Chapter 14 Changed
When Qin Xi came back, Li Chunhua relieved the burden from her chest, and finally got a good night's sleep with peace of mind.

Early the next morning, Li Chunhua sat up abruptly from the bed, and subconsciously wanted to turn over and get out of bed, but then she remembered that she didn't have to get up early today because Qin Xi was back.

But looking back, Qin Xi was still soundly asleep on the bed, that was a sweet smell.

Li Chunhua leaned in, raised her hand, and patted Qin Xi's arm with a "slap".

Qin Xi was sleeping soundly at first, but who would have thought that he was woken up directly by the beating. In the early morning, he was more or less angry about getting up, let alone being woken up, not to mention how annoyed he was.

"What are you doing?"

When Li Chunhua heard this, she immediately exploded: "What do you think?"

"What time is it now, are you blind? Can't see?"

"If the whole family didn't have breakfast this morning, I'll see how you explain it."

"Also, I brought you back, not to make you lazy and against me. Since I can bring you back, I can naturally drive you out. Don't continue to challenge my patience. The consequences are not yours. able to bear."

She was not a good-tempered person in the first place, and her repeated tolerance to Qin Xi yesterday was already her limit.

Qin Xi slept in late today and didn't take her seriously, so what's the point of her bringing him back?
Li Chunhua said a lot, Qin Xi only used the simplest word oh, and easily let her fail.

She was very open-minded, anyway, the worst would be to continue to live in the cave. In less than 24 hours after returning, they had two meals together, and this trip was worth it.

There must be a way for the car to reach the front of the mountain. I really can't live outside, so I will cry when I come back!If it doesn't work, go to the organization. The two of them are vulnerable groups, and they are kicked out of the house without the ability to survive. At that time, the Qin family will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Besides, Li Chunhua is not in charge of this family. She was the one who wanted the brothers and sisters to come back, and she is the one who wants to drive them away now. What does she think of Liu Qin?

She really treats people like mud, she can do whatever she wants?
"Qin Xi, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Aren't you afraid of being kicked out again? Life outside is hard!"

As if realizing that her previous attitude might not be good, Li Chunhua's tone softened a bit: "As long as you are like before, grandma will love you like Pain Qingqing, and you don't have to worry about food or clothing at home, just do it It's all about living, what's the matter, your mother and I came here when we were young, and life was even more difficult at that time, didn't we all get through it!"

"You're twelve now, and you're a big girl. In a few years, you're going to see someone else. At that time, grandma will definitely show you a good one. We don't want any bad ones."

Hit a stick to give a sweet date, although the routine is old, it will do if it works.

But Qin Qing didn't like her. She remembered that the original owner of the book was a little older and was sent to the countryside directly. She didn't think she would be treated much better than the original owner.

The original owner was really obedient, docile and obedient to the elders of Qin's family. After all this, he still didn't get the slightest pity from them, let alone her!

"That's not necessary, grandma, you love Qin Qing the most. If there are good ones, let her keep them! I will choose by myself."

"You, you. You are stubborn." Li Chunhua wanted to say something to attack Qin Xi's rebellious thoughts, but there were too many things to say, and for a while, she didn't know where to start.

"Since ancient times, marriage and marriage have been the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers. There is no room for you to comment."

"Free love and free marriage are all hooligans, Qin Xi, if you dare to do this to me in the future, the Qin family will not have a daughter like you. A woman without a family is the most contemptible. I want to see what you have. life passed."

Listening to the old lady chattering and preaching emotionally, Qin Xi recited silently in his heart.

Regarding Li Chunhua's words, Qin Xi went in one ear and out the other, and she didn't know what sensitive nerves she had aroused by what she said, to be able to speak like this.

If she was the original owner, she might not be able to hold back Li Chunhua's decades of skill and was successfully brainwashed by her, but she is a successor who has received socialist education in modern times for more than 20 years. This thing does not affect her at all Influenced, she can still listen to the nonsense that Li Chunhua said in her heart.

Liu Qin, who was separated from the three of them by a wall, had already gotten up at this time, opened the door of the room and saw that it exploded.

The outside gate was still closed, and the inside of the room was dimly lit. Obviously, she was the earliest member of the family, because the latch of the gate hadn't been taken down yet!
Turning around and walking quickly to the door of the room of the three of them, Li Chunhua's voice entered Liu Qin's ears accurately through the crack of the door.

With a "squeak", the wooden door was pushed open, and Li Chunhua, who was sitting on the bed and telling ancient stories to her two granddaughters, was disturbed, and turned around impatiently: "Who is it?"

"It's me." Liu Qin strode into the door with unfriendly eyes.

"What? Did I bother you?"

No matter how stupid Li Chunhua is, she should realize that something is wrong, not to mention, she is not stupid.

"That's not true. The two little girls are ignorant, and their thinking is biased. As a grandmother, I will teach them to break their temper, so as not to grow crooked in the future."

"Forget it, that's all for today! I'm going to the kitchen to cook."

Today is not a good time to deal with Qin Xi. She just "trained" Liu Qin and Qin Shan yesterday, and they were not allowed to turn over their old accounts. The two of them are still holding back their anger. If she dares to repeat it, she will be punished. People designated her.

Today's breakfast has to be made by her, and it will only be a waste of time to argue with this little girl like Qin Xi. If those who work at home and go to school really don't eat breakfast, she will only blame her for not taking responsibility.

Facing Liu Qin's thoughtful eyes, Qin Xi panicked a bit, but then calmed down again, Liu Qin could still eat her.

Liu Qin didn't realize that Qin Xi's inner core had changed. There were six children in the family, so how could she devote all her energy to the third child who was a girl? As long as she knew that the third child was honest and obedient, that was enough. I don't have the energy to understand, and I don't want to understand.

Liu Qin has been staring at Qin Xi because she found that Qin Xi has changed and her mind is better than before. This is not a good thing for her. She does not need a smart daughter. Such a person is difficult to control.

In her heart, there is no difference between Qin Xi and Qin Qing. Originally, they should be treated the same, but Li Chunhua can't help but belittle Qin Qing and regard her as a treasure!

Therefore, Qin Qing relied on Li Chunhua to be promoted smoothly and enjoyed the treatment of his older brothers and younger brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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