Chapter 54
Seeing Liu Qin running away, the first reaction of the rest of the people was to chase after him. After running a few steps, they realized that there was an old lady who stayed where she was.

Looking at the old lady who was stubborn like a donkey, sitting there without any reaction, Qin Shan sighed helplessly, and stopped in her tracks. This is his old lady, my dear, anyone can run, but he can't .

When the twins were full of energy, they ran fast with their short legs, and quickly caught up with Liu Qin.

Qin Xi turned her head and saw that someone had already stopped. She couldn't help speeding up her movements, and soon caught up with the mother and son in front of her.

Like Qin Xi, Qin Jiang and Qin He quickly caught up and successfully overtook them.

Logically speaking, the most entangled person at the scene should be Qin Qing, but he ran away without any hesitation, leaving only Qin Shan who was worried and couldn't let go.

If the old lady was allowed to go back to the village alone, the villagers would really gossip and poke their backs.

Originally, the villagers had criticized his family quite a bit, but now if there is another suspected unfilial behavior, their family's reputation will be completely stink when they come back next time.

The villagers have complicated emotions towards their family. One is envy, and the other is jealousy. These two emotions are intertwined, and troubles are most likely to arise.

Liu Qin couldn't run anymore after running for a few minutes. Her physical strength was really weak, but she let Qin He, who was the fastest among the group, run first, and left them alone.

Among other things, if the driver wants to start the car, he should talk there, beg for mercy, and work around a bit, which should be able to delay the arrival of the rest of the people.

As for Qin Shan, I can't take care of it. If the old lady doesn't go back, there is a high probability that Qin Shan will follow. She has already prepared for this matter.

Besides, staying in the country is not necessarily bad!Looking at Qin Shu's house, you can tell that there are many more fruits in winter than their house.

In the countryside, who doesn't plant a few fruit trees!Not to mention the fruit forest in the village, which can be sold for money and eaten.

In a hurry, she managed to catch up with the car, but when she got the money, she searched her pockets, but couldn't find her wallet.

"Hurry up, it's time, the whole car is waiting for you!" The driver holding the steering wheel said impatiently.

"Wait, wait, it was still there before, why is it gone now?" Liu Qin frantically flipped through her pockets, muttering words that no one else could hear.

After a while, Liu Qin blushed. She rummaged through all her clothes and trouser pockets, and she didn't take out a penny from her trouser pockets. All her money was in her wallet. Now that the wallet is gone, the money is naturally gone too.

"Get in the car if you have money, get out if you don't have money, don't waste everyone's time."

In her heart, Liu Qin scolded the driver who shouted at her viciously, but there was a smile on her face: "You have money, you have money, wait a minute!"

"Second, do you have any money?"

She has an impression of Qin He being rich, that is, years ago, when he came back with a bag of brown sugar and asked her to give it to her mother.

"Yes, but there is only [-] cents left." Qin He took out the money without hesitation. This is all his savings, and he spent all the other money a while ago.

"What about you?" Liu Qin asked resolutely, this money is not enough for seven people's fare!

Qin Qing and the twins were the first to shake their heads. They used to be rich, but they were confiscated yesterday. Now they are really poor and have no money.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang also shook their heads, they had no money.

During this period of time, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang did not buy less food. In addition, in the past few days, there was sugar and firecrackers, one after another. All the money was spent by her It's lost, and now I'm really poor and white, and I can't get a penny out.

"I only have [-] cents here, so I can only go back with four people, Qinjiang Qinxi Qinqing, the three of you go back to Qingou Village, and go back with your dad tomorrow."

Originally, Liu Qin wanted to ask Qin Qing to go back with them, but when she thought that the money was paid by Qin He, it was difficult to say so.

"Have we discussed it? This car is about to start, so don't waste everyone's time."


At first he was smiling, but when he turned his head and saw Qin Jiang, Qin Xi and Qin Qing, his face immediately became serious: "You are obedient, hurry down, don't delay things."

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were quite self-conscious. They were standing on the edge of the car door and got down as soon as they lifted their feet, but Qin Qing just stood there and wiped away his tears.

"Mom, I don't want to stay in the country. I want to go back to our home in the city."

She doesn't like the stinky smell of the countryside, doesn't like those old women who look at her, and even more doesn't like living in a house full of lice, she hates everything there, she doesn't want to go back.

Liu Qin turned her head and looked at Qin He in embarrassment, gritted her teeth, and still refused: "No, get out of the car quickly, and let your father take you back tomorrow."

Seeing that her mother was hard-hearted and patriarchal, she would not agree to her request, Qin Qing turned his attention to Qin He: "Brother, will you come back with Dad and Grandma tomorrow?"

When Qin He saw Qin Qing like this, his body stiffened instantly, and then he shivered. Qin Qing like this seemed really out of harmony!He can't stand it.

Qin Qing wanted to go back, so did he!If he went back to Qingou Village, he would have to come to the town again tomorrow. Just thinking about it would make him troublesome.

As for Qin Qing's thoughts, he doesn't care!

"No, I want to go back today, you'd better go back to uncle's house obediently!"

After finishing speaking, Qin He grabbed Qin Qing's collar by the back of his neck, put his other hand on it, and immediately lifted him out of the car.

With a "bang", the old car door was pulled from the inside. Qin Qing stood there and stared at the bus gradually going away, his face gradually grim.

As soon as the car drove away, the tension in Liu Qin's heart loosened. After finding a comfortable place to lean against in the car, she finally remembered her lost wallet, and her heart ached for her so much. It was full of regrets in her heart. !

Not to mention the seven or eight yuan in it, there are still a few tickets, all of which are now cheaper than the thief.

If she had known it would be stolen, if she had known it would be like this, she would never argue with Qin Shan's mother and son, obediently and obediently change positions, that would cost seven or eight yuan, and the family's hard work for a month's worth of firewood boxes would not even earn them So much money!
When Qin Shan and the others come back tomorrow, they will definitely ask about the wallet, because Qin Qing's big mouth will definitely tell her about it, and then she will inevitably be scolded by her mother-in-law.

When she thought about what was going to happen tomorrow, she was in a bad mood, and she was annoyed by everyone, and everyone was not pleasing to the eye, including the twins who were sitting next to her lap and hugging her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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