Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 312 Buying Grain on the Black Market

Tang Ying hesitated when she heard the price of food. Compared to Qin Xi, her and He Yuan's financial resources were much thinner. After all, she was the first one to eat the crab.

If the price of whole grains is [-]% to [-]%, although there is an increase, it is not big, and it is still within the acceptable range. She will not have any idea. Buying a fifty kilogram home is not a problem.

But whole grains, which cost at least a dime a pound, really challenged her limits. It was too expensive, and she was a little reluctant to part with it.

Tang Ying quietly pulled Qin Xi's sleeve and winked at her.

Qin Xi received the message from Tang Ying and followed her to the corner.

"what happened?"

Tang Ying first sighed heavily, and then said: "Xiaoxi, the food on the black market is too expensive. I thought it was only a little higher before, but looking at it now, I still underestimate them."

“Now that the price of food is so expensive, is it still worth it for us to buy it?”

"It's too expensive, I don't think it's a good deal."

Tang Ying, who has long learned to plan carefully, is already silently calculating in her mind how much money she and He Yuan can save if they mainly eat whole grains and wild vegetables every day.

She used to be very generous, but now she follows the example of the ladies around her and likes to haggle over everything. There is no way, in the countryside, they have to rely on themselves for everything, and she and He Yuan's family will not send them packages. Yes, not counting the calculations, the little money in my hand was gone in the blink of an eye.

"I won't interfere with how much you buy, but I plan to buy a hundred catties of grain first."

"If the price of food on the black market hadn't risen so much, I really wouldn't have bought so much. But the black market moved too fast, as if they deliberately raised the price of food to prevent people from buying it. This made me I have an unclear premonition." Qin Xi expressed his true feelings.

No matter whether Tang Ying buys food or not, or how much, Qin Xi has no intention of interfering. She just expressed her preference. After all, she has not been reborn, so she doesn't know what will happen this year.

Now she is afraid that the weather will be abnormal and she will starve, so she just makes some preparations in advance. She has no objection whether Tang Ying follows or not. This is Tang Ying's own decision and choice, and she will not interfere. .

"Then I'll think about it." Tang Ying hesitated again after hearing Qin Xi's words.

After all, she was still poor. If she had just gone to the countryside, she would definitely choose to be prepared, for no other reason than because she had money.

Of course, at that time, her relationship with Qin Xi was not good. Without Qin Xi's reminder, she would not have thought too much. She should have stayed in the village without knowing anything. It would be okay if nothing happened. If something happened, she would definitely be fine. Eat the good fruit.

"Yeah, think about this kind of thing slowly, don't be in a hurry." After saying that, Qin Xi took Tang Ying's hand and pulled her back.

She is different from the three old people. She knows that there is no room for bargaining at the black market stalls. Even if she says she is dry, it may not be useful. The three old people in front of her now, don't they just prove this? "Boss, do you have any peanuts?"

Peanuts have always been Qin Xi’s favorite. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and they are very delicious. The most important thing is that they are in shells. If you buy peanuts, you can dry them in the sun for a few times when the weather is nice. Oh my god, there is no problem if I store it for a long time.

If the moisture returns and the weather is good, just take it out to dry in the sun. Well-preserved peanuts will be fine for three years and can still be eaten.

Peanuts have shells. If you peel off the shells of a pound of peanuts, and just weigh the peanuts, it will be about seven taels. This is not very cost-effective, but eating peanuts is so convenient. You can grab a handful when you have nothing to do. It was really good to eat as a snack. She planned to buy thirty pounds of peanuts and eat them slowly.

As soon as he heard Qin Xi's name for him, the middle-aged man standing in front of the stall felt relaxed all over. Listen, this is the normal way to address him and the normal attitude towards him when shopping.

Those old men and women just pointed at his nose and scolded him. If it weren't for their age, he would have given them two big black eyes. They really thought that this black market was their home and they could run wild anywhere. .

"Yes, there are peanuts, a pound and a pound. How many do you want to buy?"

Hearing this price, Qin Xi was not surprised at all. Since peanuts were at this price, soybeans must be higher than peanuts, even if it was a penny more per kilogram.

She had bought peanuts and soybeans on the black market before, and she knew that the price of soybeans was always higher than that of peanuts.

"I want thirty catties of peanuts, twenty catties of soybeans, thirty catties of dried sweet potatoes, twenty catties of rice, and ten catties of flour."

The grain that Qin Xi and Qin Jiang carried in their baskets cost her a total of 28 yuan. Maybe it was the word "boss" that the grain seller liked to hear, so he erased the change.

After Qin Xi took action, after a fierce ideological struggle, Tang Ying gritted her teeth and bought twenty kilograms of dried sweet potatoes and ten kilograms of rice. These were the only things she could eat. She and He Yuan could eat them for a month, so she and He Yuan could eat them for the time being. Buy these!
She felt distressed just buying these things. If she bought more, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

At this time, she was still taking a chance. Even if Qin Xi told her that the weather was not good, she was still taking a chance, thinking, what if it rains tomorrow?
As for the thirty kilograms of grain, it was a comfort she bought for herself. She told herself in her heart that even if something happened, she would already be prepared. Thirty kilograms of grain was nothing to them. It's less. She who bought the food is not better than other people in the educated youth area. That's fine.

The uncle and aunt who were watching their transaction were angrily scolding the four of them behind their backs for being prodigal for buying such expensive food to eat.

When they came back together, they saw that the middle-aged man selling food was as strong as ever towards them, and even scolded Qin Xi and the others because they felt that it was these four people who ruined their affairs. They had already talked to the man selling food. The discussion was almost done, and this person was about to relent, but they interfered with it. In the end, they failed in their efforts. Who else would you scold them if you didn't scold them?

As for the middle-aged man, he has no pressure at all. The superiors have spoken and they are not in any hurry to sell the food here. There is no pressure or indicators at all.

If these three old guys continue to cause trouble in his place, then he will never sell a grain of grain to them. He definitely did not have this right before, but now he has it.

The food in his hand should be sold as slowly as possible. If this is the case, why does he want to coddle these old immortals?
(End of this chapter)

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