Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 233 Give birth to boys and girls

"I can help you look at this. As for whether it will work or not, I'm not sure."

"Our country girls are also smart and virtuous. They are all good at running a household. They are definitely a good match for Qin Zhiqing and others."

Although she said so, she was unwilling from the bottom of her heart to tell this country girl to an educated youth.

There are many women in the countryside who suffer from the plague, and there are often female babies who are drowned for no apparent reason. This leads to the fact that there are more male babies and fewer female babies in all the villages. This woman, no matter how cowardly she is, can still get married. A man. As for men, there are not many bachelors in any village who cannot find a wife. This in itself reflects many problems.

In the entire Chenhui Village, Li Dazui's family had the most female children. Although she was not good to the female children in the family, she would beat or scold them. Although she wanted to raise the female children in the family at that time, she wanted a lot of money. The bride price is sold for a large sum of money to support the family.

But this cannot deny the fact that five girls survived under her hands.

This is better than those families where a baby girl is clearly born, but after a few days or a period of time, the baby girl disappears for no apparent reason.

Like sister-in-law Qiu Yu next to her, she gave birth to three boys and three girls. She supported all three boys, but only one girl, the youngest one.

The eldest girl was carefully raised by her until she was three months old. Sister-in-law Qiuyu went back to her parents' house for three days because of something going on at her parents' house. As soon as she came back, she heard from her mother-in-law that her eldest daughter was ill and had died. , she didn't even see the body.

Perhaps it was her silent attitude that made the old woman feel confident. Her mother-in-law took her second son to the river and drowned him just after he was born. She still doesn't know where the body is.

Later, Sister-in-law Qiu Yu gave birth to three boys in a row. Her mother-in-law shamelessly claimed credit in front of her, saying that if she hadn't suppressed the two little girls in front of her, how could she have given birth to boys, and she would have been there all her life. Three.

As for the youngest daughter, when she was born, Qiu Yu's mother-in-law was already very ill and she had no energy left to do such harmful things, so she naturally grew up peacefully.

Of course, the old woman didn't get better either. During the last period of time, she was tortured by nightmares and her bones were broken. Looking at her made people feel panic-stricken. Her whole person was gloomy.

A few days before she died, the neighbors and villagers went to visit her at her home. This person couldn't even sleep well and kept shouting: "Don't come here, don't come here. You were born in the wrong child."

Looking at the scene, no one present knew what evil deeds she had done in the past. That is to say, Mrs. Qiu Yu was honest and weak and could be bullied. If it were her, knowing that her daughter had been harmed in this way, she would say anything. I need to take a knife and cut a few ounces of flesh off the old woman's body to let her know what it means to feel pain.

"Okay! As long as you are willing to contribute, it will be a good thing. You know what Qin Jiang and Qin He are like, so there is nothing to worry about."

Tang Ying took care of the matter by herself, while the three Qin brothers and sisters stood quietly aside as if they were irrelevant persons.

Qin Xi also didn't expect that things would develop so wonderfully. Although Tang Ying's behavior was a bit overwhelming, in the eyes of outsiders, it was like a dog taking advantage of a mouse and meddling in other people's business, but Qin Xi knew that she had good intentions, so naturally she didn't Will care.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on the nods of her two brothers. One of them is eighteen and the other is twenty. In this era, it is indeed time to find a partner.

She would not take the initiative to be a match for the two of them, because she was afraid that their relationship would not be harmonious, and instead they would blame her as the introducer. This kind of thing had happened many times in her hometown in her previous life.

There was a man who had been married for seven or eight years and had four children, but the whole family treated his daughter-in-law badly, so she ran away and blamed the matchmaker.There are those who have been married for fifteen or sixteen years and have three children. The woman cheated on her, but she took the matchmaker to catch the cheater, blaming the matchmaker for not finding a good daughter-in-law for them.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of weird things.

"Well, Auntie will pay attention to them."

Aunt Bai deliberately didn't say the time. It wasn't her who had the final say when she would show them each other. She had to wait for a few months.

If the Qin family never asks about this matter again, then just pretend it never happened. If the Qin family asks about it, she can still evade it and say that there is no suitable one yet.

These educated youths are all outsiders. In the eyes of many people, they are not as reliable and knowledgeable as the locals. Who knows when the educated youths will be able to return to their hometowns and cities? If the educated youths abandon their wives and children, where will they go? Looking for it?
If this happens, her reputation will be ruined. If she tries to be a matchmaker in the future, no one will believe her.

When Aunt Bai and Aunt Qiu Yu left together, she was still secretly complaining about Tang Ying's meddling. She, an outsider, was more active in taking care of the Qin brothers and sisters' affairs than the three parties involved. Who didn't know this? She thought What evil intentions does she have!
After walking about ten meters away, making sure that the educated youths could no longer hear their voices, Aunt Bai couldn't hold back anymore. She could finally say what she had been wanting to say before.

"Sister-in-law Qiu Yu, what do you mean by Tang Zhiqing?"

"In this matter of the Qin family, she is an outsider and a girl. She is so lenient and active in what she does. She should not be laughed at."

"She is already an educated youth, what else does she want?"

"Anyway, I didn't understand her series of punches. Are all little girls like this now?"

"If my girl is like this, if I don't get rid of her temper, I won't have the shame to let her go out to meet people. People will poke the backbone of us as parents, saying that she is uneducated and that we have not taught her well. ."

She had endured it hard enough, and now she was able to speak out freely.

She just likes that soft-tempered little girl. She would look down upon someone like this who is tough and likes to argue with others.

"Don't be too angry. She has such a personality. Tang Zhiqing has a good relationship with Qin Zhiqing. It's not like you don't know. She must regard Qin Zhiqing as her sister and help her out!"

"Speaking of which, you really shouldn't talk too much. I think that Qin Zhiqing is very opinionated. You want to marry her, but I don't seem very happy when I see her." Aunt Qiuyu's perception of Qin Xi's emotions is still Very keen.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with her, but who made her unlucky enough to go to Qin Zhiqing's house with the man named Bai. If Qin Zhiqing got angry, what would happen to the rabbit at home?

That was nearly 20 yuan, which was a lot of money. If her old man hadn't insisted, she would never have agreed.

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