Naturally, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang heard the quarrel next door. After all, they were not deaf yet, and there was only a mud wall between the two parties. There was a slight wind blowing next door, and they all knew it clearly.

The young couple had a quarrel in the kitchen, and they heard everything they said clearly. This... it's hard to comment.

Moreover, Qin Xi didn't expect that the two of them would quarrel and have something to do with her, but she just didn't admit it.

After all, she was just cooking in the kitchen. Who knows, she would be thrown into the melon field to eat melons.

After eating and resting for a while, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang set off with their baskets to pick up mushrooms in the forest.

The weather at this time is sultry and there is plenty of water vapor. As long as the umbrella canopy is open, the fungi in the forest are likely to produce maggots. Only those that are very tender and have just grown up before the bugs have had time to attack. It is possible to survive.

People in the village often say that eating fungi means eating maggots. This is because the fungi that grow in summer are basically filled with maggots. Although some do not have maggots, a kind of small red ant will also eat the fungus flesh inside. It's all gone, leaving only the outer shell.

Qin Xi doesn't like eating maggot-infested fungi. Although they are high in protein, they are not suitable for eating.

However, if you encounter these, you won't want them. Picking them up and drying them, selling dried mushrooms is also a good choice. After all, the price is the same. If you want to eat, you will specially pick them out and put them on another dustpan to dry. They will be packed in different bags and marked, so when selling, be careful not to get them by mistake.

"Xiao Tao, you stay at home and look after the house!"

"Okay." Wan Tao nodded and agreed happily.

Now she stays at home to look after the house. When her brothers and sisters go out to work, she can lock the door and go play with the little sisters in the village.

This play is not play in the traditional sense, but rather digging wild vegetables and cutting young grass together, or going to the forest to collect firewood and mushrooms.

Although you are working, having someone to accompany you is equivalent to playing.

After Qin Jiang and Qin Xi went out, they turned right, walked between their house and Fangzheng Yunqing's house, and went to the woods behind.

As soon as she entered the forest, Qin Xi saw two green-headed fungi hidden in the bushes with sharp eyesight. Unfortunately, the big one was already infested with maggots, but she also received it in the basket.

There are not many fungi growing in the forest now, but there are many people searching for them. They don't need to carry backpacks at all. If they can fill the two baskets they are carrying, it is already a very good harvest.

When picking up mushrooms, they saw the fallen pine cones and fallen leaves, and they didn't let them go. It was also a good choice to pick these things up and burn them on the fire. Wherever the two of them passed, they were completely bare. Nothing remains from the above.

After working for more than an hour, the two of them picked up about two or three kilograms of fungi. That was enough. They could go back to rest. Who knew, when they returned, they would see an umbrella with a lid as big as a soup bowl in the thatch. Large gallinopsis fungus.

With great excitement, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang took sticks and carefully pried out the root of the fungus. Qin Xile's eyes narrowed when she saw the stipe that was almost as long as her arm. .

This fungus is very fresh and has not been infested by maggots and ants. There are only a few insect bites on the edge of the cap, which is harmless. "This mushroom is good. I will use it to make soup tonight. It will be very fragrant. When the time comes, I will crack two eggs into it and add a few slices of bacon. It will not be fragrant anymore."

Not only Qin Xi, Qin Jiang also found it very incredible. He didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain when he returned.

"Just do this, that is, if you don't raise chickens at home, otherwise you will have to kill a chicken to match the fungi."

As for buying, it's impossible, it's too expensive. A chicken costs five yuan. After plucking, an old hen that doesn't lay eggs only weighs about a pound and a half. On average, it costs three or four yuan a pound, which is still the same. In a word, too expensive.

With that kind of money, they might as well catch a rabbit from the woodshed and kill it for meat. A rabbit, with its hair plucked, weighs at least four pounds. Rabbit meat is still cost-effective to eat.

Although the old hen is very useful, it is not something I would be reluctant to buy on special occasions.

After so many years in the countryside, Qin Xi also bought an old shedding hen from the village aunt on her birthday the year before last. The pot of chicken soup was so fragrant that she specially saved some for use. Let’s braise dried bamboo shoots, it’s so delicious.

When they got home, they picked out the fungi, put them in a dustpan, and put them on the roof to dry. They poured a basin of cold water out, washed their hands and faces, and then went back to the house for a lunch break.

Even if it's too hot to sleep in this kind of weather, it's good to lie down and squint. You'll be more energetic in the afternoon. When you lie down to rest, your lower back can be relaxed. When you go to work in the afternoon, you'll feel much better.

Qin He, who was next door, slept directly on the bench. He used two benches to make a simple small bed, and then lay on it. He had to work in the afternoon, so he naturally had to take a good rest at noon. .

Now that he didn't want to see Liu Mei, he naturally didn't go back to the house to sleep on the bed. Instead, he was in the kitchen, casually using a stool to deal with her.

He went to bed after eating. Liu Mei couldn't show off her face, and she was still hungry now!
She had obviously smelled the food, but she lay in the room with her neck stiffened, waiting for Qin He to come in and invite her out for dinner.

But who knew that Qin He didn't care about her at all, nor the child in her belly. He only cared about eating for himself, and then fell asleep after eating. He was heartless and made people's hearts ache when they were angry.

Liu Mei's current situation is that whenever she thinks about what happened at noon today, she becomes so angry that her heart and liver ache. At this time, the child in her belly may also feel her emotions, and there is some dull pain. She feels it carefully, but She didn't gain much. She didn't know exactly where the pain was. It didn't last long, and she was having trouble with Qin He, so she didn't care about it.

After all, with the current conditions at home, even if there is any problem, she has no other way. She can't take medicine while pregnant with a child. As for going to a big hospital for treatment, one is because she has no money, and the other is that Liu Mei herself doesn't think she can. necessary.

There are also women in the countryside who do heavy physical work while pregnant with their children and give birth to their children prematurely. Compared with those people, what she does is nothing.

With that sense of luck, Liu Mei never told anyone about her stomach discomfort.

After all, she is very alone now. She can't go back to her mother's family. Her married daughter throws water on her. Her husband's family does not welcome her. Her man is unreliable. Naturally, she feels that no one can be trusted. What? You have to support yourself.

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