Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 82 New Year's Eve

Chapter 82 New Year's Eve
On New Year's Eve, Qin Xi struggled for a long time, but he took his brother back to Qin's house.

She didn't go there empty-handed either. She carried half a catty of brown sugar. At this time, brown sugar is very fashionable and expensive to give as a gift. Fashionable pastries and bread are too expensive, not because they can’t afford them, but because they are unnecessary.

Liu Qin was the first person in the Qin family to notice the two came back. She felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and wanted to go to the bathroom. When she opened the door, she saw the tightly wrapped brothers and sisters walking towards her house. She had to say , the mood is not beautiful in an instant.

She didn't care, and walked directly towards the brothers and sisters. A second before passing by, Qin Jiang opened his mouth to call her mother, but she walked past them as if she didn't hear them.

"Sister." Qin Jiang turned his head and looked at Qin Xi with some grievances.

Qin Xi couldn't stand his aggrieved eyes the most, as if there was a big naive dog sitting in front of her pitifully, and her own dog was bullied by other stinky dogs, that would definitely be distressing!

"Let's ignore her. Anyway, we don't know her very well. It's just a stranger who we can't meet a few times a year."

"You greeted her. It was you who were polite. She ignored you. It was her narrow-mindedness. It was her fault and had nothing to do with you." As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that she had ignored Liu Qin just now. , inexplicably feeling a little bit guilty, but she quickly ignored it.

The two opened the door and went in. Li Chunhua saw the brothers and sisters first, and welcomed them in very enthusiastically, and put the gifts they brought in his pockets.

"You two children come here as soon as they come, what gifts do you bring! It's too strange."

"Come and sit here, enjoy the fire, and get rid of the cold."

Of course, when she said these words, if she could take out the brown sugar in her pocket and return it to them, it would be more sincere.

As soon as the greetings were finished, Li Chunhua saw the new cotton-padded clothes on the brothers and sisters. She couldn't believe it, thinking that she had seen it wrong, rubbed her eyes and looked again, and it was indeed the new cotton-padded clothes.

Stretching out her hand and touching it, she could even feel the warmth in the place where her palms touched the cotton padded clothes. This is a good clothes that can only be made of new good cotton and fabric.

It turned out that what the old woman next door said was true, she wasn't talking nonsense to deceive her on purpose, the two of them really got rich, and their whole body suddenly felt completely new, even when they came here today, they brought brown sugar with them, based on her years of experience Judgment, the brown sugar is at least half a catty.

Qin Xi could tell from the way her grandma looked like that she had noticed the new clothes of their brother and sister, but so what, if they didn't steal or grab the things they bought, there was nothing shameful about it.

As for what guesses the Qin family will have because of this, it's up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise.

The cotton padded clothes she and her brother used to wear were just plain old clothes. There was no cotton in them, they were just stuffed with grass wadding and the like, and they didn’t keep warm at all. It’s not that she didn’t think about coming back in old clothes, so as not to To provoke the eyes of the Qin family, but think about it, forget it!

Since the beginning of winter, the two of them have changed into this cotton-padded jacket. In addition, Qin Jiang often accompanied Grandma Yu to sweep the streets. The neighbors in the neighborhood must have seen them, and the Qin family heard about them. It was a matter of time.

Even if she doesn't wear it today, if Li Chunhua doesn't ask about it today, she will take the initiative to inquire about it in the future.

She didn't think it was necessary to make a fuss about this matter, just tell a lie, and be generous. After all, she lied, and her grandma squatted in the alley for a few days before she could expose it. This kind of lie is really not worth her It takes effort.

"Qin Xi, where did you get your clothes?"

"Such a good material, such a good cotton, you can afford it at least four or five yuan. Where did you get the money?" Li Chunhua touched Qin Xi's cotton coat and asked curiously.

At this time, her eyes are very bright, and the light that emanates from them is called greed.

"Oh, you said this! I earned it myself." Qin Xi said casually.

In fact, what her grandma said was conservative, she charged six yuan for the suit on her body, and seven and five yuan for the suit on her brother.

"Nonsense, you are so young and don't have a job, how can you earn so much money?" Li Chunhua retorted without thinking.

If it is so easy to earn money in this city, why has she only saved more than 100 yuan until now.

The more than 100 yuan was saved by her for more than ten years. She is not willing to eat or wear it. Is it easy for her!
"It's true. My brother and I sold the mushrooms we picked up to the buying station. When we're lucky, we can earn more than one yuan a day. When we're unlucky, we can earn three or four cents."

"What's more, not only mushrooms, but also other things like herbs are collected by the buying station. This winter is too cold, so the two of us spent all the money we saved to buy this suit."

"Don't look at the new clothes I'm wearing, but my cotton padded clothes are second-hand. The rich people don't want them anymore, so they gave them to relatives. I just met him, so I bought them from that person. Much cheaper to buy new."

The latter two paragraphs are nonsense, and the first paragraph is true, without any falsehood, but it's up to them to believe it or not.

"Really?" Li Chunhua didn't believe it. If he could make so much money just by picking up mushrooms in the forest, then the clansmen in Qingou Village would have made a lot of money long ago. Planing food in a disheveled manner in the ground.

"Really." Qin Xi said with certainty without blinking his eyes.

She seldom lies to others, which makes her feel uneasy, but it is not right to treat others, and lying to people who have evil thoughts towards her is just a small trick of her, especially at this time, her face The expression on the face is more calm.

Li Chunhua couldn't see any signs of lying on her face, no matter how absurd her reason was, she had to accept it, because she couldn't come up with any actual evidence to refute it!

The conversation between the grandfather and grandson had just ended, and Liu Qin came back after going to the bathroom.

Qin Shan hastily gave her his seat, which had already been taken by Qin Xi and Qin Jiang's brother and sister before.

There are nine people sitting around one stove. I have to say that it is indeed crowded, but if the family wants to reduce expenses and light two stoves, it is impossible to even think about it.

Ever since Qin Xi and Qin Jiang left, the work of sticking firewood and matchboxes at home had stopped. Without their two main force, the rest of the family would be nothing more than chickens and dogs.

In addition, Liu Qin, the leader, was busy looking for a doctor to look at her hands during that time, and completely ignored this matter. As a result, when the delivery was made at the end of the month, the Qin family missed the appointment. Although they made up for it in the second month On, but still lost the qualification to continue to make orders for the match factory.

(End of this chapter)

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