Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 366 Drought and Death

Wan Tao looked up at Yun Qing and replied without thinking, "I don't want to eat your candy."

She may also know that the sentence "rent" is too blunt, so she added: "My sister is still young, give her candy!"

In the past, she would have to look at Qin Xi's face before acting. Now, she doesn't know how. After getting along for a long time, she naturally knows what kind of person Qin Xi is. She has a very easy-going temperament. If she is more casual, her sister will not be angry. , on the contrary, she feels troubled because she has no opinion and asks her about everything.

As for candy, she likes to eat it very much, but she can tell whether it is true or false. In this regard, she can even be said to be gifted. She is born with a very keen sense of the good and evil of others.

As for Yun Qing, she didn't mean it. These words were also polite words to coax a child.

"Why doesn't this kid want to eat candy? Candy is such a delicious thing!"

However, seeing that Qin Xi had no reaction, Yun Qing smiled coquettishly, and after saying this, she hugged the child and left.

She and Qin Xi couldn't get along, so there was no point in staying here.

This candy is so precious, and her own children don’t have enough to eat it!If there is any extra, give it to a wild girl.

That's right, she is a wild girl. She sincerely despises children with unknown origins.

In her opinion, Qin Xi is crazy. He can hardly feed himself, but he still has extra food to feed a wild girl. With such an unknown origin and no blood relationship, she can just pretend that she has not seen it, no Is that good?Gotta cause trouble.

If there is really too much food to eat, she can help share the food!
Moreover, isn’t the person next door to Qin Xi’s family still open his mouth, waiting to take advantage?

This food is freely given to outsiders, but is not given to relatives who are related to oneself by blood. Isn't this simply a disease?She didn't understand this operation anyway.

She attaches great importance to things like blood ties, so she looks down upon Qin Xi's behavior.

Seeing Yun Qing leave, Qin Xi put down the dried perilla in his hand: "Do you want to eat sweets? If you want to eat some, wait until this matter is over and you are looser, I will go to the town to buy them for you."

The children she raises must not be treated badly in terms of food. As long as it is within a reasonable range, it can be allowed. Children like to eat sweets and want to eat sweets. That is a simple and normal request. can be satisfied.

Wan Tao shook his head: "I don't want to eat. I'll save the money to buy food. It's good to be able to have enough food at home."

Although she also likes sweet things, she doesn't like them to that extent yet. She hasn't made any money yet, so she doesn't want her sister to spend too much money on her. She will go to school soon, and by then, There are so many places to spend money!
When it comes to food, Qin Xi feels a little frustrated. This year, she and her brother went to the black market to buy food several times and came back. After eating, they still have [-] kilograms left. The food before was not enough to eat. There is not enough food. If they did not go to the black market to buy food, their family would have run out of food.

As for whether to buy grain from the black market later, it depends on how much grain they can get.

Besides, some time ago, Qin Xi collected a lot of wild vegetables. They were boiled and dried very dry in the sun. They were the kind that broke as soon as they were broken. They should be stored in wooden boxes for a long time.After resting at home for more than an hour, Qin Xi dragged his tired body to work again. At this time, it was impossible to be lazy, and no one could delay production.

Qin Xi was a member of the rice-cutting army. When he was working, he faced the loess and turned his back to the sky. Sweat flowed into his eyes. The clothes on both sides of his shoulders were all wet with sweat after a while.

Whether it is rice or the stems and leaves of rice, it will feel a little itchy when it touches the hand. Moreover, the leaves of rice are also quite sharp and the hand can be scratched. Although the wound is not big, it is scratchy!It was so itchy that even though I washed it with water many times, it still didn't work.

At the same time, Wan Yu was also carrying a basket, picking up rice in the harvested rice fields. Whether it was grains or ears, nothing could escape their eyes. Children's eyes were very bright.

They need to hand over [-]% of the rice picked up by their children to the village, and the remaining [-]% is their income from a day's work.

Wan Yu is still very diligent. On average, he can earn more than a pound of rice a day.

After working for more than two hours, Qin Xi wanted to squat down and do it, but she didn't dare. Someone next to her did it. She was scolded by many people and stopped talking. She also had a work point deducted. It was so miserable. , all face and pride are gone.

After finally getting through to work, Qin Xi was too lazy to move a finger. She had to wait for everything, including clothes and food!She had to go to the recliner to rest for half an hour.

Liu Mei, who lives next door, is in a similar situation to her, but because she is pregnant, she has to work with an old man in the village who is between 70 and [-] years old to dry rice. This job seems easy, but it is actually quite tiring. .

You have to wear a bamboo hat to walk around in the sun, and your hands are constantly moving. You need to hold a bamboo rake and turn over the grains on the ground repeatedly.

In addition, some grass blades that fall into the threshing bucket with the rice need to be swept out repeatedly by the person drying the rice with a broom. All these grass blades have to be swept out.

After a busy day, Liu Mei took off her shoes when she got home and saw a blister on her foot. The sole of her foot was sore and uncomfortable. Walking had become a very torturous thing for her. .

After working for five consecutive days, the last acre of rice was harvested and brought back. At this moment, everyone really breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, it was over.

Some people are glad that they can finally rest and no longer have to worry about whether they will die from exhaustion. Some people are happy that the harvest has been successfully completed. Although some rice fields are only half a grain of rice, they are different from those in other villages. Compared with the other villagers, they are already very lucky. All the food has been taken back. This year, they finally don’t have to worry about starving to death.

After all, it has been dry for more than a month now. Even if the middle reservoir releases water once, it will not be of any use!Within five days, that little water was dried by the high temperature, turned into water vapor, and disappeared without a trace.

Now there are a lot of cracks in the ground. The rice that has just eared in Zuoling Village next door is showing signs of being dried to death. The leaves are yellow and curled up. The situation is not good.

These days, many people are begging God and Buddha. As long as it rains and saves their lives, they are willing to do anything. Unfortunately, God does not grant their wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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