Chapter 41 New Years
Early the next morning, Qin Xi was awakened by the movement beside her.

"What's this for? It's not even light outside yet!"

Seeing that Qin Xi didn't react, Qin Qing didn't bother to remind her, put on his most precious and tidy suit, and went out directly.

If she was the first to get up, maybe her parents would pay her an extra two cents for the sake of her cuteness and sensibleness!
Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the children of the neighbors who are more friendly will visit each other. Whether they can get the favor of the elders, such as red envelopes and peanut melon seeds candies depends on personal performance.

It was too warm in the bed, Qin Xi, who couldn't figure it out, didn't continue to struggle, the warm bed was nothing better than anything else.

The one who got up earlier than Qin Qing was her twin brother. Liu Qin got up early in the morning and went to wake up the two. It is a new year and a new atmosphere. If you sleep in on the first day, then in the next year, this person will Everyone is very lazy. This is an old custom that has been passed down since ancient times. On the first day of the new year, one has to get up early.

Qin Xi, Qin Jiang, and Qin He were out of tune with the rest of the family, because one of the three got up later than the other.

Qin Xi didn't get up until close to eight o'clock, and Qin Jiang called him after Qin Xi got up. As for Qin He, he didn't go to bed until ten o'clock last night. In the morning, he slept until nine o'clock and missed breakfast.

But he was not in a hurry, the most important thing at home was food for Chinese New Year. Under the watchful eyes of his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Qin He grabbed a large handful of peanuts from the table in the main room by surprise, and then he directly Slip away, no matter how Ren Liuqin and Li Chunhua call from behind, it will not help.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, swearing is not allowed, especially the word death, which is unlucky.

After a while, when the anger of the two of them had almost dissipated, Qin He slowly slipped back. It was too cold outside, and he couldn't stay. Just don't bother others.

Not daring to stay in the main room to obstruct the eyes of the two women at home, he went to the kitchen, where the stove was burning all the time, Qin Jiang and Qin Xi stayed here to keep warm, he took the big handful of peanuts he grabbed When they came out, the three of them grilled and ate separately.

The peanuts simmered over a charcoal fire mixed with plant ash were delicious, fragrant and crispy. Qin Jiang and Qin Xi also ran out, grabbed a handful of peanuts and melon seeds from the plate at home, and left.

"Look, this is a rebellion!"

"I bought a total of two catties of peanuts, but the customers didn't come here! They took half a catty away." Li Chunhua said to Liu Qin dissatisfied.

This matter is not big or small, just stepping on the point where they can tolerate it, but it is inevitable to complain, aggrieved!

She had been sitting here for more than an hour, and she was not willing to eat two. As a result, the group of little bastards went too far one by one.

"Forget it! Today is the New Year's Eve." Liu Qin was more generous, and did not intend to argue with them about this matter today.

"Okay, I'll save face for you, and I hope they will accept it as soon as they see it. If they dare to come again later, I must give them two slaps."

The three people in the kitchen don't care what the outsiders think, and now they are eating happily, that's all right.

The peanuts were pulled out from the ashes of plants, so it was inevitable that some dust would stick to the hands and mouth, but no one cared about these small details. This was the first time that Qin Xi felt that he was much closer to Qin He, the second brother. It took half a month to go from having no interaction in the past to being able to speak a few words now, which is not easy!
The main reason is that Qin He said that from the time when he didn’t want to study and was suppressed, when he was 12 years old, he wanted to learn carpentry and become an apprentice to a master to learn the craft, but his family disagreed, and the master soon found him. People, he also missed.

The years of being pressured to study were really painful. Because he was too old and tall, he was out of place in the class. There was no one who could talk to him at school. He played well with him before, or He went to junior high school, or dropped out of school and went home to work, but he was still in the fourth grade of elementary school.

He failed the exam, he was not that material at all, he was scolded by the teacher at school and scolded by his parents at home, on that day, he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Then, he got involved with a group of "like-minded" people, and he finally didn't have to go to school to stay. He walked around with them every day, and occasionally had disputes and fights with people.

But last time this group of people was looking for excitement and wanted to go to the farmer's house to steal things. He didn't want to go, because they disagreed with each other, and the contact between the two parties was cut off. He hasn't seen that group of people for a long time. My parents were sent to the countryside, but they were still caught and sent to reform through labor.

Now his friends are only a few people who played together when they were young, but they will either enter the factory as apprentices, or plan to go to the countryside next year, and he will probably stay at home soon. I don’t know if they will be able to meet next year got together.

Not long after, Qin Qing and the twins came back, and the three of them had pockets full of peanuts, melon seeds and candies, which were their spoils of the morning.

"Mom, I'll give you one." Old Fifth Qin Hu took out a piece of candy from his pocket, handed it to Liu Qin, and then gave Old Six Qin Hai a smug expression.

"I have it too, mom, you can eat it too." Lao Liu hastily took out candy from his pocket to make up for it, he must not fall behind Lao Wu.

"Oh, my son is really good, but my mother has bad teeth and can't eat sweets. Eat it! I'm happy to see you eating it." Liu Qin narrowed her eyes with a smile. stronger than anything.

Now Liu Qin is like drinking a glass of ice water on a hot summer day, feeling comfortable all over!

In contrast, Qin Qing's performance was much inferior. When he came back, it was fine if he didn't show anything to her mother, and he didn't show anything to Li Chunhua, the mother who loved her the most.

This filial piety is all based on comparison. With the support of the twins, Li Chunhua's face has turned black.

Qin Qing happily licked the candy in his hand, pretended not to know, turned around and went to the kitchen.

She had been busy for so long and only got three pieces of candy. She couldn't help but eat one piece just now on the road outside. She was still holding one piece in her hand and was carefully licking it. There was only one piece left in her pocket. How could she be willing to do so.

Besides, her grandma is old and her teeth are not good. It doesn't matter if she eats sugar or not!
No matter how smart and cautious he usually is, when faced with something he really likes and cares about, Qin Qing chooses to follow his inner thoughts, which is possession, and he is unwilling to act even if he pretends to let go. Woolen cloth!
Besides, her grandma likes her so much, so she won't be angry for too long. Another day, she'll act like a baby and coax her, wouldn't it be fine?
(End of this chapter)

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