Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 203 Freezing Rain

When Qin Xi and the others arrived at the place, Qin He had already been waiting there.

He came too early, so he randomly found a clean step, sat down, and waited for Qin Xi and the others to come.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for more than three hours, his buttocks became numb from sitting.

It's not that he didn't think about going to find the brothers he used to play with, but after thinking about it, he still didn't go. The feeling of being close to the hometown is the best description of his state of mind.

He believes that fate will meet each other.

Besides, he is not sure who the brothers from before are still staying in Yongxin County. If they don't have a job, they will be "persuaded" by the street to go to the countryside. Now that he has left, the connection with those brothers All broken.

Seeing Qin Xi and Tang Ying coming, Qin He's eyes lit up: "Why did you come back and where did you go?"

When Qin Xi approached, Qin He's stomach was very embarrassing, and he started to growl loudly.

Hearing this voice, Qin He's ears turned red all of a sudden, especially when he saw Qin Xi's probing and teasing eyes, and her little movements of aiming at his belly.

"Didn't you have lunch at home?" Qin Xi took out the roasted sweet potato she had left from lunch from the small back basket behind her, and handed it to Qin He.

If she and Tang Ying had withstood the temptation in the morning and didn't buy steamed buns on the black market, there wouldn't be any sweet potatoes left, because she brought a total of two sweet potatoes.

"No, they went to grandma's house. I didn't meet them at all. It was the lady next door who told me about it." Qin He lowered his head guiltily, not even daring to look at Qin Xi.

How dare he tell the actual situation in front of Qin Xi and Tang Ying!
This time, only grandma Li Chunhua and Qin Qing, Qin Hu and Qin Hai were at home. His parents both worked in the factory.

The younger ones are alright, at least they called him second brother, but when his grandma saw him coming, it was like seeing a poor relative who came to the house to play the autumn wind, seeing that his eyes were not eyes, his nose was not nose, and she was the same as her. In a space, just two words, aggrieved, this old lady is choking!

The younger ones in the family were not close to him, and ran away without even saying a word.

Thinking about the situation at that time now, he still feels cold. He only sat there for more than half an hour before leaving, not to mention staying there for lunch, he didn't even take a sip of water.

His heart is cold, he is really cold-hearted, he is full of anticipation thinking about the plot of going home and reuniting, and this is the result?
"Oh, so I went to grandma's house, it seems that your luck is not very good!" Qin Xi saw it, but didn't say anything.

It's the seventh day of the lunar new year, and my parents have already gone to work in the factory. How could they go to grandma's house at this time, unless something major happened to grandma's house, for example, grandma died, so they could ask for leave and go to grandma's house help.

She has always known that Li Chunhua is a snobbish person, and she gave Qin Qing all her little sincerity. Li Chunhua would naturally not have a good look at Qin He who came to the door empty-handed.

She didn't need to be at the scene to imagine how coldly Qin He was treated in the Qin family.

It's nothing more than sitting on a cold bench, the old lady speaks in a strange way, and a few little ones ignore people, that's all.

As for giving Qin He some sausages to create momentum for him, and asking the Qin family to treat him better, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing. With those sausages, wouldn't it be nice for her to eat them herself?It has to be spoiled by people who hate it.

Besides, Qin He's enthusiasm for going home has almost been hit. At this time next year, if he still wants to go home for a reunion, he should think about it for a while when he thinks about the cold treatment he received when he went home two years ago.

This kind of thing happens again and again, and the heart of the individual will become cold.

"Well, that's right, that's right." Qin He devoured the roasted sweet potatoes. He had never felt that cold sweet potatoes were so delicious.

After eating a sweet potato, although he was still hungry, his stomach no longer felt uncomfortable and he no longer growled. He even felt a little warmth rising from his belly. A sweet potato had the effect of an elixir. This is hungry for a long time, and cold.

Not long after Qin He finished eating the sweet potatoes, the ox cart came, and Chen Sui, who was sitting on it with a smile, beckoned them to get on.

She has already disclosed the matter of Li Dazui to Chen Lan who came to inquire about the news, she is Li Dazui's only daughter, whether she will take care of this matter depends on how much conscience she still has.

I went back with the wind and frost all the way. When I got out of the car, my face was almost frozen. It was colder in the morning, but the wind in the morning was not as continuous as in the afternoon. Blow out all the illnesses and let them know how severe this winter is.

After getting out of the car, no one did much greetings, and all of them shrank their necks and walked home.

When Tang Ying went back to the Educated Youth Spot alone, she was still thinking, next time she should never go out to play in the winter. Spring, summer and autumn are good seasons, hot spots are hot spots, and tide spots are tide spots. As long as it's not cold, it's a good season.

After Qin Xi went back, he immediately boiled a pot of ginger syrup. In case Tang Ying would catch a cold, he packed the steaming ginger syrup in a bamboo tube and sent it to her.

Fortunately, none of them had a cold or fever the next day, and this test was passed.

However, at night, freezing rain fell from the sky. The temperature had warmed up a little before, and then dropped to the bottom in an instant. The next day, when the door was opened, it was already a world of ice and snow outside.

Walking on the frozen solid ice outside, you have to be very careful, it will be bad if you fall.

Of course, for this reason, the wise ancients have long thought of a solution. The soles of cloth shoes cannot prevent the slippery ice surface, so they use straw to make ropes and put them on the shoes to increase the friction between the soles and the road surface. , in order to achieve the effect of anti-slip.

Needless to say, this method is very good, and the method of making it is not difficult. After doing it once with the old people in the village, you will be able to do it yourself later.

Chenhui Village, as well as the entire Yinpen Town, had been freezing for a week. The weather was gloomy, and people's ears would freeze off due to the cold wind, making people afraid to stay outside at all.

In these days, more and more people reported to the group to keep warm together. If they didn't warm up by the fire, they would hold the quilt at home to keep warm.

Under such a harsh environment, plus two meals of porridge a day, when the sun came out on the 15th Lantern Festival, the three brothers and sisters of the Qin family went out together, and found that everyone's faces were more or less disheveled, and their complexions were not good-looking.

Although the three brothers and sisters also ate porridge, it was thick porridge three times a day. In addition, they had no other activities except feeding rabbits every day. The food in their stomachs was digested slowly. The dark skin has turned white, but there is no other change.

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