gave Lingling to the bandits to be her wife, and she was bewitched by Erya.

"Understood. I want to build a new house. There is not enough room in the village. I'm asking for your opinion."

Wen Qing felt warm when she saw that her mother respected his opinion so much.

I don't know where this woman is from, why is she so powerful and so good?
Wen Qing thought about it for a long time before, and checked a lot of books, but he couldn't find any place where women would coexist with boldness, wisdom and vision.

"Mom, you are our mother. You are in charge of the family affairs. I am young now, so I can't help you much. I will try not to cause you any trouble."

Wen Qing is very happy today, because he has confirmed that this mother is really no longer the mother she used to be.

He firmly believed that God heard his prayer.

If Wen Qing knew the truth, I don't know if he would cry to death.

It was really because he was too bad, besides the Yunque Kingdom, he also fought in the north and south, paid a lot of money to buy people in the rivers and lakes, and killed too many people.

Therefore, Tiandao couldn't stand it, so he obeyed his wish, let him live again, and gave them a kind-hearted mother.

The mother and son talked for a while, Yu Leqing was afraid of delaying Wenqing's class, so she left.

"Wen Qing, don't worry, in a few days, I'll let Ling Jing come to see you! No, let Ling Jing bring you a sachet."

Literati are elegant, and the sachets made by Ling Jing are already exclusive to the students of Wolong Academy.

Wen Qing staggered, mother really did.

However, thinking of Ling Jing, he still had to be careful, after all, it was an unknown variable.

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she went to the Qin residence.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Wei Shuyun on the road.

"Miss Wei, why aren't you in the shop?"

Wei Shuyun saw Yu Yueqing's face beaming with joy, and it's true, it's spread all over the town, the living Bodhisattva of Wenjia Village.

No, right in front of you?
"Sister Yu, it's my mother's birthday, and she wants to eat Xiangfulou pork knuckle, why don't I come and buy it myself!"

Wei Shuyun's smile didn't reach his eyes, the matter of cooperation last time was a mess.

She knew that Yu Yueqing was not to blame, it was because her elder brother suppressed the price too hard.

However, her pocket money is gone, and she still wants to save more money for her daughter-in-law.

"That's a coincidence. I wish my aunt good health and a long life."

After all, Yu Yueqing took out the lard noodles made by herself!
"This, is the cream that can make people whiten and remove scars?"

Wei Shuyun's eyes sparkled immediately, because the incident with Yan Yuting made a lot of noise before.

As a result, Yu Yueqing sold a box of ancestral face cream, saving many bad faces.

The thank-you person chased after Yu Leqing to thank him, and Wei Shuyun only found out about it later.

"Yeah, there aren't many more, just two bottles. I came out in a hurry today and didn't bring anything. A small gift. I hope my aunt will always be young and beautiful."

Wei Shuyun left happily, complaining as he walked, Yan Yuting was bought away, renovated, but still not open for a long time.


Yu Leqing sighed.It's not that she doesn't want to open the business, but that she really doesn't want to accept Jiang Qifeng's favor.

Yu Yueqing went to the Qin Mansion, and now the Qin Mansion regards Yu Leqing as a guest of honor.

"Mrs. Wen, you are the benefactor of our Qin family, old man, I am so lucky to meet you."

Yu Leqing saw Qin Yuanwai was wearing a moon-white robe, which didn't fit well, and he was wearing a jade crown, but his whole person looked a little greasy.

"Master Qin, I'm looking for Qin Ran, not you. Besides, you thanked me, and the thank you gift is precious enough, so there's no need to be polite."

Hearing what Yu Yueqing said, Master Qin left without turning his head at every step, and asked someone to call Qin Ran.

"Miss Qin, I'm here today to thank you for your recommendation letter. Also, I want to ask, when is it convenient for my daughter and her to go to school?"

Yu Leqing looked at Qin Ran, his complexion has improved a lot recently, it seems that Situ's matter has not affected her at all.

"Now in mid-September, the enrollment has already started, and the two young ladies can go to the school to register in two days."

Yu Yueqing knew that Qin Ran had already made arrangements, thanked him again, and Yu Yueqing went back.

Unexpectedly, when I went out, I ran into Bai Mu.

"Bai Mu?"

"Miss Jade?"

Both of them stopped each other, Yu Yueqing looked at Bai Mu with gossiping eyes.

That's right, why didn't she expect that Bai Mu and Qin Ran would be a good match.

"Hey, in a few days, several colleges will recruit students. I am afraid that I will be too busy, so I specially find some senior students to help guide the new students and maintain order!"

Bai Mu couldn't have seen Yu Yueqing's playful eyes, but he was afraid that it would get darker.

 Today's third update is over, thank you for your follow-up reading.

(End of this chapter)

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