Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 243 Regret on Marriage

Chen Sui was not strict with her words. Of course she would not cover up the farce that happened at Li Dazui's house. That afternoon, she gossiped with a few old sisters and spread the word.

Now, both my sister-in-law and my sister are famous in Chenhui Village, but it's not a good reputation.

In the afternoon, Tang Ying went to Qin's house and asked about Sui Li.

Although they are educated youths and outsiders, since they have settled in Chenhui Village, some basic etiquette still needs to be observed. They are now people of Chenhui Village. This is irrefutable. When in the country, do as the Romans do, and everyone has to do it. .

In the past, when we all lived together in the educated youth area, we would pool money together, give gifts, and then send someone to eat. We would take turns, and the order was determined by drawing lots. It was very fair. If you were behind in the queue and didn't get to eat, it was purely It's just bad luck.

Later, many people moved out, and the educated youth spot was divided. Everyone went their own way. Even Tang Ying and He Yuan, who were still living in the educated youth spot, were with Qin Xi and the others. Mixed in with four other people from the educated youth spot.

The villagers adapted quickly to this series of changes in the educated youth spot. Anyway, with a gift, they came to eat alone. No matter how many groups of educated youth were divided into, it had little impact on them.

Although it only costs ten cents to earn an ordinary salary, for Liu Ming and his wife, who have no extra income and no support from their parents, ten cents is not a small amount.

The two of them don't know why, but it's hard to save money. So far, the family's savings have not exceeded 30 yuan. With this little money, if something happens to the family, it may be all spent, or it may not even be enough.

This resulted in Liu Ming feeling very insecure and becoming increasingly stingy, not only with himself, but also with Chen Liangyu, even worse.

Chen Liangyu regretted more than once that she married Liu Ming, a stingy and poor man. With her conditions, a young youngster from the countryside with a good family, she had a lot to choose from, but in the end she chose the most useless, least promising, and most hopeless one. Incompetent.

Yun Qing is pregnant and will give birth next month at the latest, but she has never even been pregnant. It's not that she can't get pregnant, but that she really can't afford to give birth.

As a young couple, they have not even solved their own food and clothing problems, let alone giving birth to a child. It is easy to give birth, but after giving birth, what will they do to support them?

The unsatisfactory life made Chen Liangyu more and more depressed. She began to blame everyone and felt that no one was a good person and everyone wanted to laugh at her.

For Zeng Rou, the sister-in-law who had previously advised her to bravely pursue true love, the more she looked at her, the more she disliked her. If love was really that good, why did she rush to marry her third brother as soon as she got home? It was obviously for impure purposes!
The image of Zeng Rou in her heart has changed from a gentle, kind and considerate sister-in-law to a vicious sister-in-law with evil intentions and a hateful face. Who makes her live an enviable life now, with a kind mother-in-law, a considerate husband, and an obedient son? No matter how she looked at her now, she felt that Zeng Rou was not a good person.

Liu Ming planned to discuss the matter with his good brothers this time. After all, the Yue family looked down on him and looked down on him, so he would not be warm to others.

More importantly, Li Dazui is short of money. From the perspective of seniority, Li Dazui is Chen Liangyu's uncle and grandma, and is relatively close to him. He has no interaction with that family, so he naturally plans to follow the ordinary standard of a follower. He was afraid that if he went to Yue's house, he would be asked to accept the gift of thirty-fifty cents. Since he couldn't eat much by himself, it would be a big loss, so he should go with his good brother!
If others ask about it afterwards, they will pretend that they do not know the relationship between the two parties. He is an educated youth from outside, and it is normal for him not to know the kinship relationship between the two parties. When the time comes, he will be in cahoots with Chen Liangyu, and nothing will go wrong.As soon as Tang Ying and He Yuan stepped into the Qin family's door, Liu Ming walked to the door of Fang Zheng and his wife.

Listening to the warm conversation inside, Liu Ming felt sour and bitter. He and Fang Zheng went to the countryside together. He originally thought that they were both educated youths going to the countryside and could stay together. In fact, they needed to join a group to stay warm. He was the only one in the family, and Fang Zheng's family treated him very well. They sent packages every month, which could not be compared to him, a poor little person who no one cared about.

Fang Zheng didn't need to hug anyone to keep warm at all. The supplies sent from his home were enough to surround him and protect him from the wind and rain.

Originally, he thought that marrying the daughter of the village party secretary would improve his situation. Apart from other things, it would be no problem to change to a position that was easy and had more work points. He was an educated youth and a high school graduate. There was still no problem as a primary school teacher, but now, his situation has not changed.

Even because he abandoned Chen Yue and married Chen Liangyu, many people looked down on him from the bottom of their hearts. They felt that he was a grown man who wanted to climb high and live on soft rice. His external interpersonal communication had directly stagnated. Apart from being a Founder, there was no one else. As for other brothers and friends, even if there are some whom they can talk to, they are just for the sake of face and cannot get along with each other.

When talking about a partner at this time, it is different from that in later generations. When talking about a partner at this time, everyone is rushing to get married. If you regret it halfway and want to get off, you will be criticized and ridiculed.

A man who goes back on his word is like Chen Shimei, who changes his mind when he sees things different; a woman who goes back on her word is like Pan Jinlian, who is flirtatious.

"Liu Ming is here, come in and sit down!" Yun Qing held her big belly with her hands. As soon as she walked to the door, she saw Liu Ming standing outside, so she very friendly invited him to come and sit at home. It must be Come find Founder.

Although she was feeling very uncomfortable with her big belly, she felt filled with happiness when she thought that in less than a month she would be unloading the goods and her and Fang Zheng's first child was about to be born.

"Oh, okay." Liu Ming looked past Yun Qing and walked into the house with a normal expression.

In front of this couple, he didn't want to show his frustrated side.

"Old Liu, why are you here? Sit down quickly." Fang Zheng was very surprised when he saw Liu Ming.

The two of them had much less interaction during this period, because Yun Qing's child was about to be born. As a first-time father, he was both surprised and nervous.

Needless to say, he was pleasantly surprised, but he was nervous because he was afraid that he would not be able to provide good conditions for his children. Therefore, during this period, he not only worked extremely hard, but also often went to the county town. Yes, it was the black market in Yongxin County.

Because she had a child and felt more stable, Yun Qing directly told Fang Zheng about how she secretly sent food to her parents' family and secretly bought food on the black market in Yongxin County to fill the vacancy in the family, and assured him that it would be the last time. , she will definitely work hard for their little family from now on.

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