"Hi, my name is Yang Jianhua. I'm the temporary person in charge of this educated youth spot. I came a few years earlier than you, and I'm a little older than you." Yang Jianhua greeted first and introduced himself.

He doesn't want to be the temporary person in charge of this educated youth spot. He doesn't have any specific rights, but there are a lot of shit. Those two couples who have a lot of conflicts, every time they have a fight, he has to persuade him every time. It's so annoying. .

As for today, it's past ten o'clock in the evening. He's sitting here alone waiting for the arrival of the new educated youth. Everyone else is sleeping soundly in bed. He also wants to sleep. It's his time for work and rest. , but he couldn't sleep, at most he wrapped his hands and feet with a quilt, and he couldn't lie down, he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

"Hello, my name is Qin He. This is my elder brother Qin Jiang and my younger sister Qin Xi. Please excuse me, Comrade Yang." Qin He stood up and said hello.

In the strange land of Chenhui Village, his elder brother Qin Jiang and younger sister Qin Xi are his natural allies. After all, they are blood relatives, and they must be much stronger than other unfamiliar strangers. The camp was laid out.

This is to tell Yang Jianhua that there are three of us, and we are not alone. If you want to bully us, you still have to weigh it.

On the other side, He Yuan also stood up and introduced himself, "Hello, Comrade Yang. My name is He Yuan. This is my classmate Tang Ying."

He didn't say anything specifically, but this specious attitude was enough.

As far as he knows, Tang Ying's family background is very good, her parents are the leaders of the factory, and she should leave this small village soon. This small guess does not cause her any troubles, so it should be repayed for her well-intentioned kindness. Mung bean cake.

Upon hearing this, Yang Jianhua understood almost everything. If nothing unexpected happened, these two were also a couple.

He didn't understand, why all the love affairs got him here, so couldn't it be another disaster for the village?If you have to get together in this small den of Chen Hui Village, do you want to be more pretentious than anyone else?
"Hello, our educated youth spot is relatively small. There are only two rooms in total, one for gays and one for lesbians. The one on the left is for gays, and the one on the right is for lesbians."

"There are three beds in each room. It is impossible for one person to have one bed. I can only blame you for squeezing."

Of course, he was saying this politely. When he came to the country, he still wanted to have a bed for each person. That was purely a dream. Some beds would be good enough to sleep in, and he was picky and picky. Think this is home!

Of course, housing is tight in cities at this time. Even at home, few people can have a bed of their own, and brothers and sisters sleep together.

After graduating from high school in the summer of 64, he applied to go to the countryside to support teaching, and he stayed in the countryside for eight and a half years in a blink of an eye. How wonderful life was then!

He lives alone in the educated youth spot. He usually gives lectures to the children in the village primary school. When the farming season is busy, he goes to work with the villagers. How free and comfortable he is!
Ever since the two young couples from the educated youth spot came, his days of being unrestrained and easy are gone forever. One day the couple quarrels, the other fights tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow they reconcile inexplicably. In the end, he is the middleman They said that they are not human inside and out, and they have never seen such unreasonable people.

Fangzheng and Yunqing have been happy friends for four years, and they have been arguing frequently for three days. He has cleaned up a lot of messes for the two of them, and it is physically and mentally exhausting for him.

The pair of Chen Yue and Liu Ming came relatively later, they had stayed in Chenhui Village for more than two years.

This couple is quieter and more low-key than the previous couple, but whether it's Yun Qing or Liu Ming, both of them are a little suspicious, and if they find any small signs, they will make a big fuss.

If you want him to say, the two should be divided, and it's not a problem to keep making trouble like this!

But people don't, it's all about the trouble, there's no division yet, he's going to die of anxiety watching it, every time he says to divide it, the trouble is still so big, but until now, there is no division.

Sometimes, he really had an impulse in his heart to knock open the heads of the two pairs, that is, the four people, to see if the contents were straw or mud, how could it be so good!
For the girls, it's okay to say that four people share three beds, which is not very crowded, but for the boys, six people share three beds, and at least two people need to sleep in one bed.

At this time, the wooden beds are basically two meters long and 1.2 meters wide. Two young guys sleep on them, not to mention how crowded they are. It’s okay in winter. Young people are very angry and sleep together warmly. Summer is not good for them. It's very friendly, turning over and bumping into each other, it's like touching a stove, it's hot!

Yang Jianhua took He Yuan, Qinjiang and Qinhe away, and Qinxi also turned on the flashlight, and brought Tang Ying into the house.

As soon as the wooden door was pushed open, the sound woke up the two people in the room, Yun Qing and Chen Yue, but they didn't make a sound, and slept silently on the bed, as if they were still sleeping, not knowing that someone had come in .

In the morning, they heard from Yang Jianhua that five educated youths would come today, three men and two women. The two new female educated youths made their room that was not spacious enough worse, and it would definitely be more crowded in the future. Happy.

After all, the newcomers squeezed their living space!

This Chenhui village has only built a small educated youth dormitory. There are only three rooms in total, two for people, and the remaining one is a kitchen and bathroom. There is no extra house. It’s okay now, I can barely live there, and I’ll wait for the next time A few more educated youths will definitely not be able to live there.

Qin Xi's flashlight shone on the bed where there was no sleeper, and what he saw were piles of clothes, socks and various sundries. Obviously, the other two people used this empty bed for stacking sundries No, even knowing that a new educated youth is coming, there is no plan to clean up.

Tang Ying was furious when she saw this scene. The carelessness of these two people was exposed in front of her, and they wanted to give them two newcomers, one of them, and they didn't want to see if they were a dish. Give them face.

"Whose thing is it?"

"Take them all away for me, or I'll sweep them all up on the floor, and you can pick them up on the ground the next day!"

"I'm not joking with you. I never joke with people."

Although Qin Xi didn't speak, her silence already showed her attitude.

The thoughts of these two people are simply Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows that she did not come here to suffer from such uselessness.

As for the good-natured discussion, it was impossible. The other party was clearly awake, but did not make a sound. This was observation. As for the debris piled up on the only empty bed in the room, it was a test.

Once she and Tang Ying show weakness and put their things away neatly, they will have achieved their goal. They will feel that the two newcomers have a good temper, soft temper, and easy to bully. What will happen next? It goes without saying.

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