"Don't just say the grapes are sour when you can't eat them!"

"Envy, envy, hate!"

"Unfortunately, you are the most unlucky. Everyone's rabbits are fine, but yours was stolen." Tang Ying said in a gloating tone.

Since people are already rushing to the door and want to slap you in the face, she has to fight back anyway!
Why, if she talks about others, can't others talk about her?There is no such thing.

"Mine was stolen, but be careful, your rabbit won't be any better." Bai Yanzi threatened fiercely.

During the Chinese New Year, as soon as her family comes over, let them pick the lock and leave after finishing this job. After this job, she won’t have to worry about food and drink for the next year. It’s not a good deal. I believe they will Will do.

"Then let me lend you your good words. Tomorrow, we will sell the rabbit. After all, the money will only be safe if it is in our own hands." Qin Xi interjected.

In fact, there is no conflict between Tang Ying and Bai Yanzi. She was the one who came to the door in the first place. It makes no sense that this hatred value was taken away by Tang Ying.

"I'm afraid you have the life to take the money but not the life to spend it." Bai Yanzi sneered.

This is a threat, a naked personal threat, which can also be said to be harsh words.

"If you have the ability, come and get it!"

"If you are caught by me then, you will be beaten to death." Qin Xi is not afraid of trouble.

She is not afraid of trouble, but she usually avoids it when she can, but since trouble has come to her door today, she will not be afraid.

Qiu Yu pulled a handful of white swallows. What was this talking about?

Life or death, she felt panicked when she heard it.

"Okay, stop saying a word!"

"Tang Zhiqing and Qin Zhiqing, those are all young people who are full of energy when they are young. You, an old woman who is half-buried, why are you arguing with them?"

Bai Yanzi shook off Sister-in-law Qiu Yu's hand: "Don't worry about me. This is not your business in the first place."

She seriously suspected that Mrs. Qiu Yu brought her here to dig shallots this time just to see her laugh. Otherwise, how could she be so kind.

"Tang Ying, let's go. With people like this standing next to us, the air doesn't feel fresh anymore."

Qin Xi and the others left immediately. This place should be left to the two of them!
If you are surrounded by annoying people, you will really feel uncomfortable, as if the air is polluted. With that awkward time, it is better to find another place.

The two walked for two minutes. They were far enough away that they could no longer see the two people. They stopped, selected a piece of land, and continued digging.

But the good mood when we first set off was gone, and it was completely ruined by the sudden appearance of the two people.

"Qin Xi, why do you think Bai Yanzi is so annoying!"

"I heard that she went to Aunt Qiuyu's house next door and bought a male rabbit. Will there be more rabbits in her house next year?"

"If I had known she was this kind of person, I would never have sold the rabbit to her." "When I think that her family will make a lot of money raising rabbits next year, I feel uncomfortable."

Tang Ying has been dissatisfied with this so-called Aunt Bai for a long time. She was the one who caused trouble first and stirred up the rabbits. Later, she stole the chicken but lost the rice. Her own rabbit was stolen. On the contrary, she looked like no one else. Good thing, everyone seems to think that this person is in Yin Yang's family, quarrels with heaven and earth, and feels that everyone has to give in to her, just because her family lost the rabbit, she is a victim of the weak.

"Don't think about her. The more you think about her, the worse your mood will become."

"Although her family now has two females and one male, there is still a question of whether the female rabbit can successfully give birth and raise the rabbits!"

"Other than that, how do you know her rabbit won't be missed anymore?"

"When you think about it, you feel more comfortable."

"This person has a bad heart. God will not miss her family."

Qin Xi still believes in this. No matter how arrogant and shrewd you are, if God is not on your side, there will always be accidents of one kind or another that will weigh on your family.

"Okay! Let's not talk about that person."

"By the way, do you think He Yuan and the others could see us when they came out to pour the yellow mud?" Tang Ying said, tiptoeing towards the reservoir.

To build the reservoir, the mud around the spring was dug out and piled on top. Some of the mud was carried farther away and was piled in the woods on the edge.

Later, there will be people planting trees and spreading grass seeds on the edge of the reservoir. When the small trees grow into big trees and the roots of the trees are deep, and when the grass takes root and makes a home here, the yellow mud on the edge will not be due to It rained heavily, and slowly the rainwater flowed back into the reservoir.

"I don't know, but if you really want to go too far, you can go up and see him!" Qin Xi felt that maybe he didn't understand the style and didn't understand the thoughts of young lovers in love, so he gave thoughtful suggestions.

She didn't mind waiting here alone. If Tang Ying didn't want to go alone, she could go with her!
If you want a good relationship, companionship is absolutely indispensable. In the past two years, the two have often accompanied each other to do things.

"I won't go. He said there are many people building the reservoir, hundreds of them!"

"If I go to see him, I have to find him among hundreds of people. This is too troublesome, and other people will laugh at it." When Tang Ying said these words, her ears turned red.

"Then do you want to go? Just give me the right words. If you want to go, I'll accompany you!" To be honest, Tang Ying said so many words, but she didn't hear her true thoughts. Should she go or not? Not going?
She said she wouldn't go. She did say she wouldn't go before, but the explanation behind it was obviously the reason why she wanted to go but couldn't. Therefore, she wanted to know if Tang Ying would still go if she was with her. will not go?

"Let's forget it! There are so many people, they are all working, why are we two going to cause trouble?"

"Besides, He Yuan and I just met this morning. I'll see him right away when he comes back in the evening. Why rush? Let's just concentrate on digging shallots!"

Since going to the countryside, the word publicity has become farther and farther away from her. She doesn't know whether it is because she lacks confidence or is influenced by Qin Xi.

Qin Xi likes to keep a low profile and make a fortune in a low voice, which is her true portrayal. She has always believed that meat should be eaten in rice, so that no one will come to snatch it.

After this wave of rabbits are sold out, she needs to think carefully about continuing to raise rabbits. In this unfamiliar rural area, having too much money in her hands is not a good thing for the three brothers and sisters.

Maybe, it's time to stop. You can't make enough money. It's the right thing to earn and take the money in a peaceful and smooth way.

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