Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 299 Parents Meeting

The next day, early in the morning, the Qinshan twins Liu Qin and Qin Qing arrived at Chenhui Village. They got up very early today and went to the station in the dark before dawn. At early six o'clock, the sky was just a little bright. At that time, the bus set off.

At seven o'clock, a group of five people walked to Chenhui Village.

In fact, the twins were not willing to go, but Liu Qin was angry. In addition, if they went to Chenhui Village to eat delicious food, if they stayed at home, no one would take care of them and no one would cook for them. So, the two Reluctantly, people waved their hands and feet and came to Chen Hui Village.

Walking to the familiar house, Li Chunhua immediately noticed the people outside: "Come here and help. The hot water in the house needs to be boiled and the house needs to be cleaned. I'm waiting for you to come. I helped out all day yesterday. .”

It's not her style to not take credit for her work. If she does one point, she should give three points, and if she does five points, she should give eight points. In short, she has worked hard to marry her grandson.

When the Liu family arrived, everything became orderly. Even the sundries placed in the kitchen looked so orderly.

Not many people came from the Liu family. The client, Liu Mei, her parents, grandma, and Liu Matchmaker, five people in one, were relatively simple.

Now, unlike in later generations, matchmakers will exchange resources. If one has a man and wants to find a partner, and the other has a woman who wants to marry, the two parties will contact and match and arrange for the two to meet. If they are successful, the man will The bride price to be paid to the two matchmakers is at least [-] yuan.

At this time, the matchmaker just has a few meals, and when things are done, there is a red envelope, the amount is very small, the host who is more generous will give a few yuan, and the host who is stingy will give it only one yuan.

She didn't know about future matchmakers in the city, but the one in her village charged more than 1 for an introduction. Generally speaking, it was [-]. It meant that the matchmaker would not be open for half a year and would be open for a year. That kind of thing.

In addition, the young man introduced by her will also have to visit their home during New Years and holidays in the future.

Those who are not at home and work in the city are fine, just go there once a year. Those who are at home have to go there during the New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival birthdays, and the etiquette is indispensable. They may not be so dedicated to their biological parents.

Some people are also dissatisfied. Maybe the people she introduced successfully are all relatives of her family. It would be too ugly for relatives to have a feud with each other, and the other person is also a shameless scoundrel.

Matchmaker Liu first recognized the person, and then introduced her elder brother and sister-in-law to them. After they all got to know each other, they were able to have a good conversation.

Except for Matchmaker Liu, who is well-informed and can talk very freely, Father Liu and Mother Liu are quite reserved. After all, they are real city dwellers with iron rice bowls in their hands. They cannot help but think highly of these two in-laws. .

As for Grandma Liu, she belongs to the category of elders. Everyone present except Li Chunhua is older than her, and Li Chunhua is not older than her, and Grandma Liu is already over 70.

The only thing that Qin Xi feels happy about is that she doesn't have to step in this time. Let's leave it to Qinshan Liu Qin to talk and talk!
All she had to do was boil her water in the kitchen and listen to the gossip.

At this time, men and women met quickly, and the process went quickly. Everything was done within half a month. There were many people getting married. Because Qinshan Liu Qin still had to go to work, it was naturally impossible to spare a lot of time. When spending time with the woman's family, it's natural to seek pleasure.

For them, the simpler this matter is and the lower the requirements of the woman’s family, the better.

Both Father Liu and Mother Liu have soft tempers, and Matchmaker Liu is obsessed with quick results. Next, she has to find a partner for her daughter non-stop!Liu Mei was a stone blocking her way. She wished she could move it away today, so naturally she wanted it quick.The two parties hit it off immediately, and it was easy to talk about the bride price, which was only ten yuan, and neither party had any objections.

They didn't argue over those trivial things, which made them look very pleased with each other and have a good impression of each other. The atmosphere at the scene immediately became lively. You tell me, tell me everything about Liu Mei and Qin He's past. All over.

Liu Mei had a smile on her face the whole time and was very decent. After seeing what was going on, she winked at Qin He, but Qin He didn't see it at all, so she had no choice but to speak on her own.

"Qin He, can you take me for a walk around the village? This is my first time here!"

She wanted to know how the separation of the family was going. In the past, she had seen people who were eating in the same pot were a mess. She didn't want to continue living like that in the future, so for her, the separation of the family was... It is imperative.

She must divide this family.

"Yes, this is Liu Mei's first time coming to Chen Hui Village, Qin He! You take Liu Mei out for a walk to familiarize herself with the environment. Soon, she will live here with you." Liu Qin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

She likes a daughter-in-law who doesn't need money. What's even better is that the other party hasn't made many demands.

The daughter-in-law married by the fifth child of her mother's family is not good enough. Not only does she need 36 legs, but she also needs a bicycle. No one with no family background would dare to agree to this request.

Not to mention, the bicycle was bought for her natal brother to get a wife, and the 36 legs and the bicycle would stay with her natal family. She said, wouldn't it make her face look prettier?The person her Qin He married was not much different. Look at him, how considerate he is!

She had already thought about how she would show off to her sister-in-law when she went back. She would show off secretly and in a very subtle way. After she finished speaking, the two of them would continue to complain about the prodigal daughter-in-law Xiao Wu married.

"Hey, let's go, I'll take you out for a walk." Suddenly, Qin He seemed to have thought of something: "My rabbits are being raised in the woodshed. Do you want to come with me and take a look."

He remembered that Liu Mei told him that she seemed to like small animals like rabbits very much. Last time, she told him how to raise rabbits after she got them. Now he can take her to see her home. Rabbit, she must be very rare.

"Okay! I'll go take a look with you."

"No one in Liujia Village raises rabbits. This time I can get close to rabbits. I only saw them from a distance before, but unfortunately I couldn't catch them."

This is exactly what Liu Mei wants. Although she has decided to marry Qin He, she still needs to find out Qin He's family background. As her grandma said, as long as this woman gets married, she must control it. Money and power at home, only in this way can you control your own man.

She was the first daughter in her family to get married, followed closely by Liu Lan. The person she married must not be too bad. When she was a child, Liu Lan couldn't compare to her, and when she grew up, she couldn't compare to her.

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