Qin He originally wanted to do a big job the next day, pick up a lot of fungi and sell them for a lot of money, so that Qin Jiang and Qin Xi could see what he was capable of. Unfortunately, God was not kind to him. That night, it started to rain. It rained heavily.

The gloomy sky is like a leaky basin, and the rain outside is the water leaking from the basin.

I originally thought that the rain would stop the next day. Obviously, everyone was wrong. It rained even harder the next day.

In such weather, not to mention people, even the cows in the cowshed dare not go out. No matter how hard the cattle raisers beat them, the cows still stay in the cowshed and refuse to go out.

In the end, I gave up. Although spring plowing is important, the cattle in the village are also important. What's more, the weather is really bad now. It's like there is a hole in the sky. The rain is pouring down. If you stand outside, if you don't wear it, If a person is soaked in a bamboo hat, he will not be able to open his eyes at all, and the same is true for cows.

The downpour that day blocked the progress of spring plowing in the village, but it did not stop the villagers' determination to go into the mountains to collect fungi. Not to mention it was just raining, even if it was hailing, as long as they could make money, there would be people holding up the big iron at home. The pot is out.

Compared with the drizzle of the equipment in the previous two days, everyone should pay more attention to today's equipment. A bamboo hat is indispensable. Otherwise, you will not be able to open your eyes as soon as you go out.

Some people, like Qin Xi and others, wear a piece of oil paper on their bodies, while others wear heavy raincoats from home. The shoes on their feet are the most important, and rubber shoes are naturally the best. Even if there are no rubber shoes, they must be worn. Wear non-slip Jiefang shoes. It's not fun to fall down at this time.

When they arrived in the forest, one good thing was that the trees in the forest could block part of the rain for them. It was still raining heavily outside, but it was raining sparsely in the forest.

If it was thundering and raining at the same time, they would definitely not dare to go into the forest to pick up fungi, but it wasn't just rain!

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went into the mountains. As for Qin He, he made an excuse for himself, and Liu Mei didn't want to go out, so she comforted him. So, he sat up at home with peace of mind, and the couple started talking. Holding hands, we sat by the kitchen door, watching the rain and wind blowing outside, thinking about Qin Jiang and Qin Xi's misery in the mountains, and felt very good.

Happiness depends on comparison. At this moment, the couple sitting comfortably at home is better than Qin Jiang and Qin Xi running around and working in the woods. Happiness is generated at this moment.

As for their jealous faces after Qin Jiang and Qin Xi came back with their harvest, that was another matter.

Qinjiang Qinxi, like the villagers, entered the forest after dawn. Because the heavy rain eliminated some people who went into the mountains to pick up mushrooms, so the harvest of the two was not bad.

After wandering around in the woods for more than two hours, the backpacks were almost full, so the two of them decided to go home.

As soon as I got home, the first thing I did was to change my clothes. The clothes I wore before were already wet. If I continued to wear them, I would definitely catch a cold.

Although Wan Tao stayed at home, she was restless. She would boil hot water and fill up the thermos bottle when she was home alone. She would keep the rest until Qin Xi and Qin Jiang came back and changed their clothes. They can slowly wash their faces and soak their feet in hot water to warm up their bodies.

Qin Xi started to boil brown sugar ginger water again, mainly to ward off the cold, and all three people in the family drank it.

Qin Jiang and Wan Tao picked the fungi together. Later, they would send these fungi to the town to sell them.

After drinking the brown sugar and ginger water, they waited for more than half an hour. The rain hadn't stopped yet. The two had to change into the wet clothes from before. As quickly as possible, they took the fungi to the town and sold them, earning one yuan and thirty-two cents. , walked back quickly.

After returning home, I immediately changed my clothes. At the same time, I also carried half a bucket of hot water into the house and wiped myself.In the afternoon, the two of them just lay flat. They had earned income in the morning, which was enough to support their daily expenses. In the afternoon, they could naturally lie at home with peace of mind and watch the rain and wind blow.

In her previous life, Qin Xi liked rainy days. She would move out on a recliner and lie on it playing with her mobile phone. It was very comfortable, but now, she doesn't like it anymore.

On a rainy day, there is wet mud everywhere. When you step on it, it's all covered in mud and water, and it's extremely slippery.

In addition, the house is also very humid. You can even touch the muddy water on the mud bricks in the corners of the room. Some of the wooden products that are not used and are placed on the ground even have poisonous mushrooms growing on them. , annoying, very annoying, it feels like moisture is everywhere, and the bones seem to be moldy and rusty.

They had dinner very early because there was no electric light and it was very inconvenient to cook once it got dark.

It’s been a hard day today. Qin Xi directly cut down half of the cured fish, cut it into pieces and soaked it in water. In order to marinate these cured fish, she didn’t put too much salt in it. Only in this way would it not go bad. Now she wants to eat it. These cured fish naturally require a little more effort.

Now, we need to soak out the salt water.

After soaking for half an hour and boiling in the pot for ten minutes to remove the salt, you can officially prepare the cured fish hot pot.

Stir-fry the cured fish with lard for a while, then add water to stew it, including onions, ginger, and garlic. As for the pepper, she didn't add it. After all, one of the three was injured, and Wan Yu couldn't eat spicy food.

Although there are no chili peppers in the pot, you can put your own chopped chili peppers or moldy beans in the dipping water, which are both delicious.

In addition to the cured fish, there were also about a dozen fir fungi and some seasonal wild vegetables, so I ate fresh. The staple food was roasted sweet potatoes. In the end, there were six sweet potatoes left, all of which were roasted.

The three of them gathered around the iron pot and were sweating profusely while eating in the shed. They were so greedy for Qinhe and Liumei next door. The wind really only blew towards them today, and the aroma from the cooking was so delicious. All rushed towards them.

"It smells so good, the people next door must be eating meat."

"What kind of family is this? This irresponsible person actually eats meat. This is too extravagant!" Liu Mei twitched her nose, took a deep breath, and said angrily.

Isn't this just to covet her?
"You also said that we originally had a cured fish, but it was delivered to your house and we didn't eat anything. If it hadn't been delivered, we would have eaten the cured fish now."

"Also, I said I was going to pick up mushrooms this morning, but you kept talking about this and that, which stopped me. If we make money, now we can also eat meat."

Although it was his own choice, this did not prevent Qin He from blaming Liu Mei for the problem. It seemed that Liu Mei was the sinner of this family, who prevented him from making money and prevented the family from getting better. .

Leave everything to Liu Mei, as if he is still such an innocent person.

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