Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 1 Wearing the Book

Chapter 1 Wearing the Book
Yongxin County, Ping City, Ontario.

In the sweltering summer, the sound of cicadas outside the window came to people's ears, adding to the boredom. The sharp sound pierced people's dryness, and unconsciously brought out a little anger.

In the middle of the night, Qin Xi lay on the bamboo mat tossing and turning. She still hasn't fully accepted the fact that she has crossed.

She slept well at home, didn't she stay up late because of reading novels?As for sending her in?

Although her parents died since she was a child, she also has uncles and relatives!She had just obtained her graduation certificate, and her internship job was about to become a full-time job. A bright future was beckoning her, but when she woke up, she had nothing left.

Thinking of the original owner's hard work and untimely death, Qin Xi shuddered, the world is so beautiful, she hasn't lived enough yet!

As the saying goes, 67 ten is not too little, and 89 ten is not too much.

The original owner is also called Qin Xi, 12 years old this year, the third eldest in the family, with two older brothers, two younger brothers and one younger sister, the family is thriving, Qin Xi is in the same position, she is still a girl, was The family ignores that for sure.

From the memory of the original owner, she started working at the age of three, and started cooking for the family on a bench at the age of six. Qin Xi did not have a childhood, and countless housework filled her time, forcing her It made her spin like a spinning top.

There are six children in the family, and she is the only one who has never been to school. The chickens, ducks and geese at home, the vegetable field in the backyard, the laundry, cooking and cleaning all need someone to take care of them. For a good candidate, no one has ever asked her if she wants to go to school, and no one has given her a choice. Bearing it silently and being obedient is the only thing she can do.

In the book, Qin Xi went to the countryside when she was 14 years old. Although the neighbors around said that the life in the countryside was bitter, she didn’t think so. The two years in the countryside were the most relaxing days she could remember. , there is no endless housework, no one will ask her to do this or that, and no one will yell at her for the slightest dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that the weather was unforeseen, a rain, a small cold turned into acute pneumonia, and finally, he died in a foreign land. Qin Xi died in the autumn of the year he was 16, withered in his best years.

Because of the same name and the sympathetic experience, Qin Xi still remembers the original owner's ending quite clearly. After all, she stayed up all night and skipped chapters to read it. After reading it, she turned off the light and went to sleep.

The protagonist of that book is her own younger sister, the fourth eldest Qin Qing, who has been doted on since she was a child because she looks like her grandma Li Chunhua when she was young. Maybe she wants to make up for her shortcomings when she was young. He almost responds to every request, sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, no one can compare to Qin Qing alone, it can be said that she is partial to her grandmother's house.

In the book, the charming, lively, youthful and beautiful Qin Qing attracts the attention of the hero Lu Xiuyuan who is a veteran. After the two get together, they distribute sugar and dog food all the way. Finally happy forever.

The general plot of that novel should be like this. Qin Xi has already forgotten the specific content. She reads the novel very quickly and skips chapters. She finds it boring. If she doesn’t want to read it, she will just skip it, unless If there is something that hits her in particular, otherwise I will forget it after reading it. I will sleep at night and come together the next morning. I will basically forget what I watched before going to bed last night.

From the original memory, we know that the eldest son of the Qin family is Qin Jiang. He is 16 years old this year. Forever stayed at the age of eight.

Maybe it's because they can't accept this result, or maybe it's because of other reasons, their parents' attitude towards him has changed 180 degrees, how much they loved him before, but now they ignore him, sometimes, there is resentment in their eyes, Think he is a fool, shame on them.

Qin He, the second son of the Qin family, is 14 years old. When he was young, he was very naughty and mischievous, and his personality was also out of character. Because of fighting, he was called a parent countless times by the teacher. In addition, his grades were not good, so he was not good in the eyes of the Qin family's parents. representative.

When he was young, he was naughty, but when he grew up, Qin He played wilder, and his personality became very rebellious. He often hangs out with the gangsters in the street, wanders around, doesn't read books, and stays away from home all day long. , is the representative of the second bastard in the eyes of neighbors.

The fifth and sixth of the Qin family are twins. They are eight years old this year. The fifth is Qin Hu and the sixth is Qin Hai. After Liu Qin gave birth to them, they were sterilized. These two youngest are her medals of merit and her The youngest child is her heart and soul.

Maybe it's because of the twins, the two brothers didn't deal with each other when they were young. They like to fight for everything, and they both think that what the other likes is the real good thing. For the two of them, Liu Qin was heartbroken.

Qin's father's name is Qin Shan, and he is the eldest son of Qin Li's family, Li Chunhua. Later, through the relationship of my daughter-in-law's natal family, I spent money to find a temporary job at the steel factory. After working hard for a few years, I finally became a regular worker.

Qin's mother was Liu Qin, an ordinary female worker in a textile factory. At the beginning, she liked Qin Shan's face, thought he was handsome, down-to-earth and capable, so she agreed.

At the beginning, the two of them lived a life of honey and oil for a few years, but who knew that the children in the family would be born more and more, and the burden on their husband and wife would become heavier and heavier. Qin Shan's parents are rural people, so they can't give them too much Great help, and sometimes even need their help. In recent years, the life of the family has become poorer and poorer, but it is useless to regret.

Qin Xi lay on the hard plank bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Her bed was too hard, and there was nothing under it.

Now she is sleeping in the main room, and the bed under her body is made of a piece of wood and two benches. When she turns over, if she is not careful, she may fall off. She originally slept with Qin Qing and Li Chunhua. But now it's summer, they thought the bed was too crowded and too hot, so they drove her to sleep here. In winter, the three of them would sleep together. The extra quilt can't freeze her to death!
After finally building up his mind and accepting the fact that he was wearing a book, Qin Xi began to summon the golden finger. After all, after wearing a book, there must be a golden finger!After all, that's how it's written in the novel.

It's a pity that no matter how hard she tossed about, she didn't see a single hair in the spirit spring of the portable space system, which made her choked up. When it was almost dawn, sleepiness surged, Qin Xi yawned, and finally fell asleep.

Since she's here, she'll be at ease, anyway, she's alone, where she's not living, she'd better go to bed first!
(End of this chapter)

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