When they returned to the small earthen house, Yu Qingqiu was surprised when he learned that the brother and sister would go to the countryside in a few years, it was too sudden.

After this episode, the sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner they ate was tasteless.

Yu Qingqiu was the most uncomfortable one. Qin Xi and Qin Jiang had completely entered her life, but they were going to the countryside soon, and getting along with each other for the past few months was like a dream. about to wake up.

No matter how reluctant your heart is, what should come will eventually come.

Just after the fifteenth day, Qin He came to see them, and Liu Qin had already signed up for them to go to the countryside. The three brothers and sisters were all working as educated youths in the same place, not far away, in Qingyu County next door to Yongxin County.

For them, this place is really good. They don't have to leave their hometowns and go far away to become educated youths, and they don't need to re-familiarize with the local customs.

They had already prepared for the worst, but this result, it has to be said, they won the jackpot.

The departure time was three days later, which is the day of NO.19.

Qin Xi has been extremely busy in the past three days. She sent all the manuscripts she wrote to the newspaper office, and wrote a letter specifically about her moving house, asking them not to reply to her letter yet, and wait for her When you get to a new place, send them a letter.

When the time comes, she will go with the envelope and her new address.

The things at home should be packed. There are still more than 80 catties of food that I bought before, and Qin Xi only plans to take [-] catties with me. They have other luggage, and the food is only enough for ten days. Yes, wait for them to gain a firm foothold in the local area, then just buy them.

The specific location where they went to the countryside was Yinpen Town, Qingyu County. Qingyu County is next door to Yongxin County. Yinpen Town is quite far from Qingyu County. It's very close, far closer than Qingyu County. If you walk, you can walk to Yongxin County in more than three hours.

Yinpen Town is far away from Qingyu County and very close to Yongxin County, so the people in Yinpen Town are very familiar with Yongxin County. During the Chinese New Year, everyone likes to go to Yinpen Town to buy things, just two words, convenient.

The rest of the food, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang, were all moved to Grandma Yu's place. During this period, thanks to her care and guidance, it should be done.

This time I went to Yinpen Town, Qingyu County, and I don’t know when I will come back next time. It would be a pity if things like food were not properly stored and spoiled. It is shameful to waste them at any time.

Although I don't know how the allocation is divided, I have to say that they are very lucky.

When the day of departure was approaching, Qin He came to Qin Xi and Qin Jiang with his thin luggage, and found that the two of them had quite a lot of luggage, at least much more than him.

Clothes, bedding, and the panniers I bought in Shangyun Village, all of them were taken away. These are very useful furniture. Qin Xi even brought the wooden box he bought two years ago. I don’t know where it is. Take everything you can bring with you!
If at that time, everyone lives in a dormitory together, won't this wooden box with a lock come in handy?

When going to the countryside this time, Qin Xi took all her belongings with her, of course including the savings she had saved earlier, more than 200 yuan, which she put in her undershirt pocket, which was sewn by her specially. Clinging to the flesh of her waist and abdomen, she did it to guard against thieves, if the money was lost, she would feel sorry for it, it was all her belongings.

Of course, she still had some small change in the pocket of her cotton coat, not much, three yuan and fifty-two cents, after all, buying tickets and so on had to cost money!
Qin Jiang's back basket was also full. Thirty catties of grain were placed at the bottom of his back pan, and some small sundries were placed in the middle. It looked like it was much taller than his head.

"You can! It's only been a long time since you've been out, and you've bought so many things." Qin He looked at their luggage, then at his own, and said sourly.

He just brought two sets of clothes and a quilt, all of which were old, especially the quilt, which had been passed down for generations, and it was incomparable with their new ones.

"As long as you work hard and believe in yourself, you can do it." Qin Xi directly fed him a mouthful of chicken soup.

"Okay! Just take it as you are comforting me." Qin He shrugged indifferently and said.

This money is not so easy to earn!

After the siblings said goodbye to Grandma Yu, the three of them walked directly towards the station.

There is no train station in Yongxin County, but Qingyu County does. The development there is far better than here. Therefore, they can only take the bus to Qingyu County, twice a day. When they arrive at the station and get off the bus, someone will pick them up Where they went to the countryside.

The car started at ten o'clock, and they arrived after eight o'clock, and there was still time left, Qin He asked Qin Jiang and Qin Xi to reserve a seat for him: "I'm going to buy buns, you must take care of my seat ! Don’t be taken over by others.”

Most of the roads at this time were dirt roads, and the road conditions were worrying. The last time he bumped from Taohua Town to the county seat while standing, it was very uncomfortable.All the delicious food at noon was buried.

As for buying buns, it was because he didn't have breakfast, and no one at home cared about his going to the countryside. He got up early, gathered his things together, and went straight to Qin Jiang and Qin Xi. Now he is hungry Purr!

He still has some private money, although it is not a lot, but it is no problem to invite the two of them to have breakfast.

Although Qin Xi and Qin Jiang had breakfast this morning, it was only after five o'clock and it was still dark.

They got up early in the morning and were so busy, they were afraid of leaving anything behind, especially the identity page, which had to be taken well. After they packed everything up, it was past seven o'clock, and it was past eight o'clock when they got here. The two sweet potatoes and one bowl of porridge that I ate before have almost been digested.

"Okay, here's fifty cents. Buy me buns and steamed buns. I may have to travel all day today. It's better to prepare some dry food in advance."

Qin He didn't refuse, and left with the money. He knew that this younger sister was capable, and she had money.

Qin Jiang sat in his own seat, took the account page that Qin He gave him before, and read it carefully, and would ask Qin Xi if there was something he didn't understand.

It was only a few days ago that Liu Qin discovered that Qin Xi's household registration paper was missing. She knew that Qin Xi must have stolen it, otherwise why would she have missed hers.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she will go to the countryside soon, and the household registration of the three of them will be in the village where they go to the countryside.

Since Qin Xi's household registration page is not with her, she pretended not to know about it, and only gave Qin He two household registration pages, and he also asked Qin Xi about it, but she asked him to ask the person himself.

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