"Well, that's true."

"So, once you raise your nest of rabbits, if any villagers come and ask you if you want to sell them to them, don't agree. The black market in Yongxin County is still very good at selling rabbits, even if you can't sell them for one dollar and three dollars. , or you can sell it in bulk to people on the black market for one dollar and a pound."

"If some villagers go to the educated youth center to ask about the price of your rabbits, and they are priced at [-] yuan, they will find it too expensive, so naturally they will not come to buy from you."

You ask the price and I bid. This is a very reasonable and legal thing. It just depends on whether both parties can reach a consensus.

Qin Xi thought of the five families and said, "My rabbits will no longer be sold to the villagers. Once the rabbits from those five families give birth to little rabbits and raise them, everything will be fine."

"At that time, the villagers can go to these five families to buy rabbits, and we will take advantage of the situation to get out of them."

"Bear it! Just survive these six months. People in Chenhui Village will take the initiative to buy rabbits from these five families when they see that they have tasted the benefits. Our rabbits should not be sold to the villagers anymore. It’s involved, troublesome, after all, our rabbits don’t have to worry about sales, so there is no need to get involved in this muddy water.”

When Tang Ying heard what Qin Xi said, she felt it made sense. Unexpectedly, her rabbit escaped because she was born two months late.

"By the way, the Xu family brothers and Chen Yue and Yuan Ping, who are educated youths, are insinuating around and asking He Yuan and I about raising rabbits. Do they also want to get involved?"

"When the time comes, if they open their mouths to us, will they refuse the same?"

Qin Xi nodded: "Of course, if they are just greedy for rabbit meat, then you can sell it to them. If you want to buy rabbit, forget it!"

"The villagers can also buy it, they don't need to come from you."

"I listen to you." Tang Ying was very persuasive on this point.

Even if the more educated people secretly blame the two of them for this, they don't really care.

In addition to her and He Yuan, there were four other people in the educated youth spot. Those four people were in pairs, hugging each other for warmth. She and He Yuan were really not afraid. Besides, the atmosphere in this village was pretty good, and there were no big evils. The environment is relatively harmonious, and she is not afraid of their dirty tricks at all.

As for selling them a few rabbits, wouldn't that be the same as selling rabbits to villagers, with the same problem?
Maybe the rabbits you sell are fine, but once they raise problems, reasonable people may just say a few sarcastic words and complain. If they are unreasonable, they may even come to their door and say something about selling sick rabbits. They have no conscience and cheat the villagers, which is very troublesome.

Why bother!Originally, it was interesting enough to sell it for one dollar and a pound. It was real meat. They paid the money and got the meat.

The price they gave was the price of rabbit meat, but they wanted the sellers to guarantee that they would make a fortune from this. They could only dream of something better than this, and they were very greedy.

Next, Qin Xi and Tang Ying dissolved the realgar they bought before in water and smeared the realgar water on themselves.

Water was also used last year, but at this time last year, Tang Ying and He Yuan were missing among the five people applying realgar water. At that time, the five of them were not that familiar with each other, so they naturally spent the Dragon Boat Festival in their own way.

None of the five of them drank, and naturally there was no alcohol at home.It is self-evident that wine is precious in the countryside. There is not enough food to eat in the countryside, let alone the surplus grain to make wine. In the entire Chenhui Village, there are few households with wine. After all, the current price of wine is not high. Cheap.

Even the cheapest loose basket, the mixed kind, costs several cents per catty. Wine is something that should not be eaten or drunk, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Even if there is that Jiu Mengzi, unless he has the final say in everything at home, if he wants to drink at home, he is probably not going to get a big stick.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Tang Ying went to Qin Xi's house after breakfast the next day.

"Chen Yue and Yuan Ping wanted to see Li Dazui's miserable state. What else could they say? This is a custom in the countryside. This person is about to die. Everyone will go to see her. And at night, everyone will spontaneously Went to sit at that person’s house.”

"Qin Xi, should we go with them?"

You know, those big buckles that Li Dazui threw at Chen Yue's face on the bullock cart caused a lot of psychological pressure on Chen Yue. Every time she thought about it, she felt itchy with hatred. , no, here comes the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Just one look, just let her see the miserable look of Li Dazui, Chen Yue felt that her thoughts would be clearer.

After all, Li Dazui not only broke her legs, but also broke her waist. She was almost semi-paralyzed. Before, she could walk to the village entrance with a cane and was disgusting. Now she is completely disabled. Even She couldn't even get up. She ate, drank, pooped and slept on the same bed. Matai could no longer describe the specific situation in her bed.

She can no longer control her two daughters-in-law. No matter how cowardly and submissive they were in front of her before, and they were allowed to be beaten and scolded by her, she is now a useless person with no money or belongings, and no children and natal family to support her. She can only act like Lying on the bed like a mess, her presence was no deterrent to her two daughters-in-law.

At the beginning, the second daughter-in-law didn't realize this, but after a few days, when someone woke her up, she understood everything. Li Dazui was like this, so what else did she have to be afraid of?

She also wants to eat well, sleep comfortably, and be taken care of, so eat shit if you want!

Sometimes, when the eldest daughter-in-law is ridiculed by others outside, she will take it out on her. At first, she patted her twice to relieve her anger. Later, it was discovered that Li Dazui had no power to fight back, nor could he yell. When people talk to me, I gradually become more courageous.

No one paid attention to Li Dazui, or because she yelled too many times when she first became paralyzed, exhausting other people's curiosity and sympathy.

After all, outsiders are outsiders. At most, they come to the house to see the excitement and expect outsiders to help and take care of you. That is a dream.

So, in the following days, Li Dazui felt as if she had fallen into the eighteenth level of hell. Every day was so difficult. The boss's vicious woman would pinch her and beat her every day.

Later, I discovered that pinching her like this would make my hands sore, and it wouldn't last long, so I switched to using a needle. This is the most dangerous method. The needle's eye is very small, and it hurts but leaves no scar. It's really torturous. weapon.

Even if Li Dazui told people about it afterwards, no one would believe it because she couldn't provide evidence, and she had too many previous convictions for making nonsense, so how could others believe her.

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