Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 314 Food Cabinet

"My aunt, you're fine, why are you getting divorced all of a sudden?" After saying that, Qin He looked around and felt that this was not a good place to talk, so he directly took her back to his room.

"I couldn't speak clearly at the time. It's my fault. I should be beaten." Qin He said while slapping his face. It was just a fake gesture.

He didn't want to get divorced. He was generally satisfied with Liu Mei. Divorce was not popular at this time. Everyone found it embarrassing. Both parties to the divorce, regardless of whether they were men or women, would be criticized and disliked by others.

Otherwise, why are there so many people who would fight to the death to leave her? It’s not because this era and society cannot tolerate divorced women.

Comparatively speaking, everyone is now very tolerant of their male compatriots. Although gossips will still spread, no one will get angry in front of them.

When Liu Mei heard Qin He's words, she curled up her lips and smiled with satisfaction, barely giving him a pass.

She was sure that Qin He wouldn't let her go. As long as he couldn't let go, she would be able to control him. When the time came, she would turn him into a rake, and her luck would come.

She has seen so many couples in the village, and it is best for a man to listen to his wife. Not only will he not do anything to his wife, but he will also say what she wants and live a happy life. This is the best.

Her own mother had told her that men need to be trained. Although she didn't understand the specifics, she still knew how to handle these two words.

"Forget it this time, if I hear you say something like this again next time, I will never forgive you."

The attitude still needs to be expressed. If Qin He says this this time and Liu Mei's attitude is indifferent, Qin He will most likely talk about this matter frequently in the future. .

This matter has already happened to Liu Mei. She is impatient and her temper comes and goes quickly: "By the way, what did your eldest brother and your sister do?"

"I went out early in the morning and didn't come back for lunch. If I didn't come back until this hour, there must be something wrong."

Qin He estimated the current time and felt that he could still match it. He used to go to the county seat and take a car back, and he returned to the village at about this time.

"I should have gone to the county seat. Didn't my elder brother tell me yesterday that something was wrong on this day this year?"

"I guess they went to the county town to buy food. After all, my sister's favorite thing to do is to be prepared. If there is any trouble, she likes to move things home."

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, so Qin He can now make an accurate guess.

Don't tell me, he really guessed it.

"Does your elder brother just leave her alone?"

"What is she, a teenage girl, doing with so much money in her hands? She can do whatever she wants. Your elder brother is really spoiling her. The food on the black market is not cheap!" Liu Mei felt sour. Two sentences.

She doesn't have such an eldest brother. Although she has three brothers at home, they have already married and had children. They have their own small families, so they have less interaction with her. They usually don't even speak a few words. There are some good things, and the first thing that comes to mind is my own little home, so it is definitely a bit sour.

"That's because the relationship between the two of them has matured. When the three of us lived together, I always felt like I couldn't get in between them." "It's like they are the only ones who are relatives and are the only ones." Dearest relative, I am just an insignificant outsider, so that feeling is extremely disturbing."

Now that she is married to a wife, that feeling is gone. Liu Mei misses him wholeheartedly now. The feeling that only he has the best and most intimate relationship with her is something he, who is lonely, can only dream of.

Although the marriage was half-recommended at first, he must say that this feeling is really good. He quite likes it because he has a family that belongs to him. Just like among thousands of lights, there is always a light for him. He was bright.

"I can understand how you feel. Don't worry, it won't happen again. I will always be with you."

The two began to talk to each other. One said how miserable and insignificant her life was at home, and the other said how miserable her life was at home. No one loved her, and only her grandmother treated her well. Not bad, but her mother would only give her lip service.

On the other side, Qin Jiang and Qin Xi started to pack their things. All the dead pine cones and branches on top were piled into the temporary small straw shed behind them. As for the backpacks, they were brought back to the room.

“It’s not a big deal that this food is placed so carelessly in the room!”

"Brother, do you have any ideas?"

They couldn't finish this food in just a short while. The bags they put the food in now are burlap bags, which have no moisture-proof function at all. The weather is dry now, but if it rains continuously, the food in the bag will It will definitely get damp.

Food is prone to mold when it gets damp, and Qin Xi would not dare to eat moldy food. The level of medical treatment at this time was still very low, and a small problem would definitely turn into a serious and fatal problem in the end.

"Some people in the village store their food in large wooden boxes, and they don't put it on the ground. They store it in the attic of their home."

"If we want to store food, we can go to a carpenter and ask someone to build a big wooden box for us. It doesn't have to be a particularly big one, one that can hold a thousand kilograms of grain, or a small one that can hold three to four hundred kilograms of grain. The box is enough for us.”

Qin Jiang thought about what he had seen before. The food cabinets in the homes of villagers with a large population were not only large but also very strong. They could even hold twenty or thirty people inside. This was a good thing!
If their family also had a food cabinet, Qin Xi's previous worry about food becoming damp and moldy would naturally be solved.

"This method works. Let's go to the carpenter's house that we dealt with before!"

Although she didn't know how much it would cost to buy a wooden cabinet, the price of a wooden cabinet that was not suitable for eating or drinking would definitely not exceed ten yuan. This price was still within her acceptable range.

Although they bought a lot of things in the countryside, they can all be taken away. Qin Xi has no intention of leaving them behind when moving. Unless the place to which she is moving is really far away from here and it would be troublesome to move there, she would Get rid of things that are bulky and not very practical.

"Okay, I'll go find the carpenter tomorrow morning. It shouldn't take much time to build a food cabinet. After three to five days, he should have delivered the food cabinet. Then he can put the food in it. Nothing happens anymore.”

"Then I can wait!"

After the two discussed the matter, Qin Xi felt lighter. The food storage problem was finally solved.

(End of this chapter)

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