Chapter 57
After Qin Xi returned to Qingou Village, he sat at his uncle's house for a while, and then took Qin Jiang out. It was too late at noon, so they walked along the stream in the village. Their understanding was limited. Now that they had time, I can finally go back to my hometown.

The two of them had no purpose, they first walked around the fields in the village, like paddy fields or something, but now it wasn't raining, and there was no water in the fields, they were all dry, so it was easy to walk.

Many paddy fields are piled with straw stacks. Straw is a treasure in the village. It is very useful whether it is used for feeding cattle, villagers use it to build roofs, or it is used to weave ropes to make shoes and so on. .

They also saw in the rice field at the entrance of the village, there were children playing hide and seek among the straw stacks. It was a joy to play, and their laughter could be heard from far away.

In the front of the forest not far away, on the flat grassland, there are two big pine trees in pairs, and many swings made of straw ropes are tied to them. Unfortunately, the swings have become rotten due to wind and rain. A month ago, that is, in late autumn, the children in the village must have been very happy when they played on the swings.

They also went to see the small reservoir built by Qingou Village on the dam, and said that it is really small, and it is winter, so it is the dry season!There is not a lot of water in the reservoir, but the area is as large as seven or eight small lakes.

There are fish in the reservoir, and there are quite a few of them. Every time the reservoir is opened to release water, someone will wait at the water outlet with a dip net. There are grass carp, crucian carp and shrimp. As for the size, it depends on luck.

In addition, there is another good time to catch fish, that is when spring and summer are handed over. During that time, it rains every day, the water capacity of the reservoir is limited, and the water may be full. There are fish to pick up, how many you pick up, or the same sentence, depends on luck.

Of course, the probability of this kind of thing happening is a little bit small, and the year before last, the reservoir was full once, and that time, Qin Shu and Jiang Yu picked up five or six big fish, countless small fish, and dried them endlessly. It smells old.

They were also lucky. Qin Shu loved to go out for a walk when he had nothing to do. He was the first to discover that the water in the reservoir was overflowing and there were fish on the mountain.

The shore of the reservoir is covered with yellow soil, and further up is yellow grass. The dry grass is only one finger long. You can imagine what this place will be like in spring, with green grass, butterflies flying, and waterfowl in the water. Have a good swim, and when you are lucky, you can see the snow-white rabbit jumping across the street.

If she is in Qingou Village, then she is going to graze the cattle, drive the cattle here, and let them graze here. Don’t worry too much, she can go to the high pine tree to enjoy the shade, or she can sit on it with a fishing rod. Fishing on the shore, when the cows are thirsty, they will go down to drink water by themselves. When the sun sets, as long as you lead one cow back, the rest of the cows will follow up on their own if they are afraid of being left behind. If they are in a hurry, they will even run. upset.

"Brother, it's a pity that our fishing rod was not brought here, otherwise we can try to see if there are not many fish in this reservoir." Qin Xi sat on the mud-yellow boulder by the bank, looked at the calm water and said with a smile.

When the reservoir is in spring and summer, there will be more rain and the reservoir will swell. At that time, the stone under her buttocks will be submerged. Therefore, a layer of very fine yellow mud is absorbed on the outside of the stone, which shows the Yellow, its original background color should be cyan.

Qin Xi clenched his fists, crushed the soil dug out from the boulder, and then opened his hands, the wind blew, but there was no trace.

"We can bring it when we come next time."

"It's better not to! It's too strange to bring a fishing rod in the car. Let's bring a hook and a line. Bamboo is easy to get."

In other words, Qin He and the others were okay on the way back!
In that kind of road conditions, there is no place to sit, and if you stand all the way, you will really be confused. Staying in the bus, there are only four words, and you are worried.

If it wasn't for the long distance, she would never choose to take a car. The road conditions at this time are worrying, and she is really afraid of accidents on the road.

She intends to reach places within five or six miles, an hour's walk, and never take a car if she can walk.

I don’t know how it feels to sit in a bullock cart in the countryside?It should be better than the bus!Among other things, at least the eyes can see the whole situation, even if it falls, it will not be very heavy, and the sense of security is full. The only disadvantage of riding an ox cart in this weather is the cold.

The reservoir looks small, but the two dare not try to walk around it, fearing that there will be too little time, because a small ditch filled with water can block their way, allowing them to walk half an hour longer. Hour.

They stayed outside for about two hours, and when they got home, Aunt Jiang Yu was already busy in the kitchen. Qin Xi went over to check, and she was the only one in the kitchen. She had to light the fire and wash and chop vegetables. She was really busy. Go in and help her light the fire.

"Xiaoxi! It's fine if I come, you go back to the house and sit!" Jiang Yu saw Qin Xi who came in to help her light the fire, and subconsciously said a few polite words.

"It's okay, Auntie, there are too many people warming up in the main room, they can't squeeze in, it's just right for me to warm up here." Qin Xi added another piece of firewood while speaking.

This familiar large stove is much more effective in lighting fires. She used to help her grandparents light fires, and she is a proficient hand.

"That's fine, I'll trouble you." Jiang Yu said with a smile.

I also have a good impression of this niece. After all, she is really too busy now. One person has to make a dinner for ten people, and everything depends on her hands. This workload is not enough for her. Not easy.

Not long after, Qin Jiang also came over. For him, as long as his sister is there, it is a good place, and he also squeezed in to warm up. The small kitchen has changed a little since he also came in and squatted. It's crowded.

The dinner was not rich, just simple sweet potato porridge with winter cabbage and radish, but these dishes were stewed with the leftover vegetable soup at noon, and the taste was much better than what they usually ate, at least there was some oil in the dishes.

But for Li Chunhua, she was not satisfied with the meal, and felt that the second daughter-in-law was perfunctory to her: "This porridge is full of sweet potatoes, and it is not soft, and it tastes hard, Jiang Yu! Your craftsmanship has regressed too much Come on!"

"There is also this cabbage and radish. The clear soup lacks water, which makes people unappetizing."

Jiang Yu is used to it, her left ear goes in and her right ear goes out, and she just pretends she didn't hear her fart, but she can bear it, but Qin Shu can't, so who is he burying?

"If you like to eat, if you don't eat, then get out of here. My family is not too lazy, so you stay here."

"Originally, you didn't have a share of the family's food. You can sit and eat here because of my brother's face. Now that you are so disgusted with it, follow the old rules and pay the money!"

"Just for this meal, I won't charge you too much. It's about three cents. After all, my sister Yu also helped you with the labor. There is also the cost of staying overnight. You will be charged one cent, which is four cents in total. take money."

(End of this chapter)

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