Chapter 97. Meeting Master Zunyun

"Ms. Wen Qing, why are you back so late? The boy from the Chen family is here again, saying to help us snatch it up so that we can get the money earlier."

Xu Hong's belly gradually became pregnant, it should be almost three months.

"Yes, Chen Rui is a warm-hearted kid. The family is rich, but they still work so hard. We have to learn from it."

Seeing that Xu Hong hesitated to speak, Yu Leqing probably guessed what was going on.

"Ms. Wen Qing, that's right, I think it's too much for you to give us a penny per catty. I asked Chen Rui, and he showed me the account book, and I..."

Xu Hong was a little embarrassed. Although she was a woman, she was unwilling to take advantage of others.

"Big sister, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, we are neighbors, it is impossible for me to make money from you.

Let me tell you the truth, in the future, I will not only grow cold melons, but also medicinal herbs, which is incredible.

For me, the profit of cold melon is not just in front of my eyes. "

Yu Leqing is mysterious and secretive, but Xu Hong understands that she is not just talking about it.

"Hey, medicinal materials? Can we mud-legged people know how to grow medicinal materials? That's money for life!"

Medicinal materials are very expensive, and the land in Yunque Country is relatively barren, and there is very little land suitable for growing medicinal materials.

"This, I've already figured it out. I plan to go to the town and invite two experienced medicine farmers to teach us.

However, this matter is kept secret for the time being, and it is enough for the two of us to know.

As for the cold melon, you can rest assured to accept the money. "

Although Yu Yueqing said that she bought people from the village, in fact, it was Chen Rui who collected the money from someone's field and gave the money directly to whom.

Holding the one tael of silver in her hand, Xu Hong felt warm in her heart.

Only one batch has been collected, and a few more carts can be picked later. The cold melons in the two-acre field are much more valuable than wheat.

Xu Hong supported her stomach and went home slowly.

At this moment, Master Zunyun, who had already arrived in Qiwu Town, this time, accurately saw that Ziwei star began to glow slowly.

"Bai Jiaoyu, what direction is that?"

Under the escort of Bai Mu, Master Zunyun came to Wenjia Village.

In Yuyueqing at the moment, the whole family is happily eating steamed wild vegetables.

"Master, you said a strange woman, I do know one, but I don't know if it is the person you mentioned."

Bai Mu especially respects Master Zunyun, this time the whole city is in crisis.

On the surface, it was Yu Yueqing who gave doctors and medicines, but in fact, it was Master Zunyun who opened the altar and removed all the witch power of those people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to finish killing Yu Yueqing and Jing Qian alone.

The one in Qiwu Town is just a lair.

Bai Mu stepped forward and knocked on the door, Yu Yueqing put down the bowl and chopsticks depressedly,

"Who is it?"

"Miss Yu, it's so late, sorry to bother you."

Hearing Bai Mu's voice, Yu Yueqing thought there was something important, so she hurriedly opened the door.

"Miss Yu, a distinguished guest has arrived!"

Seeing Yu Yueqing looking behind him curiously, Bai Mu couldn't help but remind him.

"Amitabha, Lord Bai, I'm just an ordinary person, it's okay."

"Master Zunyun? Quick, please come in! The humble house is simple, please don't mind."

Several people in the room got up quickly when they heard that there were guests.

"Excuse me, everyone sit down normally, I wonder if I can try the steamed vegetables on the benefactor's table?"

Yu Yueqing did not expect that Master Zunyun had no airs at all,

"Master, this is a wild vegetable, I'll serve it for you!"

Master Zunyun looked up at this time, and saw Lingling and Erya who were sitting well. As for Mrs. Zhang, she also got up to help.

Yu Yueqing impromptuly made a pickled cucumber and cold flour sausage.

Flour sausages are made by myself, and the taste is not as good as modern ones.

Master Zunyun looked at the dishes served by Yu Leqing, they were very fragrant.

"What kind of oil is this, it's really fragrant and very special."

"This is peanut oil, master, try it. I plan to sell this in the future, so that people in the entire Yunque Kingdom can eat oil."

Yes, there were still many people in that era who could not eat oil.

The oil in that era was mainly animal fat, but raising pigs and sheep required a lot of grains.

Oil has become a luxury in the age when there is not enough to eat.


Master Zunyun lowered his head and started to eat. Today is all vegetarian dishes, but they are very palatable.

Even Bai Mu ate two big bowls of steamed vegetables.

After eating, the children all went back to the house, Yu Yueqing cleared the table and took out lotus tea.

"This is the lotus tea I made myself. I use freshly opened lotus flowers and some young lotus leaves. I fry it."

The tea made in the bamboo cup is extra sweet.


Master Zunyun took a sip and could feel a trace of aura.

Yu Yueqing's heart skipped a beat, and she forgot that the person in front of her was an outsider.

"The old man has a few words, I don't know whether to say them or not."

Master Zunyun has a childlike face with hefty hair, and at first glance he is a man of Taoism.

"It's my wish to get advice from the master!"

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, Master Zunyun spoke calmly.

"The two little girls just now died prematurely. However, there have been some changes recently. It seems that they have met people of great fortune."

Master Zunyun paused and glanced at Yu Yueqing, who was beating his heart.

"Girl, if you accumulate merit, there will be infinite possibilities."

After Master Zunyun finished speaking, he took a deep look at Yu Yueqing.

Yu Yueqing almost blurted out, how do you know that I am accumulating merit?

However, Master Zunyun walked away before he could ask this question.

"Bai Mu, don't you want to see her off?"

Yu Yueqing's heart was still in a mess, thinking of what the master said, could it be that he saw through everything.

"You don't know that. Apart from Buddhism, Master Zunyun has profound attainments. Qimen Dunjia, martial arts and light skills are all unpredictable, and ordinary people can't help him."

After Bai Mu finished speaking, he also listened to Master Zunyun's words just now, but he didn't understand anything.

But it's not his own business, so naturally he won't talk too much.

"It's getting late, take your leave."

Bai Mu left quickly, but Lingling and Erya in the room were about to cry when they heard the master's words.



Seeing the two white and tender children, Yu Leqing felt very distressed.

Then I thought of the elder brother Er Ya that Wen Qing had said.

"Erya, your brother, he knows some messy people. Next time, if you meet him, remember to call someone and run away.

If he kidnaps you and sells you, it will be too late to regret it. "

Yu Yueqing didn't want to scare Erya, but thinking of this possibility, Yu Yueqing was also very worried.

"Auntie, I believe that he will sell me. He is a selfish and cold-blooded person just like his parents.

Auntie, I want to learn martial arts too, so I won't go to school anymore. "

Erya was so frightened that she could speak incoherently, Lingling was also anxious and a little dazed.

Yu Leqing deliberately laughed,
"Erya, Auntie is just reminding you. You still have to go to school, and you can go there in a few days. At that time, you and Lingling will live in the school, but it will be very safe."

Seeing that her aunt was here, Erya felt relieved a lot, but she became more cautious in her actions in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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