Chapter 17 Filial Piety
She has already saved the eggs at home. When the four old hens are laying eggs, they can pick up one or two eggs from the chicken coop every day. Twenty eggs are saved in half a month.

Li Chunhua asked why the eggs were not allowed to be sold. Knowing that it was Mother Liu's birthday, she didn't talk about it anymore. After all, this is an old tradition, but this time the eggs are a bit too much, twenty, which are worth a few cents money.

She still doesn't know about the brown sugar and pastries, otherwise, she would be in trouble.

Liu Qin also knew who Li Chunhua was, so she didn't intend to tell her these things at all, and she wouldn't go that day anyway.

Time passed quickly, and the birthday of Liu's mother happened to be the weekend, so there was no need to ask for leave, which meant that the couple would not have to deduct their wages.

When drinking porridge in the morning, the twins ate what was called a absent-minded person. In the past, they swallowed dates wholeheartedly, and said they were not full after eating a large bowl of porridge. Not finished.

Of course, Liu Qin saw the careful thinking of the two brothers, and without thinking about it, she took the chopsticks and knocked on the heads of the two.

"Hurry up and finish eating for me, don't be a monster, or I won't take you two there."

The errands for dinner at home have always been with brothers Qin Hu and Qin Hai. Occasionally, Qin Qing and Qin He can also go, but Qin Jiang and Qin Xi have never been there. It's not that they don't want to go, but it's a good thing. Not for them.

"Oh, I see." The brothers replied in unison.

After being hit by a chopstick, the two of them ate a lot faster.

They originally wanted to save their stomachs and go to grandma's house to eat delicious food. Now it seems that it is not possible, but it is not a big deal. After breakfast, run and dance more, the food in the stomach will be digested quickly.

Qin Qing looked at the stinking faces of the two brothers after finishing the porridge, and gently tugged at the corner of Li Chunhua's clothes.

"Liu Qin, anyway, today is Sunday, the children don't have to go to school, so bring Qingqing along!"

"The child misses her grandma, and she kept talking to me last night about wanting to see her!"

Li Chunhua wanted Qin Qing to go with her. Among other things, she would definitely be able to have a good lunch and meat. Then Mrs. Liu celebrated her [-]th birthday, and the Liu family would definitely not be stingy.

These days, the food at home has been poor, and Qin Qing's little face has lost weight.

"No." Seeing that Li Chunhua's face was not very good-looking, Liu Qin had to add a few words: "Mom, my mother has a lot of family members. This time my mother celebrates her [-]th birthday. Some relatives and friends who are close will go. If our family goes There are too many people, it’s not good to see.”

Of course, the most important thing is that if Qin Qing goes, she will not be able to hide the gift she brought back to her natal family. At that time, Li Chunhua will definitely make a fuss.

It is better to have one thing more than one thing less, so Qin Qing must not take it with him.

"What's the matter? Qingqing is just a little girl with a big bird's stomach. She won't be able to eat much when she arrives at your mother's house."

"Forget it, if you don't want to take it, don't take it, take your two precious sons with you! The rest of the family looks like they were picked up. I have never seen such a partiality."

Seeing that Li Chunhua's muttering was getting more and more out of tune, Liu Qin gave Qin Shan a look, and stepped on Qin Shan's shoe with the foot under the table, crushing it.

"Mom, what are you talking about!"

"This is all my idea. We have a lot of children, so we can't take the other with us. Isn't this the youngest, the fifth and the sixth, or twin boys, the most pleasing to the elderly? Why is it that Liu Qin is partial?"

"I was the one who wanted to take the old five and the sixth. If you want to blame, you can blame me. It's because I didn't have a good night. It's my partiality."

Li Chunhua looked at this indifferent, and would only yell at his daughter-in-law's white-eyed wolf son: "My fault, it's all my fault."

"Don't you guys look at what the family eats these days? It's clear soup with little water. I don't want my child to go to her grandmother's house to have a good meal to nourish her body?"

"Besides, you brought a full twenty eggs over there. That's not counting the money you gave to the old woman. Two more people went to the house. What's wrong with having a meal there?"

Thinking of the scene of her birthday last year, Li Chunhua felt very uncomfortable. She only had a bowl of broken noodles with an egg in it, and nothing else. This son was really raised for nothing.

That Mrs. Liu can not only collect twenty eggs, but also get a sum of money. It's okay if you don't think about it. When you think about it and compare it, it seems that her mother-in-law and mother-in-law are very worthless, and she feels sour and very uncomfortable.

"Mom, what did you say?"

"That's my own mother, what kind of old woman, you are too disrespectful when you speak!" Liu Qin's face was very ugly.

Seeing that the family war was about to start, Qin Shan hurriedly stood up: "Daughter-in-law, didn't you say you should come over to help earlier?"

"You go and pack your things first, we'll set off right away."

On the other hand, his own mother must also be appeased. Thinking of this, Qin Shan felt distressed for a while. His small amount of private money was about to bleed again.

Qin Shan took Li Chunhua to the kitchen, apologized and said good things, and finally took out two cents from his pocket: "Mother, you take this money, don't tell Liu Qin, what do you want to eat, you can eat it yourself to buy."

"Don't bother with Liu Qin, she didn't do it on purpose."

"I've seen all your hard work these years! It's because I'm not capable, otherwise, I wouldn't let you live so hard."

Among other things, Li Chunhua won't be angry anymore just because of the two cents.

She grabbed the money in Qin Shan's hand and held it tightly: "One family doesn't talk about two families. I know all about your difficulties. Don't worry! I won't quarrel with Liu Qin again."

After so many times, she also summed up some rules. Every time she and Liu Qin got into a fight over money, Qin Shan would finally give her some compensation in private, as small as one or two cents, as large as ten cents hair.

This time she has tasted the sweetness again, and it is foreseeable that the next dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not far away.

Liu Qin knew about Qin Shan's private money. After all, she gave him the money, fifty cents a month. A man still needs some money in his pocket. As for how to manage it, it's up to him.

Qin Shan, who neither smokes nor drinks, can basically keep his monthly pocket money, but his wife can't stand it. After all these years, there is not a single hair left.

It's not that Liu Qin didn't know about Li Chunhua's stink, but Qin Shan was in it as a buffer, and he didn't want to make trouble at home, so she kept pretending she didn't see it and didn't know.

Besides, she would give several dollars to her natal mother every year as filial piety. Qin Shan never said anything about her, and she didn't want to make a fuss about it to make it difficult for him to be a man.

(End of this chapter)

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