In short, he doesn't like this kind of environment. When he was sleeping at night, Qin Jiang was the only one snoring, and he was uncomfortable enough. Now there are four men snoring in the boys' dormitory at the educated youth point. Too tired, he must have suffered from insomnia last night.

Moreover, since Qin Xi has already decided to apply for a piece of land in Chenhui Village and build her own house, it means that she has already made up her mind.

Although Qin Xi was the youngest of the three of them, it was obvious that the eldest brother listened to her, and he had no money or ability, so naturally he also listened to her.

He just needs to be obedient and work, and he doesn't have to think about anything else. Seeing how good his elder brother looks when he is raised by Qin Xi, he knows that if he hangs around with Qin Xi, the treatment will not be bad.

"Auntie, I'm feeding the chickens!" Qin Xi walked up to the woman and asked, "Is the captain at home? We have something to do with him."

Xiujuan looked at the three strange men and women in front of her. She was too old to react for a while, but soon realized that these three should be the new educated youths that the old man told her about last night.

These are three people, which means that they are the three brothers and sisters, and the other two, she heard from the old man, seem to be a couple.

I didn't expect them to be quite sensible. Chen Huicun, who arrived at ten o'clock last night, came to visit with her things now. She likes such sensible educated youths.

"You are the new educated youth!"

"Auntie is getting old, and I just realized it now. You are here to find my old man, right?"

As soon as Qin Xi saw the other party's reaction, she knew that the aunt in front of her was undoubtedly Chen Aiguo's daughter-in-law, and quickly handed the brown sugar in her hand to the other party: "Auntie, we just came here, so if there is anything we don't understand, I need you to take care of it. "

"What is this for? No way, take it back." Xiujuan pretended to decline for a long time, then "reluctantly" carried the things, and happily brought him into the house.

The cousin Xiuyu who lived next door to her house hid behind the broken window, her eyes turned red with envy when she saw her cousin Xiujuan easily got the gift that others flattered them.

She didn't think about anything else, she just blamed the man in the family for not being up to date, if her man was also the captain, this gift must have been sent to her home.

"Patriotic! The new educated youth came to see you." When Li Xiujuan walked to Chen Aiguo's side, she deliberately shook the things in her hand.

When Chen Aiguo saw this, he didn't care about educated youth and ignorant youth. He dragged his daughter-in-law into the house and said, "What are you doing? I'm a team leader, and I serve the people. This is what I should do. I shouldn't accept people's things."

"I don't want it, but the little comrades insist on giving it to me. What can I do? I can't just throw people's things on the ground! This is too embarrassing." Xiujuan felt through the bag and knew that it contained What I bought was brown sugar bricks, which are good things, and she would be reluctant to give them back.

"Think about it, Cuiyu is still in confinement, when she needs to supplement nutrition, this brown sugar can help her maintain her health, and when Cuiyu is healthy, your little grandson's health will be good!"

She and Chen Aiguo had three daughters and one son. In this era that emphasizes the inheritance of incense, that son is their baby lump, but now her family's baby bump has become the daughter-in-law Cuiyu. Raised four fat grandchildren.

Thinking of the well-behaved but thin grandson, Chen Aiguo softened his heart, after all, he is just a layman: "I'll ask why they came here first, if it's a trivial matter, if you don't make mistakes, you can accept it! "

Hearing this, Xiujuan couldn't wait to say "Hey".

"But... I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Okay, okay, hurry up, I'm still waiting to make brown sugar water for my daughter-in-law!" She knew that when Chen Aiguo said this, it was a sure thing.

"But if this matter is beyond my ability, this matter cannot be done, and it cannot be done. Return the things to others, so as not to cause trouble."

"Okay, how can I not know about this! Go ahead, I'll go in and have a look at Cuiyu." After speaking, Li Xiujuan turned her head and left.

This new educated youth, what big things can you ask them for, isn't it just trivial things?
She guessed blindly that these three people came for the division of labor and work points assigned to them by the brigade later.

The division of labor is related to what work they will do in the future, and the fixed work point is related to how many work points they can get for working in the future. In their village, people work three times and seven times, and the more they work, the more they get.

This small matter, for a powerful captain, is just a matter of sprinkling water, it is very simple.

Of course, it takes a few work points to get a few work points. The villagers are sharp-eyed, and no one can do favoritism.

Chen Huicun has done a good job in this regard. Compared with Zuoling Village next door, the captain of their Chenhui Village can already be regarded as stern and selfless.

As soon as Chen Aiguo went out, he greeted several people: "Sit down, old woman, and serve tea."

His family has a kettle, and there are two of them. One of them is bought by himself, and the other is a reward given to him by the leaders of the town after he won the title of advanced captain. There are five characters printed on it. Serve the people'.

"It's coming, can't you just pour it out? You must call me over."

Li Xiujuan put down the things in her hands, went out and poured them a cup of tea, exchanged a few words, and then went back to the house, because she heard the crying of her little grandson, she must be hungry or tired, she had to hurry over to have a look, Otherwise don't worry.

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it. I'm not a person who likes to beat around the bush, but let's talk about ugly things first. I can take care of some things, but I can't take care of some things."

Qin Xi didn't care if there was any hidden meaning in his words!

In short, her request is completely beneficial and harmless to the village, and he is not afraid that he will not agree.

"Captain, it's like this. I think the educated youth site is too narrow. There are two small rooms with ten people. It's really crowded."

"We are three brothers and sisters who went to the countryside together, and the family gave us some money, so we want the village to grant us a piece of land for building a house."

"Don't worry, we will pay for the right to use the land. When we leave, the land and the house will still belong to the village. We can't take these things with us."

"Although there is no such policy yet, we believe that one day we will be able to go back."

Hearing this, Chen Aiguo's eyes lit up. The village has money to earn, and when the people leave, they can take over their houses. At the same time, it also solves the problem that the educated youths are too small.

After all, there are only three houses in the educated youth spot, and there are already ten people living there. The next time the educated youth come, they will definitely not be able to live there. At that time, the village may have to pay for the educated youth to build two houses, but as long as the three brothers and sisters When people move out, all problems are solved, even if the village accepts five more educated youths, there is no problem.

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