Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 329: Picking up fungi

Early the next morning, it was still dark. It was about three or four o'clock in the morning. Qin Xi got up, followed closely by Qin Jiang.

After washing my face with cold water and stimulating it for a while, all sleepiness disappeared.

The two of them divided the labor and cooperated, one lighting the fire and the other cooking, and soon breakfast was made.

Add hot water to the fried noodles and stir them into a paste, followed by a bowl of egg drop soup. These two foods are delicious to eat together.

As for the child, she was still sleeping, so there was no preparation for her. When she finished eating, she buried three sweet potatoes in the embers in the stove. When they came back, she could pull them out and eat them.

They managed to save these sweet potatoes. During the winter, they put them in the cellar of Zhiqingdian. They have preserved them safely until now. Otherwise, they would have been frozen.

After eating, the two of them carried baskets on their backs. Qin Jiang was carrying a bamboo basket in his hand and a bamboo stick in the other hand. Qin Xi was holding a stick in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

With the equipment ready, the two set off.

Rubber shoes are still very useful at this time. It is drizzling outside. A bamboo hat and an oil paper shawl are indispensable. This outfit is enough. After all, there are no weeds in the woods, and even the ones on the roadside are not. rarely seen.

For this one, there is no need to be afraid of the drizzle. If nothing else happens, the clothes will still be dry when we come back.

This oil paper shawl is much lighter than the raincoat, and the footsteps of the two of them are very brisk. In terms of morning, they are well deserved to be the first.

As soon as he entered the forest, Qin Jiang was shocked. Logically speaking, after a day of searching yesterday, there should be a lot less fungi in the forest today!But looking around, you can basically see fungi wherever the flashlight light sweeps. If this forest is like this, then they will definitely be able to pick up a lot of fungi today.

"Why so many?"

After staying in Chenhuicun for more than three years, he had become accustomed to picking up only a few kilograms of fungi in a morning. Now he was a little surprised to see so many.

"There were more than this in the forest yesterday. Otherwise, if I had been busy for four or five hours alone, I wouldn't have been able to pick up so many."

"Stop talking, pick it up quickly. When daybreak comes, more people will come here, and it won't be such a good thing. By then, everyone will definitely rush to pick it up. We don't have much skill, but we can't beat those aunts and ladies."

When there are more people in the forest, there will definitely be more accidents. Some villagers do not have martial ethics. As long as they see the fungus, no matter who finds it, they will rush to grab it. Whoever grabs it belongs to them. There are even some aunts and ladies who take advantage of the chaos and put their hands in other people's back baskets, not to mention how annoying they are.

Even if he was discovered, he was very thick-skinned and didn't take it seriously at all. He smiled and said a few words to the person, said it was a joke, then turned around and left without any embarrassment.

Because there was only one flashlight, the two of them crowded together to pick up fungi and were not separated at all.

The hands of the two were also fast, and all the fresh fungi, which had grown just a few hours ago and had half-open umbrella covers, were put into the basket by the two of them.

Because the sky is still dark now, there is almost no one competing with them. The two of them are now in a deserted place, picking up randomly without picking at all. As long as they are good bacteria, they will collect them. When I got to the basket, I went to the supply and marketing cooperative yesterday, and the unknown mushrooms were sold for three cents a pound, which they didn't mind.

After picking up things in the forest for more than an hour, the sky changed a little, turning from dark to bright. Although it was still foggy and raining, Qin Xi seemed to have heard the sound coming from outside. Behind them, maybe he had Some people started to enter the woods.After all, picking up the fungi in the forest and selling them to the supply and marketing cooperative is free money. With such a good thing, who can not be active?

"Brother, let's avoid people and send the fungi in the baskets home first. We'll come back later."

After more than an hour of unscrupulous sweeps, the two people's backpacks were full, and the basket Qin Jiang was holding also contained several kilograms of fungi. These alone were a full harvest.

The mushrooms in the two backpacks they carried on their backs should have weighed forty or fifty kilograms. The unknown mushrooms were the most numerous. Although there were some fir fungi and shiitake mushrooms, they did not go out to look for them, and there were not many in the forest. Going deeper, these two relatively small bacteria are naturally much less.

After all, fir fungi and winter mushrooms are both a bit picky about where they grow.

"Okay, let's leave now. It would be bad if there are too many people in the forest and we are surrounded."

This fungus was not stolen or robbed, it was picked up early, so it was nothing to be seen by others, but I couldn't stand some people who like to say mean things, and they didn't like to hear those mean words said by others.

There are also some people who are dishonest. If you tell the truth, their hands may reach into your back.

On the way back, the brother and sister did not turn on the flashlight for fear of attracting others. In addition, it was already dark enough to see the road clearly. The two of them were familiar with the road in the woods, so it was naturally a smooth journey. walked back home.

Wan Yu woke up as soon as the two opened the door at home. After Qin Xi washed his hands, he went to the small thatched shed and took out the sweet potatoes from the stove. The next step was for the three of them to drink water and eat sweet potatoes.

Qin Xi can also peel roasted sweet potatoes. Compared with her, Qin Jiang is much simpler and rougher. He pats off the ash stained on the outside of the sweet potatoes, briefly wipes the skin of the sweet potatoes with his hands, and then bites the whole thing. It's not much simpler.

After taking a few minutes to finish eating, the brother and sister were about to set off again with their backpacks on their backs, but Wan Tao wanted to go with them to prove her worth and show her brother and sister that she was not just a freeloader.

Seeing her determination and thinking about her injured foot, Qin Xi assigned her a task. She sat in the small thatched shed, picked up the fungi they brought back, and then sorted them. This job was quite important.

As soon as the two left, Wan Yu moved a small stool to the small thatched shed and got down to work.

This time Qin Xi and the others left without the baskets. As there were more people in the forest, they spent three or four hours in the woods. It was not certain whether they could fill up the two baskets!Bringing a basket is completely unnecessary.

As soon as they went out, they met Qin He and Liu Mei, who had just gotten up.

Qin He walked out of the room, stretched, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaoxi, it's so early!"

"Are you going to pick up fungi?"

Judging from how intimate he is with Liu Mei now, the anger from last night is no longer visible at all. It really complies with the old saying, between husband and wife, it's a fight at the head of the bed and a fight at the end of the bed, but he was still angry yesterday!Today we made peace again without saying a word.

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