Chapter 98 Returning to the City to Buy Grain
On the first day of moving into the new home, the food should not be too perfunctory. Qin Xi directly cooked a pot of white rice. Although there was nothing good to eat, it was a simple stewed potato with Chinese cabbage, but it was all eaten. There was no soup left.

She plans to go to the captain's house tomorrow to ask where there is a jar to buy. Among other things, in the countryside, she still makes some pickles and sauerkraut. When there is no food, she can also top it.

And things like chopped chili, moldy tofu, moldy beans and sauerkraut are really delicious. After all, the food you usually eat is tasteless, so you need heavy salt and spicy things to stimulate your taste buds and make it easy to eat.

On the third day after Qin Xi and the others moved, the village officially blew the horn of spring plowing. Early in the morning, they first beat the gong to gather for a mobilization meeting. Once the meeting was over, they each divided their tools and went to work.

The cows in the village also ushered in a bright moment, and the next period of time will be the most tiring time of the year for them.

The paddy fields that dried up and cracked last year have now been filled with spring water. Just waiting for the plowing of cattle, they can become a hotbed for growing rice.

The two brothers Qin Jiang and Qin He are tall and powerful, and they were given seven work points and sent to dig the ground. They are equivalent to the second echelon in the village. The work is not the heaviest, but it is not easy. .

Compared to them, Qin Xi's work is very easy, two work points, weeding pigweed, and loading two baskets a day, the task is considered completed.

Of course, there are only some wild vegetables such as shepherd's purse and dandelion in the field now. It is very difficult to dig enough for two baskets. Maybe after a busy day, I can't dig enough for one basket. Besides, these two kinds of wild vegetables are edible by humans. The cattle in the village eat it!
So now, if she wants to complete the task, all she needs to do is go to the bamboo forest in the back of the village and use a sickle to cut enough bamboo leaves that are packed into two baskets. This is the ration for the cattle in the village now.

During this period of time, spring plowing is required, and the cattle have to be pulled into the fields to plow the fields. Therefore, the time left for them to eat is greatly reduced. Therefore, more bamboo leaves are needed, and some will be piled up in the cowshed for the cattle to eat at night. .

If it wasn't for this, Qin Xi wouldn't be able to get involved in the easy task of hunting pigweed. It's very simple. There are only so many livestock in the village. It's cold and there is nothing to eat in the field. Those few cows, the children in the village can naturally solve their feeding problem.

Now the spring plowing, the food for the cattle is very good, and they can eat extra food every day, that is, soybeans. This food is better than what some people eat at home.

Every morning and evening, the person in charge of raising cattle will also chop up the sweet potato vines that were dried in the sun last year, scald them in hot water, soak them until soft, and distribute them to the cattle.

The water the cows drink is also light salt water with salt added. During this time, these cows have to be carefully served, especially the one that is pregnant with a cub.

The task of spring plowing is very heavy. When Qin Jiang and Qin He came back, they didn't seem to want to move. It was obvious that they were tired and paralyzed. This high-intensity physical work was still too much for them, and it would take a while. adapt.

It was originally planned to eat a month's worth of grain, but within half a month, it was almost finished, with only about ten catties left, not even enough for five days.

Now spring plowing, time is tight and tasks are heavy, except for Qin Xi, no one has time to go to Yongxin County to buy.

So, she took this task, got up early in the morning, and after making breakfast, she went to Yinpen Town with sacks and money. Luckily, the morning bus from Qingyu County to Yongxin County hadn't arrived yet.

During this period of time, the people in each brigade were busy with spring plowing, doing heavy physical work, and of course they had to eat some delicious tonics. Qin Xi saw a lot of people gathered in front of the small butcher's stall.

It's a pity that she doesn't have a meat ticket, otherwise she would have gone to Yinpen Town to buy meat and cook it back, but this time she can go to the black market to see if there is any meat for sale.

As soon as the bus arrived, Qin Xi and three other people squeezed in, bought a ticket for three cents, and soon, the car staggered towards the outskirts of town.

This car picked up people all the way before, and when they arrived at Yinpen Town, there were naturally no seats, so Qin Xi stood up and down in the morning and experienced the feeling of bumping up and down, left and right, and waited until Yongxin County, as soon as I got off the bus, I found a ditch and vomited out all the breakfast I had in the morning.

Needless to say, after throwing up, my stomach is empty, and I feel much better, at least the feeling of chest tightness and stomach churning left and right is gone.

When she went to the black market, there were only two or two ounces of lean meat left in the butcher's place, and Qin Xi didn't dislike it. She spent [-] cents to get it and took it to Grandma Yu's house. She deserves her respect and filial piety.

The old man looked pretty good, with a ruddy complexion and quick hands and feet. The two talked a lot, and finally Qin Xi helped her carry a load of water and left.

Although the old man tried his best to keep her and wanted her to have lunch at home, she still had to go to the black market to buy food, and the bus back to Qingyu County left at two o'clock, so she had to go early to reserve a seat for the morning. The experience she didn't want to go through again.

As soon as Qin Xi walked onto the street, she saw Li Chunhua walking towards her across the street. Her first reaction was to feel that she was unlucky to meet someone she didn't want to see.

If she had known that she would meet Li Chunhua on the road, she might as well have agreed to grandma's invitation for a meal and had lunch at her house before leaving!
Even though she kept repeating "I can't see me, I can't see me" over and over in her heart, Li Chunhua, who was in good health and her eyes were still as sharp as ever, found her after a scan.

Li Chunhua's first reaction was surprise, and she ran over in twos and twos, calling her name while running: "Qin Xi. Qin Xi"

She thought that she would not see them these few years, but who knew, after more than a month, Qin Xi came back.

At the beginning, Liu Qin said that the place where the three of them went to the countryside was very close to home, but she thought Liu Qin was lying to her at that time. You didn't lie to her!
"It's really you! At first I didn't dare to admit it, didn't you go to the countryside? Why did you come back?"

Suddenly, Li Chunhua thought of a possibility: "You couldn't bear the hardships in the countryside, so you sneaked back by yourself?"

Thinking of this possibility, she felt anxious, this person who sneaked back would implicate them, if Qin Xi really sneaked back, don't blame her for killing her relatives righteously.

"No." Qin Xi really found it interesting to see her changing face. Can this person have so many fake faces?
Hearing Qin Xi's answer, Li Chunhua showed a relieved smile on her face. As long as she didn't break the law and implicate them, then Qin Xi would still be her good granddaughter of Li Chunhua.

(End of this chapter)

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