Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 38 New Year's Countdown Part [-]

Chapter 38 New Year's Countdown Part [-]

28 facial hair, decals.

At this time, there is no easy-to-use and convenient yeast powder for the dough. Ordinary noodles are easy to spoil when prepared a few days in advance. Only the dough is not bad, so I made the dough on the 28th.

Applique flowers refer to paper-cut couplets. Red paper is pasted on walls and windows, which looks very festive.

The closer to the [-]th day, the happier the children are. The delicious food at home has already aroused their greediness. Parents who spoil their children will even buy small red cannons with pocket money. Onlookers watched, lit the small red cannon with a red-hot branch, and then threw it on the ground, with a "pop", it was very old.

29. Steamed buns.

The steamed buns from other people's houses were already on the table, but the Qin family didn't make any movement. Because Liu Qin didn't plan to steam the steamed buns this year, so she didn't bake the dough yesterday.

Except for the white flour that was needed to make dumplings that night on the [-]th night, she wrapped all the rest and planned to send it to her old mother. She has bad teeth and a bad stomach. White flour is a good thing, nutritious and not good. Fei Ya, send it to her old man, it's just right.

At this time, Liu Qin has already forgotten the fact that Li Chunhua is only two years younger than her mother. One is a rural old lady who has worked hard for most of her life, and the other is an old lady in the city who has always lived in the city and her family conditions are not bad. , the body of the latter is much better than the former.

It's just that Liu's mother doesn't like to move, especially when there are guests at home, she likes to sit at the table lazily eating sunflower seeds, which gave Liu Qin a feeling that her old lady is sick.

On New Year's Eve, the Qin family got up very late. In this winter, they don't have to go to work or school, and there's not much work at home, so who wants to get up early?
What's more, Liu Qin said last night that on the evening of the New Year's Eve, the family will make dumplings for dinner. After finally eating a good meal, of course you have to empty your stomach to pretend to be delicious, so the morning meal and the noon meal are combined , I only ate two meals today.

At around ten o'clock in the noon, the whole family sat around together, and the bowls contained sweet potato porridge with more sweet potatoes and less rice grains. How little is it?The rice grains in everyone's bowl can be counted.

Li Chunhua came out of the room awkwardly on one tiptoe. When she saw the food on the table, she was dissatisfied. People who celebrate the Chinese New Year eat this?

Yesterday it was stewed potatoes with Chinese cabbage, and put some oil, but today it is boiled sweet potatoes, let alone white noodles, she has never seen rice, this is Chinese New Year, why is it worse than usual .

When she was in Qingou Village, her hometown in the countryside, she ate better than this during the Chinese New Year. Who is she fooling!
She found that Liu Qin has been going too far recently. Some good things in the house were taken by her, and they were taken to her mother's house and given to her mother. Porridge!

Today is even more excessive, New Year's Eve, such an important day, not to mention only eating two meals a day, and the preparations are so perfunctory, has she already planned the fine grains at home, waiting for tomorrow? New Year's greetings, send them all to her old lady?
"What is this?"

"Qin Xi, it's not that grandma is talking about you. You are too picky. It's not like there is no fine grain at home. On such an important day today, take half a catty of rice and make sweet potato rice. Isn't it delicious?"

"It's not so economical! These days, our family's food is worse than usual."

She knew that Liu Qin cooked the meal today, but she couldn't tell her directly, so she could only use Qin Xi's method to indirectly point Liu Qin, and hoped that she would restrain herself in the next few days.

Qin Xi didn't intend to talk at all, just put his head down and cook, the big and small kings in the family are fighting against each other!She is a little cannon fodder, and then mixes things up.

With a bang, the chopsticks in Liu Qin's hand were photographed on the table, and she said to Li Chunhua with a bland smile, "Mom, I made today's meal, and I was thinking about eating it tonight." The meal is finished, this meal at noon is simpler, to clear the stomach."

"After all, you are clear about our family's conditions. There are a lot of things to prepare for the meal of meat dumplings at night. Is it necessary to save money for the meal at noon?"

"Oh, you did it! I said it!"

"Forget it, since you did it, I won't say anything."

Seeing her grandma take a step back, Qin Xi thought that this was over, but who knows, the old lady spoke up again.

"However, I have something to say about the bowel cleanse here."

"Our family now has three meals a day, which meal is not rare?"

"Sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage, and old pumpkin are made in turn, and there is no oil or water. With such a meal, do you still need to cleanse the stomach?"

Li Chunhua spread her hands, and everyone could hear the sarcasm in her words.

The family has meat tickets, five taels per person per month, except for the old lady’s rural household registration, the remaining eight people add up to four catties of meat tickets every month, which is 48 catties a year, but in fact, the Qin family’s three You may not be able to eat meat once in a month.

All the meat tickets in the family are in the hands of Liu Qin. According to her, all the meat tickets in the family were exchanged for money to subsidize the family, but in fact, they were sent to the Liu family. I have a double chin, and my family has no strength, so I really can't feed it.

"Leave if you don't want to eat, no one is forcing you, anyway, this is the condition of my family." Liu Qin said angrily.

"Qin Shan and I are the only two people in the family who receive wages, but they have to feed and drink for nine people. One of the family has not been provided with food. Her food and drink are all saved from other people's mouths. That's it. Family, if you don’t save some money, can you survive this day?”

The only person in the family with a rural household registration is Li Chunhua, and she does not have rationed food.

Li Chunhua is not deaf yet, what does Liu Qin mean by this, she understands it very well, doesn't it mean that she is holding back the family?
It is impossible to walk, not possible in this life.

She has stayed in the city for more than ten years. When she returns to Qingou Village, can she still get used to the life in the village?

"Saving means saving, but it also depends on time! Today is thirty, and it's the last day of the year. Do you just eat this at home?"

"It's not my wife's choice. I used to be a widow, and when I was growing up alone in the village, I was pulling the two brothers Qin Shan and Qin Shu. On New Year's Day, I could still make them eat a few good meals and make them full."

As soon as Qin Shan heard this, he remembered the past when he lived with his mother and younger brother in his hometown. How hard life was at that time!

"Now" Liu Qin just wanted to refute, but someone pulled off his sleeves, and looked down, it was Qin Shan.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, stick the firewood box after eating, let's start making dumplings after three o'clock, and the dumplings will be ready for cooking after four o'clock." Qin Shan stood up and said to the little ones at home.

The younger ones were also very face-saving, and asked about the topic of dumplings. Being disturbed by this, the previous topic could not be continued, and the turmoil between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law disappeared invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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