Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 373 Wild Duck Eggs

Qin Xi looked in the direction of Qin Jiang's finger, and sure enough he saw a few wild ducks in the middle of the water: "Where are these wild ducks? I haven't seen them before."

"Brother, can you catch me?"

Wild duck soup should be delicious!
If you are afraid of the fishy smell, making it into blood duck is also a good choice, it is delicious and not greasy.

"No, these wild ducks are very flexible in the water. Not only are they hard to catch, they can also fly. I can try to call He Yuan Fangzheng another day. Maybe I can succeed."

Even though the current reservoir didn't look big, he knew that the water inside was very deep, especially when it reached the former well, not to mention that there was a ditch two meters wide and one meter deep on both sides of the well.

It's okay for people like Qin Jiang who can swim. If you can't swim, seeing that the water in the reservoir is shallow and you step into a ditch, big trouble will happen.

"It seems that we have to let them go today." Qin Xi glanced at the ducks in disappointment. Suddenly, she saw the reed swamp opposite.

The duck has no hope, so I don’t know if the duck egg can have any hope.

"Brother, let's go take a look at the reed swamp over there! It would be even better if we could pick up a nest of duck eggs."

During this period, don't be too arrogant about those grasshoppers and inchworms. Just like the previously exposed grass above the reservoir, the inchworms will definitely kill people with trypophobia. Every place where you put your feet is covered with inchworms. If you step down, grasshoppers will fly everywhere and inchworms will die.

Those who are not mentally strong and are afraid of bugs will definitely be frightened and scream.

When she first saw this scene, Qin Xi was frightened, but the rabbits at home had nothing to eat. Only the reservoir side had more grass, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and come here with her brother.

At first, she let her brother carry her across the grass, but gradually she became less afraid. Even if an insect crawled onto her upper trouser legs, she would just shake it off and sweep it away.

As for Qin Jiang, he was not afraid of this thing at all. The first time Qin Xi didn't dare to leave, it was him who carried her on his back. He really wasn't afraid at all.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go quickly."

As soon as the two of them thought of wild duck eggs, their energy suddenly rose.

Their chances are still very good, because there are too many bugs here, and the villagers don't like to come here. Even if they come, they are in a hurry, just cut the grass and leave, and they won't stay here at all.

The reeds here are so big that they stretch for more than ten meters. Once you enter, it feels like you are hiding even if you don't do anything.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang carefully walked into the reed marsh without separating.

There is no harvest in places far away from the water. The ground is cracked and even insects don't like to stay here.

On the other side, closer to the water, the leaves on the reed poles look different. The leaves are emerald green and look very juicy, and there are many small bugs lying on them sucking the juice.

If it weren't for the wild duck eggs hanging above, neither of them would have come in at all.

"Brother" Qin Xi only opened her mouth and said one word, and an insect flew into her mouth, making her feel nauseated.

"bah bah bah"

Although the bug was spit out, the strange feeling still caused a big shadow on her.

"What's wrong?" Qin Jiang turned around and asked.

Qin Xi did not dare to speak directly this time. Instead, she chose to cover her mouth with her hands to ensure that the bugs could not fly in, and then she spoke: "There are bugs. I almost ate that bug just now." That was a I don’t know if the flying crustacean bug is poisonous or not. Even if it is poisonous, it should be fine!She didn't even eat it.

"You have to be careful, there are too many bugs."

Qin Jiang nodded, indicating that he understood: "I understand, just take care of yourself, don't worry about me."

After searching for a while, Qin Jiang suddenly focused on a weed pile on the wet mudflat not far away. The shape of the weed pile looked a bit like a nest.

Qin Jiang quickened his pace and stepped on the reed that was taller than a man in front of him. In this way, he stepped on a path, and there were several cuts on his face and hands. .

Qin Xi, who was following behind with difficulty, followed the path stepped by the Qin River. The situation was much better than that of the Qin River. The only drawback was that there were too many flying insects, and when the reeds were stepped down, the reed flowers flew up. The same It's very annoying. If you don't pay attention, you'll sniff it into your nose. If you talk, it may go directly into your mouth.

Her current look is unsightly. Her neatly combed hair was spread out in all directions by grass blades. Coupled with the grass, reeds and other things stuck to her hair, her image is different from the previous one. A crazy woman, there is nothing wrong with her.

Although the distance between Qin Jiang and the nest was not far, there were too many obstacles in between. It took him almost 2 minutes to get there.

"Xiaoxi, don't come here. The mud here is wet. Step in the mud."

As for himself, of course he bent down and picked up the seven duck eggs from the nest in a very good mood. The basket he had previously held with his hands and carried behind his back was put aside by him, and the duck eggs were also carefully placed. He put it in, and the cushion underneath was the wild vegetables he had picked before.

The smallest wild duck egg is even bigger than the largest egg in the village aunt's house.

The duck eggs were very fresh and even felt a little warm to the touch. The mother duck might have been incubating the eggs before, but she was stolen after being out for a while.

"Brother, have you gained anything?" Qin Xi covered his mouth with his hand and asked.

She stood behind Qin Jiang and did not follow him forward, so she was not very clear about the situation ahead. However, seeing her brother squat down and pick up something, she knew that something had been gained.

"Yes, there are seven duck eggs!"

He had always wanted to eat salted duck eggs before, but there were no ducks in the village. He could only keep this idea in his heart. Now the opportunity came, and there was nothing more suitable than wild duck eggs.

When Qin Xi heard this, he was happy: "Maybe there are more, I'll look for them again."

It was her that Delong Wangshu was talking about, but she was really lucky and found another nest of duck eggs in the reeds on the left.

"I also found a nest of nine, brother, I got it this time."

Although he didn't say it, Qin Xi was so excited that he just blurted out the words.

"Don't get excited, keep looking for it, there might be something else." While Qin Jiang was talking, his eyes were still wandering around in the reeds.

The brother and sister were very enthusiastic. There were duck eggs hanging in front of them. They searched for more than 20 minutes in the reeds. They looked very embarrassed, but found nothing.

It seemed that their luck had run out today.

(End of this chapter)

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