Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 332: Selling Fungi

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang walked separately. Qin Jiang pushed the cart and took the back road, directly to the forest where Chen Hui Village meets Zuoling Village next door, waiting for them.

Qin Xi went to the educated youth spot to call Tang Ying, and then we would just meet up together.

You know, they pushed the trolley all the way yesterday at noon and talked with the aunts and uncles in the village. It's okay if they are talkative, but it's too much for those who are not talkative. It just so happens that Qin Jiang and Qin Xi are both not talkative. .

You know, today many villagers went to the mountains to pick up mushrooms. If someone saw so many mushrooms in their car, they would definitely attract gossip. Although it is inevitable in the town, there will always be villagers selling mushrooms. You know How many mushrooms they picked up and sold, they could never tell them in front of them. They could just pretend they didn't know and didn't hear those harsh words.

By the time Qin Xi called Tang Ying He Yuan to join Qin Jiang, it was already seven or eight minutes later. After gathering, the four of them rushed to the town together.

Tang Ying originally thought that she was not far behind. Even if it was a little less than Qin Xi and the others, it was still limited. But when she saw the piles of fir fungi on the trolley, she knew that there was a big difference.

When they arrived in the town, the four of them were lucky. There were only two people in front of them carrying backpacks, and it was their turn soon.

Tang Ying and his colleagues have less, so they weigh it first. The price is the same as yesterday, and the fungi are still fresh now!City people are also willing to spend money to try new things and buy and eat them.

Tang Ying and the others sold their mushrooms for a total of one dollar and two cents, which was enough for them to cut half a catty of meat on the black market, so they went back to celebrate.

Of course, Tang Ying is reluctant to part with it now. It's no good to eat any meat. If you are really greedy for meat, you can ask He Yuan to go to the river to catch fish and shrimp to make soup. That is also meat, small river fish, small river shrimp and other things. Still alive!It tastes replenishing and there is nothing wrong with it.

Qin Xi's mushrooms were very valuable when weighed. They sold them for a total of four yuan, fifty-two cents, among which the thirty kilograms of fir fungi made a big contribution.

On the way back, Tang Ying looked at Qin Xi hesitantly, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked: "Xiaoxi, where did you pick up these fir fungi? This is the first time I have so many. I saw so many fir fungi!”

Although we know that fir fungi grow long in nests, and if you are lucky, picking up more than ten or twenty kilograms at a time is not a problem, but luck is on the one hand, and on the other hand, you need to know where the fir fungus grows.

"It's right in the forest. It takes about 20 minutes to walk straight into the forest from our house. There is a piece of thatch growing there, and there are a lot of fir fungi growing in it."

"That place is really easy to recognize. Maybe it's because it's too far away and no one cuts the thatch. That place is unlike other places. The tender green thatch is only half as high as a knee. The place where we pick up fir fungi The thatch is all old, so it’s easy to recognize.”

That place is open to anyone who is destined to go there. They must not be the only ones who have discovered it, but those people are not as early as they are.

Since Tang Ying asked, she wasn't stingy and told her the location directly.

With the money from selling the mushrooms today, the enthusiasm of the villagers for picking up the mushrooms will definitely increase in the coming days. It will be impossible to pick up so many mushrooms tomorrow if there is a time difference.

Apart from anything else, most of the fungi growing in the forest today will be plundered by the villagers. There were still people wandering around the forest at four or five o'clock yesterday afternoon, let alone today.

Those older and slightly larger fungi will basically be picked up by people. The number of fungi in the forest tomorrow will be greatly reduced compared to today.

Even if the fungi are not sent to the town to be sold for money, it is still good to keep them at home and eat them. Eating fungi is better than eating wild vegetables.

Although he picked up a lot of mushrooms in the past two days, Qin Xi didn't save any for eating. This was because there were a lot of mushrooms to eat later and he was not in a hurry. Selling money was important now.Besides, neither she nor her brother are particularly fond of fungi. It's okay to eat fresh ones every now and then. If they eat them every day, they will definitely not be able to stand it.

After returning, Qin He immediately came over and asked about how much it was sold for. Qin Jiang was troubled!
Finally, he couldn't stand Qin He's pestering and told him the number. It was okay if he didn't know. After knowing it, Qin He kept looking at him with that hesitant expression that made Qin Jiang's tooth hurt. .

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Your expression looks like that of an old woman. It gives me goosebumps all over."

Wan Tao, who had shaved his head and had a piece of candy in his mouth, sat on a small bench, leaning against Qin Xi's legs, but kept staring at Qin He. She felt that this person was not a good person, and she had to watch. points, lest they suffer a loss.

In the past, every time her stepfather went to San Bo's place to play Qiu Feng, he would have this expression, which was annoying to look at.

"I was thinking, brother, if you and Xiaoxi go to pick up fungi tomorrow, can you take Liu Mei and me with you?"

"We are relatively lazy. If we accidentally oversleep, another day will be wasted." Qin He said with a smile.

Going together is not the key, the most important thing is to be able to use their flashlights and fungus nests.

Some bacteria nests are only known to those who often soak in the woods. Or there are some people who simply carry a basket into the forest and come out with a basket full of mushrooms in less than an hour. It must be him Do you know where the bacteria nests are?
"Don't worry, we only have one flashlight for four people. Think about it for yourself, is this a problem?"

"If you really want to go early, you might as well go to town and buy a flashlight and come back."

Qin Jiang is not stupid. If four people use one flashlight and really see the fungus, there will definitely be friction. In the end, no one will be happy.

"I don't have any money." Qin He rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly: "Since we got married, Liu Mei has taken away all the money in my hand. Now I don't have any money in my hand." , very poor.”

"Brother, why don't you lend me some?"

In his impression, Qin Jiang has never been very smart, and he has money in his hands. If he can really borrow it, that will be great. If not, just pretend that he didn't say anything. Anyway, he will not lose a piece of meat.

He just tries whatever he wants, and it will be the best if he succeeds naturally.

"Your family has money. You didn't go to her to ask for it, but you borrowed it from me. Are you right?" Qin Jiang is not stupid. He looks like a meat bun beating a dog. There is no return. He capable?

Now is the time when the couple is under the least pressure. Instead of trying to save money, they are lazy and useless, unable to make or save money.

If you lend money to Qin He who is not stressed at this time, can you still expect him to repay it when he has several children and is under great pressure?

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