Chapter 28
According to Li Chunhua's brief introduction, it took Qin Qing more than ten minutes to write out the application.

This time, Li Chunhua directly faced Mrs. Wang's eyes and showed the application to Ou Yan. When there was no problem, she handed it to Liu Qin.

The matter was settled, and Liu Qin was in a good mood. She didn't plan to pursue Qin Qing's matter this morning.

This is the difference between having a backing and not having a backing. If Qin Qing were replaced by the two poor little Qin Xi and Qin Jiang, what awaited them would definitely be forced to drop out of school.

Three days later, people from the street office came to the door, and Li Chunhua took Qin Jiang and Qin Xi with them to the factory to register and get things.

It is impossible to take all [-] firewood boxes home and make them all at once, and there is no place to pile these things at home. This time, the people from the street office took them there. Be brave, and when they come to the factory to pick up goods, they need their own family members to go.

Two hours later, the three returned with a full load.

After lunch, the three looked at the piles of things on the table and started working silently.

At the beginning, both Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were clumsy, but they were young and quick learners, and after stumbling and stumbling, the next one went much smoother.

Compared with them, Li Chunhua was no different from a disabled hand. Whether it was pasting or pasting, her hand kept shaking. After five trials, none of them passed, so Qin Xi had to rework them.

The damage to this gadget exceeded the specified line, and it was necessary to pay for the materials. After Li Chunhua damaged five stickers, she didn't dare to try it lightly again.

At the beginning, before she figured it out, she felt a sense of suffocation in her heart. She wanted to surpass her deadly rival, Mrs. Wang, but when she figured it out, she realized that trembling hands as soon as she posted it might not be a good thing for her. It's a bad thing, she can't do this job, wouldn't it just sit and wait to collect the money, and it won't delay her going out to chat with the old man and the old lady.

After figuring it out, she just threw the things in her hand on the table, pretending to be dejected and said: "You children should do this! Grandma is getting old, and her hands are shaking all the time. I'm doing it!" It won't work."

When Qin Xi heard this, she was immediately happy. She was sure that her grandma must be secretly laughing. She didn't really think that they would believe her when she said it in a pretentious tone!

Do you really think of them as three-year-olds?So easy to cheat!
Although sticking firewood boxes seems easy, it is exhausting, and the neck is kept low, which is not good for the cervical spine.

Besides, the money couldn't reach her, so why did she work so hard?
So, as soon as Li Chunhua left, such a scene appeared in the Qin family's room. The two seemingly serious people kept making small moves, especially Qin Xi, who looked serious on the surface, but was actually thinking about her new article.

Now that there is an easier and less labor-intensive way to make money, she and Qin Jiang even dig less herbs in the forest.

After Liu Qin got off work in the afternoon, she saw the things piled up on the table in the main room, and a smile burst on her face.

"That's right, the people in the street office are quick to do things. It's only been a few days! Things have come down."

"How many of you messed up today?"

The price of sticking firewood boxes is not high. The family only earns two yuan after working hard to paste 1 boxes. Their family applied for [-] boxes this month. Try the water first to see how easy it is to complete. If it is easy After that, you can apply for [-] next month.

"This afternoon, my brother and I messed up everything here. Our hands are clumsy, and the speed of messing up is not fast."

"My brother doesn't have much patience, he can't mess up much."

"Grandma also tried to paste a few, but none of them worked. After that, she left."

That's right, she was suing in secret, she was careless, she still remembered the good things Li Chunhua did in the past!
Although it is not possible to make any big-ticket retaliatory behaviors because of those trivial things in the past, it is okay to add some trouble to her a little bit. Anyway, she is still young, and Li Chunhua seems to be full of energy. Inside, she will never be able to eat her table, so the two of them will have a long time to come.

Qin Jiang's speed of pasting cartons is about the same as hers, but she has explained to him before that in front of other people in the family, the speed of pasting is slower, and she can pretend to be very impatient, and go out by herself after pasting two Let's go, he is different from her, he doesn't need to spend time at home doing this kind of meaningless labor, and his family won't give him a high profile because of this.

Although it is said that the family is very difficult now, and even the problem of food and clothing has not been solved, but this is not caused by her. One is that Liu Qin has a good face, the other is that there are too many children, and the third is that the family still supports three people to study, just the three of them , the annual expenditure is not a small number.

Now they raise her as a child, and when Liu Qin is old and needs someone to support her, she will never shirk her share of responsibility. In her view, this is an exchange of equivalent value, so she doesn't have to It's tiring to put everything on yourself.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the two parties have no relationship. Since there is no relationship, then willingness to give naturally does not exist.

"Don't worry about her, your grandma can do whatever she wants, eat whatever she wants, what can she do."

"If you count on her, I might as well roll up my sleeves and work hard." Liu Qin waved her right hand and said indifferently.

She has long known what kind of virtue her mother-in-law is. If she really resents her because of this, how many years will she live less!
After speaking, Liu Qin really rolled up her sleeves. After asking how to do it, she only tried once and it succeeded.

She pastes the firewood box very fast, a few seconds slower and a few seconds faster, and the division of labor is done with both hands, which is called dexterity.

Next, Qin Shan and Liu Qin are doing this, so he can't escape.

Not long after, the twins and Qin Qing also came back. The three of them were all arrested, and reluctantly started to move their hands. Not to mention, when there are more people, they will be more motivated to work. On the table The materials are also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pasted firewood boxes are put into clean baskets or sacks.

The sun was about to set, and Li Chunhua finally wobbled back with her hands behind her back.

But what greeted her at home today was not the fragrance of rice, but the cold stove.

Except for her and Qin He, the family members were busy sticking firewood boxes, so the cooking task naturally fell on her head again.

For this, neither Liu Qin Qin Shan nor Qin Xi Qin Qing has any objections. The whole family gathers together to work, and you are the only one who chats with others outside and is lazy. This kind of behavior will be punished by others. people's collective resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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