Early the next morning, Li Tao appeared in front of all the guests with dark circles under his eyes, announcing that the filming would be suspended.

Obviously, Li Shuo has lost his guest qualifications, even if he didn't jump off the building in the end, he was kicked out because of his unethical words and deeds.

Qin Qing, who was sitting at the back, was crazily nibbling on a large piece of bread, with no image at all.

With bread in his mouth, he said vaguely: "It's not easy to feel sorry for Da Lizi. Hey, fortunately, it has nothing to do with me this time, otherwise I might also be expelled as a guest."

Sitting next to her was Yan Mo, who would pass her a sip of milk to moisten her throat from time to time.

Shao Ting, who has always had something on her mind, sent out an invitation, saying, "It's just a matter of time to rest for a few days, Qin Qing, let's go shopping when we have time."

Li Minglin, who seized the opportunity, also wanted to talk to Qin Qing. Although the actor is good, King Kong can't be BE!
"Qin Qing, if you're free, let's go..." Before Li Minglin finished speaking, Yan Mo interrupted, "She's not free!"

Yan Mo's voice was not loud, but everyone stopped and looked back at the area.

Qin Qing still gnawed on the bread with her head down, Shao Ting covered her mouth and smiled lightly, Li Minglin glared at Yan Mo angrily, the film emperor still looked like a noble son, raised his hand to let Qin Qing drink milk, don't choke.

"Hehe, hehe, everyone, take a break for a few days for free activities. I will arrange new guests to join the show as soon as possible."

If it was someone else, Li Tao would still dare to yell a few times, and he could not help but look at Yan Mo with a bit of embarrassment.

The inner circle of the entertainment circle is fat, swallows and thin, there are no beauties, why does the actor have such a unique vision!
Qin Qing, although she looks pretty, it's a pity that her brain seems to have a serious illness...

As for the protagonist in the center of the incident who is still eating bread, she has to eat and drink enough to track down that ghost cultivator, the mission is the most important!
Seeing that everyone stopped, Qin Qing raised her head and continued to mumble, "Da Lizi, please ask for a few spares, I really don't want to waste everyone's time, they are all very busy."

Li Tao, the dark-faced director, was complaining crazily in his heart, but he finally endured it.

"Thank you for your concern, you are really nice!"

MMP inside, smiling on the outside...

There's no way, Qin Qing is a guest he paid a high price to stay to do things, and now he has the nepotism of the actor, so he dare not act rashly.

Everyone didn't want to stay in the villa to waste time, so they quickly contacted their agents and arranged for a nanny car to leave.

Qin Qing still declined Shao Ting's arrangement to send her home, and returned to the abandoned factory building in the suburbs after all kinds of twists and turns.

There is a huge wall in the empty room, all of which are the list of missing women, as well as the information obtained from Li Shuo this time.

Qin Qing, who was sorting out all kinds of materials, raised her hand and brushed over the names, feeling a little pity in her heart.

She was born in a patriarchal family, and even with auspiciousness by her side, her mother still disliked her as a girl and could not carry on the family line.

She was even willing to sell her fate at a high price, which caused the family's difficult situation, and blamed Qin Qing for dragging the family down again and again.

It is difficult for women to survive in society, and it is abominable to be on guard against these people all the time!
"Don't worry, I won't let these guys go. I will definitely send all of these people to the [-]th floor of hell and be tortured."

As if feeling Qin Qing's promise, those names gave out a faint light in response.

Maybe even their souls have been refined, but no one can erase their existence. Without these people, they might live happily ever after until they grow old. Unfortunately, they are in a catastrophe. No one wants to but can't avoid it.

When the night fell again, Qin Qing appeared in the nightclub with heavy makeup, a hot crop top and a short skirt.

In the crowded crowd, she was shaking her long hair and twisting her slender waist, which was extremely alluring and attracted everyone's attention.

Zhou Junhao, who had just left the program group and was finally able to let himself go, no longer had to pretend to be a gentleman, also came to the hidden VIP box on the second floor of the nightclub to enjoy the happy time.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the one-way glass on the second floor with a wine glass, watching the demons dancing downstairs. He could see everyone clearly, but these people outside couldn't see his existence.

"Brother Zhou, you've been a vegetarian in the program group recently, are you lonely? If you fancy someone, I'll help you out." Suddenly someone put an arm around Zhou Junhao's shoulders.

A circle that can only get together because of similar smells, everyone's fun is basically hunting for beauty.

"The quality of those downstairs is too poor. I recently contacted a few younger sisters. They are all newcomers in the industry. They are beautiful and clean. If Young Master Zhang is willing to invest in some, it will definitely be done."

Hearing this news, that Young Master Zhang laughed and nodded in agreement.

Zhou Junhao was about to leave when he suddenly found Qin Qing in the crowd. In the dim light, she was also uniquely beautiful.

"Huh..." In the show, Qin Qing often disdained to talk to these male guests, but she didn't expect to be a joker, who appeared in the nightclub just after vacation.

Looking at Qin Qing's slender waist, Zhou Junhao smiled.

Although he doesn't like the popularity of being an amateur guest, Qin Qing's appearance is really nothing to say, and he doesn't mind having fun in private.

"Young Master Zhang, is that girl interested?"

At first, he didn't notice Qin Qing on the dance floor, looking in the direction Zhou Junhao was pointing at, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

In terms of appearance, Qin Qing is not inferior to any star, she is definitely a great beauty.

Qin Qing, who was surrounded by stars on the dance floor, was extremely tired, ouch, my back hurts, my back hurts from twisting, oops, does the sound of this music need to be so deafening?

Even if the heart has been chattering, expression management is still a smile of enjoyment.

This is where Li Shuo's main actions are. Now that he has been removed, the ghost cultivator will need more women to nourish him after being backlashed.

Seizing this opportunity, Qin Qing personally went undercover to fish. She likes to tease those villains who think they are smart.

Qin Qing, who was wriggling vigorously, has been attracting everyone's attention. Suddenly, someone squeezed close to her and stuck to her ear, shouting, "Beauty, are you interested in going to the second floor? They're all handsome guys, rich and handsome." !"

Being so invited, Qin Qing just gave him a cold glance and pushed him away.

The attitude of the cold beauty did not frustrate the other party, on the contrary, she began to sell more actively, talking a lot.

"All the beauties here will go to the second floor to play, otherwise these stinky fish and rotten shrimps are not worthy of a beauty like you."

Hearing these words, Qin Qing's eyes flickered, perhaps her target was also on the second floor.

"That's fine, let's go and have a look with you, the quality is not good, this lady will not accompany you."

Qin Qing, who pretended to be arrogant, followed the man up to the second floor. In the box, Zhang Shao and Zhou Junhao sat smoking and drinking together, watching her open the door and enter with blurred eyes.

Qin Qing: Bad luck! ╭(╯^╰)╮

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