Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 280: Buy meat at a bargain price

When Qin Xi and the others walked to the place where they could see the grain drying field, there were very few people there. It seemed that the meat had been divided long ago, and those who wanted to buy meat had almost done so.

Now, there were only two people standing in front of the meat stall in Shai Guchang. They were picking at the meat stall, but they never made up their minds, and they kept talking. It seemed that they were bargaining with others.

Although the meat in the village has always been [-] cents per pound and there is no price to kill, but if you can buy a pound of meat for free, wouldn't it be an indirect price reduction?

Unless there is a lot of meat left at the meat stall, some very patient old people will succeed, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.

But there are always some people who think about good things and think that they are idle at home anyway. In this case, why not come here to spend some time!

What if it happens?That would be a huge advantage.

"Uncle Mancang and Aunt Cuihua, please don't embarrass me. What's the point of asking me for the price set by the village!"

"I just kill the pigs and divide the meat. How can I have this right? I'll make it cheaper for you!"

"It's even worse if you give me some help. This meat belongs to the collective, and you can't take advantage of the collective." Butcher Chen was almost annoyed to death by these two old men and old ladies. Why did he only go to him to chant sutras and not the accountant? !
It’s not just that he is young and junior, I think he is easy to handle.

"Butcher, I have watched you grow up since childhood. A few years ago, your big brother passed away, and life at home was difficult!"

"Oh, the little ones in the family are so hungry that they are so incompetent!" Chen Mancang complained.

People who don’t know, would think that his family is in great difficulty!

In fact, this family is living a prosperous life!
Although Chen Dazhuang went, the brigade compensated their family 150 yuan. In the end, all the money went into the hands of the person Chen Mancang later married, Ma Cuihua.

Brother Da Zhuang didn’t even marry a wife, and he died without any children. Those little ones that Chen Mancang talked about were all his and his second wife Ma Cuihuahua. What does Brother Da Zhuang have to do with him? He was a stinker. Shameless.

He has a good relationship with Brother Da Zhuang, but none of the Chen Mancang family has a good relationship with Brother Da Zhuang!

"Uncle, don't joke with me. There are really few families in the village who are as rich as yours."

Ma Cuihua became impatient: "Butcher, if you don't sell this meat to us, who else can you sell it to?"

"We sincerely want to buy it. If you don't sell it to us, do you want to keep it for you at noon?"

"This meat belongs to the collective, don't try to mess around!"

When Accountant Chen heard this, he shook his head. Unexpectedly, Li Dazui left and Ma Cuihua came. Do all the women in Chen Hui Village have this kind of virtue?
Accountant Chen fell into deep thought when he thought about the old lady at home who had become increasingly angry and unreasonable in recent times.

"If you don't buy it, someone else will buy it. This meat is really unmatchable."

"This meat costs [-] cents per pound, and you don't need a meat ticket. It's already very cheap. Where can you buy such a cost-effective meat after leaving the village?"

You must know that the meat on the black market has now jumped to [-] yuan. Even the internal organs and bones cost at least [-] kilograms. In comparison, the meat in the village is so cheap that it is almost free. It is such a bargain. .It's already so cheap, and if you still come to make things difficult for him, it's even more impossible to give them an "affordable price" for this meat.

"Everyone has left now. People who want to buy meat have come here a long time ago. No one else will buy it except us."

Before Ma Cuihua could finish her words, Butcher Chen interrupted her: "Who said no one is coming? Isn't this what happened?"

"If you want to buy meat, you have to hurry up. These brothers and sisters are very rich. If you follow them and buy, you will have even less to choose from."

Whether it was last year or the year before, he was deeply impressed by the generosity of the Qin brothers and sisters. They spent more than ten yuan or dozens of yuan here. These two stingy old guys, if they don't buy it now, they will buy it later. If your son is picked away, there will definitely be trouble, so why not make it clear to them in advance!
If they don't listen, then he won't be able to blame them. If they really mess around, he won't serve them anymore.

"Forget it, weigh this pig's trotters and those intestines for me first, and see how much it costs." Chen Mancang saw that the educated youth named Qin had arrived, and he was no longer stubborn. He was the one who surrendered in a second. .

Butcher Chen was right. If you don't buy it now, it will definitely be gone later. The educated youth in the village are all very generous, except for Chen Zongze's son-in-law.

But Ma Cuihua was a little unhappy, feeling that someone had ruined her good deeds.

"Okay." Butcher Chen picked up the meat and put it on the scale. He held the rope with one hand and fiddled with the rope hanging the weight with the other hand: "Three catties and two taels, which is one dollar and sixty cents."

"Butcher, are you setting the scale too low?" Ma Cuihua was a little dissatisfied when she saw the flattened scale beam. She felt that the scale should be tilted up to give the old couple one, two, two, two!

These are all neighbors. In the end, the money went into the village's public accounts. It has nothing to do with him at all. Why do you care so much? Do you know how to deal with the world?

Butcher Chen picked up the meat, weighed it again to the couple in front of them, pointed it out to them, and said, "Yes, it's three pounds and two taels."

"Accountant, I'm here to collect the money. Uncle Mancang bought three pounds and two taels of meat for one dollar and sixty cents."

After shouting, the next thing was none of his business. Accountant Chen had to worry about how to make the couple willingly take out the money.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang arrived at the grain drying ground and took a closer look. There were not many things left on the meat stall. Most of them were leftovers from picking, such as smelly large intestines and cooked ones. Afterwards, the pig lungs will shrink severely.

There is still half of the pig's head left, but the brains have been picked out. There are still several pieces of blood sausage left, and there is still a lot of small intestine that tastes bitter, like the fishy smell in the pig urine, isn't it? People with unique tastes are simply left alone because no one buys them.

Qin Xi picked and picked, and bought the remaining half of the pig's head. She rounded all the remaining blood sausages, and bought a few small intestines. The remaining small piece of pig liver was about two pounds. , I also bought it, and there were five ribs, not to mention, I bought them all, but the rest tasted too strong, so she refused.

As for pig lungs, she was not used to eating them. Every time she ate them, she felt weird and couldn't swallow them. In addition, people in later generations said that pig livers and lungs were the dirtiest, so she would not buy them.

Just these things, weighed on a scale, weighed eighteen pounds and a half, and the total cost was nine dollars and twenty-five cents.

This is the least they have bought in the past three years.

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