By the time the train rumbled to Xiang'an City, it was already 9:45 pm. After walking out of the train station, everything was quiet, and only a few weak lights could be seen here and there.

This scene reminded Qin Xi of the city that never sleeps in later generations. At that time, the city was always brightly lit no matter day or night.

However, black also has its advantages, and the atmosphere is still very good. They installed a flashlight in their suitcases and simply illuminated the road, which was no problem.

The three people were walking in the dark night with their things. There was a thick layer of white snow. Even without a flashlight, it was not a problem to see the road clearly, because the snow was really white. Even if there were no stars in the sky, it still gave people a sense of It feels like it's somewhere between day and night. You can see the road and scenery clearly, but it's just a little blurry and not very clear.

The three people's eyesight is pretty good, at least they don't need to wear glasses, so they can see clearly.

There were quite a lot of people around at the train station before, but as soon as they left the train station, within two minutes of walking, everyone separated one after another. Soon, the three brothers and sisters were the only ones left on the path home.

A clicking sound replaced the footsteps of the three people. It was the sound made by the snow under their feet being trampled and squeezed. In fact, the sound was not too loud, but in this quiet night, this sound seemed particularly harsh.

Qin Xi didn't feel scared. He had Qin Jiang and Qin Qing beside him. There were many people sleeping in the residential buildings on the roadside. If something unexpected happened, just shout and a lot of helpers would definitely appear within a minute.

Walking in the dark night, walking alone, would be very scary, walking with two people would be a little worrying, but walking with three people, there is no need to worry at all, and she even had something to think about. and enjoy the view of the city at night.

Qinjiang Qinxi had already moved. Although the place he lived in before was very suitable, he couldn't handle the fact that the original landlord changed his job and came back. Therefore, Qinjiang Qinxi found another place outside. This time, it was not a building, but a building. It's a tile-roofed house, a blue brick house with a small yard.

It was originally rented before, but the landlord went abroad with his family last year. Qin Jiang and Qin Xi also thought it was too troublesome to move around, so they simply bought the small yard. For this reason, the two of them Years of savings have been wasted. Fortunately, now that I have a stable job, I can spend the money as I spend it.

Having their own home in Xiang'an City has greatly strengthened the three people's sense of belonging to this city, as if plants have taken root in this soil and have no intention of leaving.

The house they live in now is about 20 minutes away from where Qin Jiang and Qin Xi work. Qin Qing's school is a little closer, about 15 minutes away.

After walking for more than forty minutes, they finally arrived home. At this time, their whole bodies were radiating warmth, and they were even slightly sweating.

In the vast whiteness, Qin Xi lowered his head to look for the key. Qin Jiang patiently turned on the flashlight and shined it on Qin Xi, while Qin Qing was anxious on the side.

"Have you found it? How about I do it?" Qin Qing asked impatiently.

The large bunch of keys in Qin Xi's hand were not just for her own home, but also for the school. Plus the ones she locked in the cabinet and drawers, it was a large bunch.

Normally it's okay, but at critical times like this, the more anxious you are, the harder it is to find it.

Coupled with the cold weather, other parts of the body were hot, but the hand had just touched the cold key, and with the cold wind blowing several degrees below zero, the temperature of the palm of the hand dropped sharply, and it felt like ice, Zaragi. It's even harder to get the key out. Finally, Qin Xi found the key he wanted. With a click, the big iron lock was opened, and the three of them returned to the yard and entered the house.

On such a cold day with ice and snow, the first thing you do when you get home is to light a fire. Because no one lives in it for a long time, the house is as cold as an ice hole. There is nothing warm in the house, and even a sip of hot water is a luxury. .

As soon as the light was turned on, Qin Xi took a match and started to light a fire. There was a wood stove in the kitchen at home, but there was no need to use black carbon to light the stove.

When I first lit the pine needle leaves, a lot of white thick smoke was produced in the kitchen, which was a bit choking. I had to open the windows to let the smoke out, but as soon as the fire started, there was no smoke at all. The black smoke can be completely discharged through the tiles on the roof.

After all, smoke goes upwards, so except for the house being blackened, everything else was fine.

Qin Xi was lighting a fire on the side, while Qin Jiang and Qin Qing were preparing the things that would be used to cook porridge later, washing what needed to be washed, cutting what needed to be cut, and Qin Xi would do it when they were ready.

By the time I finished drinking the porridge and washing my feet, it was already half past eleven.

After riding the train for ten hours, the three of them were already exhausted. As soon as they washed their feet, put on the socks with a torch to warm them up, and put out the fire, they all went to bed.

The next day, the sixth day of the first lunar month, all three of them got up very late. Qin Qing got up first, then Qin Jiang, and finally Qin Xi.

As soon as Qin Qing got up, she took a dollar from the small box in the kitchen and went out to buy breakfast.

She was hungry, and no one wanted to get up early in the winter, so they usually went out to buy breakfast. Generally speaking, this job was Qin Qing's, and she was already familiar with the stall owner. In that breakfast street, she knew exactly which buns were delicious and which fried dough sticks and soy milk were delicious.

When she came back with steamed buns and hot sweet soy milk, the stove at home had been turned up and moved under the fire table, and the family had a hot breakfast first.

As soon as I ate breakfast, I felt like my whole body was in high spirits, as if a mysterious switch in my body had been turned on.

After breakfast, the three brothers and sisters first cleaned the house, then boiled water and took baths one by one. After finishing these tasks, the afternoon was their own time.

After finishing lunch and wiping their mouths, except for the one who had his turn to wash the dishes, the other two people ran away quickly and went to find their familiar friends. During the Chinese New Year, the Qin family was very lively, and there were people there every day. Come, after all, there are no elders in the family, they are all young people. This kind of gathering place without parental restraint is not very popular.

This time it was Qin Xi's turn. She stayed at home to wash the dishes. After washing, it started to snow outside, with heavy snowfall and cold wind blowing. It was very cold outside.

When she first arrived here, she was very curious and fond of the snow here, but every time winter passes and spring comes, she still feels sincerely that spring is better.

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