After leaving the hospital, Qin Qing was accompanied by Feng Rushuang, who carefully pulled Qin Qing's clothes.

Feng Rushuang felt that there was something wrong with these people before, Ruan Yingying shouldn't be like this, neither should Wei Yaozu, nor Ye Chengyun.

Since coming to this island, everyone's atmosphere has become weird. Feng Rushuang was almost coaxed by Wang Yuzhen before, but fortunately she was vigilant.

Qin Qing looked at Feng Rushuang with a nervous face, took the initiative to pat the back of her hand, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, I'll take care of it tonight."

After receiving Qin Qing's answer, Feng Rushuang's complexion improved a bit, and soon everyone returned to the beach tent again.

Due to the lack of three guests, Qian Huan was the happiest. She and Zhou Junhao are students on duty today, and they need to provide dinner for everyone, so it's a lot easier now.

"Okay, okay, I'm ready to start cooking, please look forward to it!"

At first, Qin Qing was still helping Qian Huan by the side, and the ingredients after washing were constantly delivered to the stove.

Qin Qing was completely shocked when she saw Qian Huan's astonishing tomato scrambled eggs. No oil was added, the eggs were put first, and then two tomatoes were dropped!

"Qian Huan, are you sure you don't want to put anything else before the eggs and tomatoes?"

Qian Huan, who was blackened by the firewood, raised his head and replied confidently: "I read the recipe, I'm sure the eggs are put first, and then the tomatoes!"

[Yes, what Qian Huan said is correct, that is, put the eggs first, and then the tomatoes! 】

[Yes, what Qian Huan said is correct, but can you cut the tomato...]

[Yes, what Qian Huan said is correct, but have you overlooked some details, should you drain the oil first? 】

After that, chickens were flying around, the pot was sticky, black smoke was coming out, and the thick smoke was billowing, and Qin Qing was also blackened.

While wiping Qin Qing's eyes with a wet towel, Yan Mo arranged for Li Minglin to put out the fire. Zhou Junhao, an idiot, stuffed a pile of wood under the stove to save trouble.

The fire was blazing, and those who didn't know it thought they were having a bonfire party by the sea.

[Hahahaha, this dinner may be scrapped! 】

[Qian Huan always gets out of the circle in weird ways, today's hot search, what to put in tomato scrambled eggs first? 】

[It's over, it's over, Qin Qing was blackened, and the first batch of wounded people applied to go offline. 】

As the first batch of wounded, Qin Qing covered her eyes and returned to the tent to change clothes. Yan Mo stood outside to guard the door. After taking off the microphone, Qin Qing cleaned up and discussed today's affairs with Yan Mo.

"Ruan Yingying is a bit strange. She wasn't impostored by a spirit that changes human form, but her behavior is a bit..."

She also felt the change in Ruan Yingying, she didn't seem to be particularly obvious in her treatment of other guests, but she seemed to be targeting Feng Rushuang.

Moreover, Wei Yaozu's attitude began to be too ambiguous, as if he was confused by something.

But Ruan Yingying is different from the Wang Yuzhen she subdued today. Wang Yuzhen can transform into the person you want in your heart.

"Human beings have seven emotions and six desires, and are finally bewitched by spirits. Some spirits are extremely self-interested. After being brainwashed by various words, they will become their believers, allow them to be demolished, and provide a steady stream of food."

Yan Mo stood at the door, looking at the group of people fighting the fire on the beach, his eyes were full of coldness and alienation.

He doesn't like humans, but he still misses the temperature of humans, but what he yearns for is not these guys.

"Wei Yaozu and Ye Chengyun are both food?" Qin Qing frowned after changing her clothes, not knowing what the ghost was this time. "It should be. You should be careful at night. These spirits are full of tricks. If they return to the period of complete victory, they will not be easy to deal with."

Because the Mao Mao God is still adapting to the new era, he has just researched to find targets by distributing videos on mobile phones, so he has not gained the power of faith from many people, and his ability has not recovered much, so he is naturally weak.

As for Wang Yuzhen, who likes to spit, she needs to eat people's hearts to gain strength. For the time being, no one on the island has caused any major troubles, and she probably hasn't found a suitable person to start.

This group of spirits also has too many problems, Wang Yuzhen must let humans fall in love with her, and only when they offer a heart will they devour and taste the taste of love.

"Each spirit needs different nourishment. Maybe some of them are also lurking among humans. They have recovered a lot. You can't always be so stupid!"

Yan Mo was worried about Qin Qing, but the way they got along was always like this, Qin Qing muttered dissatisfied in the tent: "I don't have it! I've said it all, don't always mention my black history, I was too young back then, Not anymore, besides, I still have Fu Nan."

If you meet someone you can't beat, just call Fu Nan.

How powerful that old ghost is, it may be the only one that exists now, after all, the thousand-year-old ghost king is gone...

Hearing this name, Yan Mo felt a headache and snorted coldly: "That old ghost is not reliable, don't get too used to him."

Because he was afraid that Fu Nan would be bored down there, he would take him out for a supper from time to time, and then this shameless guy would cry and make noise, endlessly!
"Fu Nan is a bit talkative and likes to spread gossip, but he is actually quite a nice person."


Gossip is annoying enough!
Life in the underworld is boring, he is going to hold a forum on the [-]th floor, and everyone still listens to the various versions of rumors with great interest.

The tent was opened, and Qin Qing put on a black work uniform, which was simple and capable, and was convenient for moving at night.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task smoothly, don't you still trust me?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Qing took Yan Mo and rushed to the extinguished stove. A group of people surrounded the dark tomato scrambled eggs, laughing loudly.

"Forget it, since everyone's cooking skills are not very good, let's just grill the fish and eat it. One fish per person should not be a big problem."

Qin Qing took out the marinated fish, put on bamboo sticks, set up a fire again, and everyone gathered together to fight for dinner.

An angry Qian Huan yelled dissatisfiedly while grilling the fish: "The program team is too stingy, what's the point of living by the sea! I protest!"

Squatting next to him was another dark Zhou Junhao. He had worked hard to cook, but it was obvious that he lacked life experience.

Qin Qing, who was grilling fish with both hands, was still helping Shao Ting. The eldest lady leaned back happily, stretched out her head, and said, "Don't suffer, let's redeem the points and go to the sea villa for vacation tomorrow..."

The villa on the sea is good everywhere, but there are weird mirror gods and various routines of the director team.

"I'm starting to miss the good times in the villa, and I'm homesick." Li Minglin, who wanted to cry without tears, also stretched his arms, and wanted to help Huo Xi grill fish.

Qin Qing sat on the beach with a smile, looked at the sunset, and continued to grill fish. In fact, it doesn't matter where she lives, the life with her friends is still very interesting!
Do you put the egg first or the tomato first?

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