Tong Yu almost subconsciously distanced herself from Qin Qing, and now she also felt that this bitch was a bit evil.

But Peng Ruxin refused to let go of this opportunity. She came out from Tong Yu's side, approached Yan Mo slightly, and said with a light smile, "This opportunity is rare. Understanding more can increase tacit understanding. Maybe we will need to cooperate with each other to complete tasks in the future."

【Peng Ruxin is indeed a newcomer, she doesn't understand Qin Qing's power at all. 】

[See Tong Yu shrinking subconsciously?Even the film king can't make her go forward bravely, she is still Qin Qing's cowhide~]

[Is she cowhide?She is scary!Already got rid of two guests, now I'm looking forward to who the next one will be! 】

"You agree?" Yan Mo frowned and looked down at Qin Qing. Qin Qing, who naturally held his arm, whispered, "It's important to do business. Don't care about those details. We definitely need to know each other better."

Qin Qing blinked ambiguously, and then looked at Li Shuo who was hiding behind everyone and was having sex with Ruan Yingying.

She has always suspected that this guy is very strange, otherwise why the development of the relationship between the two of them would be so fast, but Qin Qing was suffering from not finding any flaws.

Seeing Qin Qing's serious appearance, Yan Mo finally said obediently: "Well, we all have to stay in the villa anyway, why don't we get to know each other better together, in fact, I'm a very boring person."

Peng Ruxin fiddled with her hair, her eyes fluttered and she wanted to get closer again, and said, "Why, senior is very gentlemanly and considerate, it's completely different from the feeling on the big screen..."

Da Lizi stopped her enchanting body before she touched Yan Mo, ╭(╯^╰)╮

He will swear to the death to defend the innocence of the actor, except for Qin Qing...

"Okay, okay, the shooting has started. This assessment is a big test of tacit understanding. I hope that I can be honest and honest every time."

It was a rare opportunity to chat with Yan Mo but was cut off by the director. Peng Ruxin's expression was a little subtle, and finally she returned to Zhou Junhao with a smile.

[Da Lizi, well done!Ha ha ha ha! 】

[Who would have thought that there would be a director who would interfere with a romance show, refusing anyone to bind the actor. 】

[Double-standard director, why can Qin Qing do it? 】

[It's not the director's double standard, but he can't control Qin Qing at all, just now she hid behind Yan Mo and kicked Da Lizi hard. 】

[Yes yes yes, I saw it, she not only spit, but also sneak attack, no martial arts! 】

[Hug a little, Qin Qing has no morals at all, no one can kidnap her, because she is mentally ill, hahahaha...]

As for Zhou Junhao, he was very upset. As long as Yan Mo appeared, all the female guests would hang around him, and a lot of his shots would pass by.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Peng Ruxin's shoulder affectionately, and the two began to do business with each other.

The big screen began to scroll, and each guest held a whiteboard and faced this task seriously. In the first round of photo competition, everyone has already lost.

If they can catch up with Yan Mo and Qin Qing in this tacit competition, there might be a chance to change teams.

1. What color do men and women like?
2. What season do men and women like?
3. What do the male and female parties hate each other the most and want to correct?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What do you like most about each other?
6. When you quarrel, who usually apologizes first?

7. Who usually pays for shopping?

8. What do you think is the most romantic thing?
9. What does the other party look like in your eyes?
10. If there was an afterlife, what would you choose to do?
Faced with such a meaningless question, Qin Qing directly began to answer without the slightest hesitation, and quickly handed over the answers to the director.

The bored Qin Qing started to yawn, what kind of tacit understanding can be seen in this mentally retarded game, it's all a lie to children.

Although she doesn't have time to fall in love, she has rich experience in talking about war on paper. Every time she experiences all kinds of love and hatred in the novel, what kind of bullshit love is, how can life be important!

In the end, under Director Li Tao's shocked eyes, he announced that Yan Mo and Qin Qing got full marks!

"Full score? How is it possible? The show crew can't cheat just because of their popularity, right?" Peng Ruxin stood up unwillingly. Don't let her believe it, and the other guests also didn't believe it. It is impossible to answer such a completely illogical question correctly. .

Amid everyone's disbelieving eyes, the two staff members held up the whiteboards of Qin Qing and Yan Mo.

1: He likes black, I like white; She likes white, I like black
2: He likes summer, I like winter, because she is afraid of heat; if she is afraid of heat, she should prefer winter, and I prefer summer

3: I hate that he always likes to publicize his personal revenge; she should hate that I always bully her

4: His hobby is to be in a daze, I like counting money; her hobby is counting money, I don’t get tired of watching it [-] times a day, I don’t have any hobbies, right?
5: I like his longevity the most; I like her short life the most
6: him; me
7: He; I
8: grow old together; grow old together

9: He is like the moon; she is like the sun
10: I want to be a normal person; I want to be a normal person
There is no logical question at all, but Qin Qing's and Yan Mo's answers can all match. This kind of tacit understanding is extremely surprising.

[Is this some kind of tacit understanding test?This is the confession scene! 】

[What the hell, I'll move the Civil Affairs Bureau here now, and ask the two of you to get married in place, and I'll take the money with you. 】

[I don't know why, but I feel like crying when I look at it, who knows! ! ! 】

[I understand, I understand, look at the problem, Yan Mo likes summer, he said that Qin Qing is like the sun, Qin Qing likes to be afraid of heat, she said that Yan Mo is like the moon, the two think the most romantic thing is to grow old together, and be together in the next life Ordinary people, talk about the love of ordinary people together, grow old together, it’s so touching, I’m going to cry...]

Seeing Yan Mo's answer, Qin Qing was also very surprised, the two really had a tacit understanding.

But this kind of tacit understanding is more due to the special status, and the answers that others don't understand are hidden in it.

Qin Qing thinks that the most romantic thing is to grow old together, because she is short-lived and dying, if she can live to old age, it must be romantic.

Yan Mo thinks that the most romantic thing is to grow old together, because his life is too long, and no one will accompany him to the end after thousands of years.

She is a part-time ghost messenger with ill-fated fate. In her next life, she wants to be an ordinary person, have a harmonious family, and grow up simple and happy.

He is the king of hell, with ancient blood, and he has great responsibilities. He also wants to be an ordinary person in his next life, so he can live a life of indulgence.

[Tears, the two are the most suitable soul mates, as long as Qin Qing doesn't get sick, I agree to this engagement! 】

【Are you sure the two people have such a tacit understanding because they are both sick? 】

【What, what, I'm going to tell my lawyer!The two are in love, not communicating with patients...]

I follow the share money, who is with me?
ヽ( ̄ω ̄( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ

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