Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 371 Skinny Rabbit

Next door, Qin He and Liu Mei were so happy after they took over the rabbit. After thinking about it for so long, they finally got it.

In the beginning, Liu Mei agreed to marry Qin He just because she could make a lot of money raising rabbits. Who knew that after being married for more than half a year, she didn't even touch a rabbit hair. Now, she finally got her wish.

"Hey, Qin He, why do these three rabbits look so thin? When you lift them up, they don't feel very heavy. They only weigh more than four pounds."

"Is it your sister who deliberately picked out three skinny ones and sent them over to us?"

Although Qin He didn't speak, she had already concluded that the truth of the matter was this: "She is so calculating!"

"Our rabbits must be raised well to give birth to cubs. If they are too thin, the rabbits will not be in good health. If they are not in good health, it will be difficult to raise them. She must have done it on purpose, just because she doesn't like us. "

"I don't know what Qin Xi and the others have been doing all day. When they come back, go and tell them that the rabbits are too thin to raise. Please change some. These three are not good and we don't want them. "

Apart from anything else, when she first married Qin He, she had seen the big rabbits of the Qin family. They were all fat, fat, and full of flesh. They must have weighed five or six pounds. Now they were placed in front of them. These skinny rabbits are simply incomparable.

These three skinny rabbits only weigh about four and a half pounds. They are too thin and are not good.

When Qin He heard this, he said with a straight face impatiently: "If you want to say it, you can tell me, I won't care about it."

"If you ask me, you are just nosy. She sent it here and you just take good care of it. You don't talk so much."

Just kidding, he is a grown man, how can he argue with others over trivial matters? How can he behave if word of this spreads out.

When Liu Mei heard this, she felt tired. She married Qin He because she wanted to be a little woman who relied on men, not a shrew who took care of everything.

Maybe this word is a bit inappropriate to describe, but at this time, behind the scenes, this is how everyone described the woman who took charge of the family affairs. In and out of words, it was a bit contemptuous, and she felt that the woman was suppressing the men in the family. Come on, that's a bit rebellious and I don't know what that means.

At this time, there are too many people in the village. After all, there are no factories to enter now, and there are no entertainment activities now. Maybe it is leisure. Many people are very keen on nosy, and many people are very annoyed.

Although Liu Mei also wanted to show off, it was related to her own interests, so she had to stand up. After all, it was not her style to suffer the loss and remain silent.

She didn't care if Qin He wanted to be a soft-footed shrimp. She wanted to stand up and replace these skinny rabbits anyway.

"Okay, when the time comes, don't hold me back just because you want to save face."

So, Liu Mei waited until after five o'clock in the afternoon, almost six o'clock, and the sun was about to set, before Liu Mei heard Qin Xi's voice coming from next door.

Before, she also went to the next door, but unfortunately no one was at home. At 04:30 in the afternoon, Qin Qing was out of school, but she was a little baby and didn't know what to ask. What a use for her coming back!

Qin Qing knew what Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were doing. After all, they lived under the same roof and couldn't hide anything. She was a relatively sensitive governor and knew everything about Qin Xi and Qin Jiang's behavior. , she didn’t want to tell the people next door about their whereabouts.

After all, Qin He was a bad guy who had fought with her brother. Although Qin Jiang crushed him unilaterally, this did not prevent her from hating Qin He.

Although this little bit of annoyance wouldn't make her do anything to him, she could still do it if he didn't answer questions or answer questions that weren't what he asked.

Not to mention, last time, Qin He quarreled with her sister, saying that she was a wild girl with unknown origins, and that she was a person who held grudges. She still remembered every detail!

Not only Qin He, the past memories were just sealed deep in her heart. "Qin Xi is back. I'll go next door and ask if you remember to cook!"

At the beginning, Qin He's cooking skills were not very good, and the food he cooked was tasteless, but now it is better.

Of course, without good ingredients, craftsmanship is of no use. Just like her, the wild vegetables and dried sweet potatoes at home still taste the same no matter how they are cooked, so she doesn’t struggle anymore. Anyway, whether it is made by her or Qin He , it’s all the same flavor.

"Can't you come back and do it again?"

Regarding things like cooking, he always felt that this was Liu Mei's responsibility and obligation as a woman and a wife, but she always pushed it to him, which was annoying to death.

He was reverting to his old ways. The panic when Liu Mei fainted and the determination he made at that time, after such a long time, had long been swept away by him and left to ashes in the clutter.

"Okay, if you're not hungry, then wait until I come back." Liu Mei didn't want to keep arguing with him over such trivial matters, so she agreed casually and went out to the next door.

As for Qin He, he sat on the small bench with peace of mind and couldn't put it down, playing with the exquisite slingshot Qin Jiang gave him.

Liu Mei walked to the next door and put her hands on her belly, which was just a little pregnant, in a protective state. She had already decided that if there was a fight later, she must protect her belly.

Of course, she was just overthinking this. No matter how unscrupulous Qin Jiang and Qin Xi were, they would not do anything to a pregnant woman. This was all a matter of principle.

"Qinxi. Qinxi"

Hearing the sound, Qin Xi walked out directly: "Is something wrong?"

Her attitude was calm and good, and the money she received today was enough for her to face Liu Mei in a pleasant manner.

Liu Mei, who was still uneasy before, suddenly felt stable when she saw Qin Xi's good attitude.

"The rabbit you sent me doesn't look very suitable to me. Can I change it?"

To directly say that she dislikes rabbits for being thin would be a bit of a slap in the face, but to say that they don't agree with each other, then both parties have to step in. I believe that Qin Xi's shrewdness already understands what she means.

Qin Xi rejected her directly: "No."

Now that there are no rabbits in the house, what can she give her in exchange for them?

"Why?" Liu Mei asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's because I sold all the rabbits at home!"

"There are no rabbits here anymore. If you don't like it and want to change rabbits, it's impossible here, but you can go to other people's homes and ask."

The rabbits she sent to Qin He's house were all caught casually, making sure they were two females and one male, so as not to affect subsequent reproduction, so they were sent directly to her. Now that she is playing tricks on her, it's too late. All the rabbits in the house have been replaced with one. Zhang's money.

(End of this chapter)

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