Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 277 Stingy Liu Ming

Chapter 277 Stingy Liu Ming

Liu Ming wanted to whitewash the situation, but Chen Liangyu didn't allow it: "You don't have anything to buy. You are obviously stingy. You are reluctant to spend money on me and my children."

"Whoever spends money to come to the county seat by car only buys nothing here and there. If I had known this, why would you have brought me to the county seat and wasted a dime of your fare?"

Although husband and wife are one, considering the relationship between the two of them, and the sarcastic and suppressive words Liu Ming said to her before, it doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing for her to come forward to disrupt the relationship.

If she is unhappy, then no one can be happy.

"I can not let it go?"

"Everything you eat and drink is not my money. If you don't want to live with it, just leave. There's no need to say these words to provoke me."

As soon as Chen Liangyu heard Liu Ming's words, she exploded: "You heartless thing, I'm still pregnant with your child, so you want to leave me and find a new love, right?"

"I'm not done with you."

After saying that, she felt uneasy and grabbed Liu Ming's long and greasy hair, shook it and said: "You are a heartless person. You didn't say divorce when we had no children. Now that I can't run away, you start to dislike me." It’s me, right?”

Liu Mingcai didn't tolerate her and pushed her away: "Why are you so crazy here?"

Yun Qing handed the child to Fang Zheng and went up to stop Chen Liangyu who was about to continue rushing forward: "Okay, okay, you are still pregnant with the child!"

"It would be bad if we fight with him ignorantly and hurt the child. Let's not argue with him!"

She was coaxing Chen Liangyu the way she coaxes a child. She had been there before, and she felt uncomfortable seeing Chen Liangyu like this. Children are always innocent.

Although Chen Liangyu stopped making trouble, she couldn't stop crying at all. Yun Qing took her to change positions and no longer sat next to Liu Ming, so as to avoid another conflict between the two.

After Fang Zheng handed the child back to Yun Qing, he sat down next to Liu Ming and said, "Men should be more generous. She doesn't feel well during pregnancy. Just let her go."

In reality, there are not so many things that go well as one wishes, but more bumps and bruises. If they keep fighting against each other, the two of them will not live long, and one day they will separate.

Even if one of them is more tolerant to the other, the relationship will not be so tense now.

Later, Yun Qing also advised Chen Liangyu: "Don't take it personally if a husband and wife fight at the head of the bed or at the end of the bed."

"If you are really angry, wait until the child is born, wait until your body recovers, and then give him a good beating to vent your anger. Don't think about those messy things now. The more you think about it, the more confused and angry you become. Because This kind of thing will make your health bad if you get angry."

Afterwards, Yun Qing whispered in Chen Liangyu's ear how she dealt with Fang Zheng when she had a bad temper, but the other party still cried without saying a word, even though she was about to dry up her mouth. There was no reaction from her either, which was very frustrating.

There was nothing Yun Qing could do to deal with such a stubborn person!
I looked at the child in my arms. If the child were one year older now, he would be able to speak fluently and be able to coax people. But the key point is that Xiao Fangfang is still a little one and a half years old!He doesn't even know how to speak, he can only hum and say some baby talk that adults can't understand.

Tang Ying and Qin Xi randomly found a seat in front and sat down. Their glances back from time to time revealed Tang Ying's gossipy heart.

Suddenly, she quietly approached Qin Xi's ear and whispered: "Fortunately, the two of us are not familiar with Chen Liangyu, otherwise we would be the ones coaxing her awkwardly now." "I don't want to get angry. Go stick her cold ass.”

"Shh, it would be bad if she hears it." If Tang Ying said a few words to her behind her back about this kind of thing, and no one would tell anyone, that would be fine.

But if you say it in person and the person involved hears it, it will be very embarrassing.

Now Chen Liangyu is in a bad mood, which is the time when she is upset. If someone hears about it, she will use her as a punching bag if the two of them fail to protect themselves.

It's still very early now, it's not even eleven o'clock yet, so they are the only ones in the car.

Although Tang Ying wanted to take Qin Xi to go shopping in the department store in the county, but this time it was not just the two of them. It would not be good to leave the others behind. Another thing was that she was afraid of waiting for them to come back from shopping in the department store. There was no room for them in the car, and she didn't want to stand and squeeze back in with others.

According to the crowding level in the morning, there was a big question mark as to whether she and Qin Xi could squeeze into the bus by then.

It was past twelve o'clock, and more and more people were on the bus. Before it reached one o'clock, all seats in the bus were already filled with people, and there were two people standing looking at them eagerly.

No one who had a seat at this time dared to get up easily, for fear that as soon as he left, he would find that his seat had been occupied by someone else when he came back.

It's okay if there are people you know next to you. When you go to the toilet, put your things on the seat so that the people next to you can look at them. You can still have a seat when you come back. If you don't know anyone, you won't dare to put your things. If you really can't bear it, I kept taking my things to the toilet, and when I came back, I would find that the place belonged to someone else.

In this case, it is generally difficult to get the seat back. People with high quality, reasonableness and self-awareness will not take the seat when someone explains the situation and goes to the toilet.

After a bumpy journey, they finally arrived at Yinpen Town at around three o'clock in the afternoon, and then spent a few minutes walking to Chenhui Village.

It's cold at this time, and the information station at the entrance of the village is already in a semi-paralyzed state. The old man and old lady who can't stand the cold prefer to go to other people's houses with their pockets in their pockets to chat. Now they are not willing to come to this place where the wind is leaking everywhere without shelter. The place is freezing.

The group of people was very quiet when they entered the village, but if they passed by the door of anyone's house, they would always be stopped to talk.

What's more, they would also lift up the specially placed cover on Qin Xi's backpack to see what good things they bought back from the county town. Bai Yanzi was one of them.

No one paid attention to her, but she couldn't help it and stood in the middle of the road. If you wanted to pass, you had to walk past her. If you didn't pay attention, she got the chance.

"Hey, it seems you have made a lot of money this year! Look at this big fish."

Tang Ying wanted to say something, but Qin Xi stopped her: "Don't worry about her, just pretend she doesn't exist."

People like this are clearly out to make people feel uncomfortable. They are just a smelly piece of shit that cannot be shaken off.

The best way to deal with it is to ignore her and let her talk to herself alone.

(End of this chapter)

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