Chapter 87

"I'm hungry too." Qin He cheerfully took the steamed bun from his sister.

"I'll give you another one. Give it to the uncle driving the car in front. We're new here, so it's necessary to make a good impression."

Qin He is not a person who doesn't care about four or six, he will understand if Qin Xi just touches it.

The person who came to pick them up today was the captain of the village. Among other things, he still has the right to arrange their work. There is no harm in forming a good relationship.

The woman next to her dared to be so flamboyant. If she hadn't been very capable and couldn't starve herself anywhere, then her family should have given her the confidence to flaunt herself. You can tell from her clothes that this person's family conditions are poor. no.

This point is her confidence, and it is also the shortcoming of Qin Xi and the three of them. Since they were voluntarily signed up, it all means that their three brothers and sisters have been abandoned by their family members. In the future, the Qin family will not come to find them to live Support is considered good, but as for the Qin family to support them, don't even think about it.

After leaving this gate, they entered a foreign land. If there is no accident, they will meet very rarely in the future. I don't know when we will see each other next time.

Chen Aiguo accepted the white flour steamed buns that were offered to him after a brief refusal, and his impression of the three brothers and sisters improved a lot.

After all, under the same conditions, there is a difference between being given steamed buns and not being given steamed buns. What's more, he has preconceived ideas and is already bored with that young couple.

That's right, they are young couples. This is what he thinks. After all, this kind of thing is not common. One goes to the countryside and the other goes to the countryside. There is no small contradiction.

If you ask him, it's hypocritical, I can't get enough of this meal, and I don't know what to do with this kind of love and love all day long, or they are real farmers, marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat, and their parents The words of the matchmaker, which is so troublesome.

He was reluctant to eat the white flour steamed buns, so he put them in his pocket. He only ate two sweet potatoes that his old wife prepared when he went out.

Tang Ying saw that they were eating deliciously, and took out a small bag of mung bean cake from the small bag she carried with her: "He Yuan, do you want to eat?"

For the sake of her classmates, she didn't mind sharing some with him.

As for the vicious and annoying captain, she just pretended she didn't see it. As for building a good relationship, don't even think about it, it's impossible.

It's not that she doesn't understand these ways of the world, on the contrary, she understands it very well, but it's unnecessary, a countryman is nothing more than worthy of her attention.

Her mother has already told her that she won't be going to the countryside for too long, and when there are job openings, she will be brought back from the countryside.

During the days when she was in the country, they would also send her food, and there would be a lot of money and tickets, so that she would not wrong herself in the country.

He Yuan looked at the green pastry in Tang Ying's hand, and the refusal he had blurted out was interrupted by the grunt from his stomach.

"You must be hungry, take it and eat! I still have some." Tang Ying is still very generous to her own people.

Although she had almost no interaction with He Yuan when she was in school, but here, in this strange place, He Yuan is the person she is most familiar with and closest to, so she is naturally classified as one of her own.

"Thank you." He Yuan's hands trembled nervously, and he took the pastry from Tang Ying's hand.

Looking at the clothes on his body, one can tell that the conditions of his house are not very good. The worn-out padded jacket is worn on his thin and thin body, but it does not affect his handsome face at all.

Tang Ying seldom saw him smile, but when he smiled, the dimples on both sides of his cheeks were faintly visible, which was very beautiful. Otherwise, there were so many people in the class and they didn't meet each other, so she just remembered him!

Although the two of them didn't meet each other, Ren was born with a good impression of good-looking things, and she just paid him a little attention.

Walking and walking, it soon fell into the night, the only consolation is that the moonlight is very bright tonight, illuminating the way home for them.

At the beginning, they would chat with each other to dispel the fear in their hearts, but soon, apart from the sound of footsteps and rolling wheels, there was no other sound in the team.

Even the strong scalper bowed his head and hurried on the road without saying a word. For him, he had walked this road countless times and was very familiar with it.

Chen Aiguo has great trust in the old scalper in the village, and believes that it will not lead them into the ditch. Except when there are turns and forks in the road, he will pay some attention to the old scalper. At other times, he is in a daze. I miss my family, even though I only met in the morning.

He is not a talkative person, and neither are the five educated youths in today's team. Otherwise, the atmosphere would not be so dull with a group of six people.

Qin Xi walked behind and had already taken out the flashlight, but didn't turn it on. The flashlight used batteries, and had to buy a new one when it ran out of power. Money was not enough, and she had to ask for a ticket. She bought this from the black market. Yes, the price is not cheap, so she will not turn on the flashlight unless necessary.

When passing through the dark forest, the sound of humming birds rang out, and everyone tensed their nerves. After walking through this section of the road, when their two sides were no longer surrounded by the dark forest, they really relaxed. tone.

"Don't worry too much. In our area, there should be no tigers or wolves. There are quite a few wild boars, but they are all deep in the forest, and they are rarely encountered. Put your hearts into your stomachs!" Chen Aiguo saw their nervousness and comforted them.

Although what he said, Qin Xi and the others didn't feel that they were comforted. After all, wild boars are also very scary. When a big guy with a few hundred catties savagely collides, it is very scary.

Walking with trepidation all the way, even Tang Ying didn't say she was tired. Compared with others, she was already the relaxed one. She often sat on the bullock cart. Although it was bumpy, at least her feet were free.

She has a watch in her hand, a brand of plum blossoms. This watch alone is worth almost 200 yuan, the watch is worth more than 100 yuan, and the watch ticket is also worth dozens of yuan. This is also the most valuable thing on her body. .

"Tang Ying, what time is it?" He Yuan asked in a hoarse voice.

He hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Let me see"

Under the moonlight, Tang Ying looked at it for a long time, but she was not sure what time it was.

Suddenly, Qin Xi turned on the flashlight and shone it on her wrist: "Can you see clearly now? What time is it?"

She remembered that the captain said that he had arrived at Chenhui Village at about ten o'clock in the evening, and she didn't know how long they had to go.

"It's around 40:[-], and it takes more than an hour to get there." Tang Ying reported the current time in frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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