Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 323: Selling fungi for money

In the afternoon, Qin He followed Qin Xi and the others as if nothing had happened and brought the fungi to the town, intending to sell them. The fungi picked up on a rainy day could not be put away.

It was impossible to carry away so many bacteria with a backpack, so Qin Xi used a handful of peanuts to borrow a cart from the captain Chen Aiguo. In this way, the extra fungi that could not be packed in the backpack were moved to the cart.

The five people walked toward the town with a lot of fungi. Before they left the village, they were stopped every time they passed a house. Anyone who saw them had to take a good look at the fungi. .

It was originally a ten-minute journey, but it took the five of them more than 20 minutes to get there.

"So many fungi? Where did you pick them up?" The director of the supply and marketing cooperative was shocked when he saw the things in the car.

Although there must have been more mushrooms in their previous warehouses than this, this was the first time he had seen someone bring so many mushrooms out for sale. Was this a stab at the mushroom nest?It’s too much!

"I picked it up in the woods. It has been raining these days and no one goes to the woods at all. We found it by accident." Qin Jiang said with a smile.

In other words, they don't smoke and have never bought cigarettes at all. Otherwise, they would have to hand one to the leader of the supply and marketing cooperative opposite. Apart from anything else, it is still necessary to leave a good impression.

"Okay, okay, I'm worried about not having anything fresh to send to the county. This batch of fungi is very good."

Their supply and marketing cooperative also has purchasing tasks. It can be said that as long as these batches of fungi are in his hands, he will not worry about not being able to sell them. During this period, everyone eats dried vegetables and pickles every day, and people are going crazy from eating them. Now, Finally something new is coming.

Whether you call the "good brothers" who work in the purchasing departments of various factories, or send it directly to the market in the county, it doesn't matter. Anyway, his benefits are indispensable.

Because they were the first to sell mushrooms, the prices were very good. The unknown mushrooms cost three cents a pound, and the mushrooms cost seven cents a pound. In the eyes of the locals, fir fungi are better than winter mushrooms. Some are nine cents a pound.

Qin Xi’s fungi were the first to be listed because she classified them all. Winter mushrooms are winter mushrooms and fir fungi are fir fungi. She also sorted them out and picked them all out, including grass clippings, mud and so on. They looked like The cleanest one, just put it in the frame and put it on the scale.

The unknown mushrooms she picked up were the least, but there was also one that weighed [-] kilograms and [-] taels. The last [-] taels were erased because they were weighed with a frame, that is, eighteen kilograms, three cents a kilogram. The cost is fifty-four cents.

The winter mushrooms weighed 24 kilograms, totaling 22 cents per dollar, and the fir fungi were less, weighing [-] kilograms, and cost [-] cents per dollar.

"The total is three yuan and seventy-four cents. You can do the math yourself." The man with the abacus clicked the numbers. From his skillful movements, it can be seen that this man's skills are not high. shallow.

"That's right." If nothing else, Qin Xi's mental arithmetic speed is still very fast.

Tang Ying, He Yuan and Qin He felt envious when they saw the money in Qin Xi's hand, but when they turned around and saw their own fungi, the movements in their hands unconsciously accelerated a little.

The second seller was Tang Ying. Qin He was put at the end because Liu Mei didn't pick and sort the fungi he picked up.

After Tang Ying received the two yuan and fifty cents, she squatted on the ground like everyone else and helped Qin He sort the fungi, picking out the crushed ones.Although the fungi in the forest do not grow maggots because of the cold weather, the fungi on rainy days are particularly fragile, especially the unknown fungi that Liu Mei picks up the most. Most of the umbrella covers are open, like this The species is particularly fragile and is basically crushed.

I picked out the ones that could still be seen, but those that were broken into pieces were thrown aside.

Qin He brought the most fungi, but the money he got was the least, two yuan and thirty-four cents, because most of the fungi Liu Mei picked up were unknown fungi that were not very valuable.

She went to pick it up alone in the rain with a backpack on her back. When she saw the fungi, she couldn't move her legs at all. She had to pick up all the fungi within sight before she was done. The basket on her back was soon occupied by the unknown fungi. , and then she would go back and clear out the backpack.

There are so many fungi that the time spent picking them up is no longer the most critical and time-consuming thing. Taking the fungi back and freeing up the backpack is the most time-consuming.

On the way back, everyone was very happy with their money, but Qin He was walking at the back alone, looking worried, much like the abandoned big dog that didn't even wag its tail.

Qin Xi is the most soft-hearted. Seeing him like this, she couldn't help but say: "If you miss her, go to Liujiacun to pick her up. She will definitely be waiting for you at home to take her back!" "

This married girl is not so easy to treat in her natal family. If it is a big family, it will be even more troublesome. Now that Liu Mei ran back rashly, she might not even have a place to sleep in the Liu family. In the past, At home, the resources belonging to her must have been divided up long ago.

We're already married, and it's too late to regret it. We might as well take a step back. It doesn't matter if it's good for you or me. Liu Mei probably also wants to step down. When Qin He says a few nice words to her, maybe she will be happy. followed him back.

Besides, it was just a quarrel, not to the point of separation. As a young couple lives their lives, it is normal for them to quarrel.

"I won't go. Since she has the ability to go back on her own, let her stay at her parents' house! She will come back sooner or later anyway."

"I am a man. If I go to Liujia Village, wouldn't it mean that I have given in to her? Besides, I have done nothing wrong. Why should I go to Liujia Village and beg her to come back?"

"I can live a good life alone at home. I don't believe it anymore. I am a grown man and I can't live without her. How I lived in the past is how I live now." Qin He rubbed his neck and looked unconvinced. said.

This kind of thing happens every time. Qin He has already thought about his future married life without any teacher. If he gives in this time, will he be able to stand up in front of Liu Mei in the future?

Hearing this, Qin Jiang slapped Qin He on the back of the head: "Are you stupid? Liu Mei's brothers and sisters are not vegetarians. When the time comes, a group of seven or eight big men will come and punch you. Don't you?" Are you scared?"

"If Liu Mei's biological brothers come to trouble you, you must remember not to drag us innocent people into the water."

Not only women need help, but men also need it. Qin He just wants to save face. Now he has handed the reasons directly into his hands. If he doesn't want it, then he will never be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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