Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 286 Matchmaker meets each other

After more than a week of hard work, Qin He finally agreed to meet the other party on the sixteenth day.

Matchmaker Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally took the right path. She agreed to see each other. If nothing else happens, this deal can be done. When the time comes, her matchmaking wine will be indispensable.

That girl is from Liujiacun, her niece. Although she is good-looking, with thin skin and tender flesh, she is lazy in cooking, has high ambitions, and is low-handed. She insists on marrying a city man, and her family also loves her, all because of her. Holding her.

She only found such a suitable person by searching and asking around. She didn't force anything else. As long as the two of them could make it happen and didn't ruin her reputation, she would be thankful.

For this day's meeting, Qin He had made preparations early. His clothes and shoes were washed in advance. On the fifteenth day, he boiled a large pot of hot water and scrubbed himself clean. Make sure the other person won't dislike him because of hygiene issues.

Matchmaker Liu came to Qin's house early in the morning on the [-]th. The success or failure depends on today. She has to come over early to supervise to avoid anything going wrong.

Qin Xi looked at the white porridge in the bowl and asked, "Aunt Liu, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, sit down and eat some."

This man happened to come during breakfast, and he didn't say hello, which seemed very rude.

"No, I've eaten at home. You can eat yours and don't worry about me."

While talking, Matchmaker Liu kept looking at Qin He. Although the clothes and pants he wore were a little worn, they were washable and he still looked very energetic.

Maybe for others, his daily attire was acceptable and acceptable, but for her picky niece, it was far from enough.

Respect Luo Yi first and then respect others. People rely on clothes, and Buddha relies on gold. These two sentences still make sense. She was afraid that if Qin He was not well-dressed, it would be bad if her niece would dislike him.

You know, Liu Mei is almost [-] years old. If this drags on any longer, she won't be able to find a good one. Isn't this going to ruin her brand?Who doesn’t know that she is a famous matchmaker from all over the country?If this happens to my niece, the impact on her will not be small.

Upon hearing the other party's rejection, Qin Xi picked up the bowl and started eating by himself, but Matchmaker Liu felt that Qin He's sister was very expressionless. When she said she had eaten, she was just being polite. Who knows, this People take it seriously!
Even though she has already eaten at home, at this time, who can have enough food to eat? Usually six or seven cents full is enough. After all, she does not have to work. Now even if she eats two more bowls of porridge, it will not be enough. The problem is, her belly can still hold up.

As long as Qin Xi warmly invites her again, she will choose to sit down and eat because she can't refuse. This is how she came before. Unexpectedly, this Qin He's sister is so ignorant of etiquette and rules. She really just asked , no sincerity at all.

Qin Xi didn't care about politeness. She asked the person opposite if she wanted to eat something sincerely. If the person agreed, she would just take a bowl and serve the porridge without any delay.

But the person opposite refused. In her opinion, it was sincere. As for opening her mouth again, it was impossible. She didn't like to force others. Since the other person had made it clear that he would not eat, she would not speak again. , giving others a second chance to reject her.

"Qin Zhiqing, don't you have any other clothes?"

"It's not that this dress is not good. It's very clean and tidy. It can be seen from this that you are a clean person, which is better than most men. But today you are going to see each other and wear clothes. Better clothes can show that you value the woman's family."

"If you don't have one, you can borrow it. This is how everyone comes here. There is no shame in it."

She considers herself to be very considerate and not only puts forward opinions, but also gives specific solutions.Qin He didn't expect that in the first step, he would get into a little trouble and fall down on the clothes he was wearing.

"I only wear this cotton coat in winter and have no other replacement clothes."

The situation at this time made him feel a little embarrassed. After all, no one said it was okay. As soon as he said it, he felt that he couldn't handle the clothes he was wearing. The clothes he was wearing at this time made him feel very shabby.

"In this way, you are a young boy, your body is warm, go and borrow some clothes from someone, it doesn't matter what kind of clothes it is, as long as it is not patched."

She was asking him to take off his patched cotton clothes and put on other, borrowed, decent clothes, so as to leave a good impression on the other party.

Upon hearing this, Qin He felt that what she said made sense. He poured all the porridge in the bowl into his mouth in one breath: "Yeah, I listen to you, go now."

After saying that, he rushed out and went to the neighbor's house next door to borrow clothes from Fang Zheng. He remembered that Fang Zheng wore a very decent and elegant Chinese tunic suit. At this time and for this occasion, that suit of clothes was just right.

If he hadn't seen the photo of that girl, Liu Mei, Qin He would naturally not be so eager and positive, but didn't he see it?

He was very satisfied with Liu Mei's appearance. This was the first time he noticed a girl's appearance. Because she was very beautiful, he had a good impression of her. Plus, matchmaker Liu was by his side. On the sidelines, he was looking forward to seeing each other very much.

At this moment, Matchmaker Liu and her niece turned from passive to active and became more reserved, because Matchmaker Liu saw Qin He's heartbeat. At this moment, the relationship between offense and defense was reversed. It was the other party's turn to show off, and they came to make demands.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi had a deeper understanding of the matter of marrying a girl. This was not just marrying a girl, but a brother coming to see her. She felt that there was something wrong with marrying someone else's girl. , My brother who didn’t care about wearing these things before, today, he dresses himself carefully for another girl.

However, this emotion came and went quickly. After she realized that her brother was going to serve someone else's juicy cabbage, this emotion was completely gone. She was still in the mood to help her brother think about clothes for today. Matched.

Qin He is almost the same height as Fang Zheng. He can fit into Fang Zheng's clothes and they fit reasonably well. The only drawback is that they are too cold. He loses his warmth when he loses his grace.

"Why don't you put on your cotton-padded clothes outside?"

"When you get to the place, just take off your cotton-padded clothes. When you return, you can put on the cotton-padded clothes to keep warm." Qin Xi was really afraid that her second brother would get frostbite because he wore too little.

Although she had some objections to what the matchmaker said, both to the matchmaker and to the woman she had never met, she would not show it. She could see all Qin He's joy and expectation, so she had better not say too much, lest he As long as he wanted to, she had no objection to it.

If you don’t express your opinions or express them, then you don’t have any opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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