Qin Qing walks in both worlds of yin and yang, and knows a lot of ghosts in the underworld, and even more lonely and wild ghosts who have dealt with in the yang world.

She needs to arrange for a few people who are unwilling to reincarnate, and the lonely souls with obsessions in their hearts follow her to do things. There is almost no response. Many wild ghosts gather in the wilderness, chat together, and wait for Qin Qing to arrange a place to go.

"Have you heard?"

The woman in cheongsam floating around grabbed the melon seeds she snatched from no one knew where, knocked vigorously, and started gossiping with everyone.

The weak female ghost, fair and without makeup, was extraordinarily beautiful, and asked curiously, "What, what, I just rushed over to watch the excitement today, did something happen?"

Wearing a Taoist robe, the fairy-like Taoist nun said with a smile: "This lunatic from the underworld is going to participate in the romance show. She has already done the calculation for her. Her marriage line is not good, so she really went on a blind date. I don't know what the result will be. I just wanted to see if I was right..."

When she first met the Taoist nun, she helped Qin Qing see her face, but unfortunately, her appearance had long since changed, so she couldn't estimate anything.

The Taoist nun does not believe in evil, and in the end she can only tell from her palmistry that Qin Qing's love life is bumpy, with no red Luan star, no love, no one to protect her.

The weak girl Jiao Didi covered her mouth and smiled softly, her eyes were like silk, and she said: "Xianggu, you don't understand, a love affair is not a blind date, it's all a script, she must have some purpose."

She didn't believe that Qin Qing would waste time on falling in love. Straight girls don't have love. She has no idea what a man wants.

The little ghost passing by interjected: "Didn't she have an affair with Pluto?"

This group of people basically wandered around in the underworld, they had never heard of the various rumors about Fu Nan in the underworld, and approached the little ghost curiously.

"Where did you hear the news?"

The little ghost immediately showed an excited look on his face, and he was finally able to chat with someone, who was not excited.

"Hey, don't you know? She was almost married to Funan Ghost King before she was taken away by Pluto in the bridal chamber. There was a lot of trouble that day, but Pluto personally snatched the green hat that Funan Ghost King wore !"

Wow, this news is amazing!
Everyone is basically in the north, and the ghost king Funan occupies the mountain, the distance is too far, and everyone knows little about it.

"Because the ghost king Fu Nan was arrested, his lonely ghosts scattered all over the place. Many people have mentioned this matter."

Everyone was listening with gusto, when suddenly a cold snort sounded from behind all the ghosts, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

She and Fu Nan's messy affairs, from the underworld to the underworld, all kinds of versions, are annoying to death...

"I approached Fu Nan in order to catch this cunning old ghost. It's all missions, missions, and you are still talking about these gossips behind your back? You, come here, I will take you down first, and let you go to reincarnation."

Seeing that Qin Qing seemed to be really angry, the little ghost ran away without a trace. The weak girl next to her threw herself into Qin Qing's arms, weeping, and said, "Woo, sister, sister is wrong, don't be so fierce! You scare me My little heart is beating wildly!"

A cold breath rushed straight to Tian Ling Gai from her bosom, Qin Qing shivered and pushed her away.

"You are so cold, there is no heart thumping."

Seeing Qin Qing's disgusted look, the weak younger sister yelled even louder, "Sister, I came here specially to accompany you on missions and let you send me around. How can you let my sister down like this?"


green tea!

What a big green tea!
"Sister, are you a green tea master? What a big tea flavor!"

The green tea girl was not angry when she was ridiculed, and continued to pester Qin Qing. Seeing her impatient appearance, the Taoist nun took the lead and asked, "Miss Qin, you went on a blind date, what happened?"

This group of female ghosts gathered together is really gossip!

"I'm not going on a blind date! I'm on a mission, mission, don't gossip, I don't have any ideas other than missions, you are all dead, of course you don't understand my feelings, I still want to work hard to live to 99. "

The green tea girl rolled her eyes: Straight girl, look, let me just say she is a straight girl!
The little ghost hiding in the distance sneered: Funan Ghost King, it is said that he is handsome, rich and powerful, and you will be poor if you live to 99, what are you trying to do?

Xiangu is speechless: Pluto doesn't even like it, the marriage line is a steel bar, right?
Seeing everyone's constipated expressions, Qin Qing helplessly helped her forehead, and she began to understand Mo Yan's mood a little bit.

Usually seeing her crying, making trouble and hanging herself in the hall, and immediately sending her away with various things, it must be helpless and upset.

"Forget it, you guys come here to pick up the mission. According to the list, there will be two people in each group and one person. Toss, try your best to toss, as long as you don't die, I'll take care of you."

Each group has a name and an address, so that they can arrange it, and they can arrange it for the usual means of tossing people.

"What did these guys do wrong? Are you following them?"

There were too many twittering inquiries, and Qin Qing's head hurt from the noise, so she told everyone to shut up and began to explain the ins and outs.

Originally, according to the normal procedures, there was no need for lonely souls and wild ghosts to come, but it is a pity that even the souls of the dead have been refined. There is no other way, so Qin Qing will find these people to help.

The Taoist nun heard what Qin Qing said, and said angrily: "What? The yin puppet? Returning the yang secret technique? There are still people practicing these evil ways. I'm going to kill him myself."

The celestial aunt is rarely angry. She stays in the world just to find the child of a suffering master. After the karma, she will naturally turn around.

She was originally a woman, born in troubled times, she entered the Taoist temple to practice in order to protect her from misfortune, but she opened her mind and got a glimpse of some secrets.

In that chaotic world, she protected countless women with her flesh and blood, so naturally she couldn't see such a thing.

"Don't get excited, Xiangu, I've already caught people and sent them down to be punished."

The Taoist girl sighed leisurely, for the injustice in the world, the green tea girl rolled up her sleeves, stopped being coquettish, and scolded: "Sun Zai, I want these guys to know what retribution is, don't worry, I will pester him for the rest of his life, and he will die badly, tui!"

Everyone has an expression of anger and regret. These souls that can keep wandering souls for many years and have not been polluted basically have merits and virtues during their lifetime, or they can maintain their human form only with a pure heart.

Qin Qing smiled and looked at this group of excited lonely ghosts. They had all kinds of obsessions in their hearts, and they were still so cute wandering in the world.

What would happen if there were no girls in this world! ! !

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night in the upper class circle. Many people go out late at night, as if they have lost a certain memory, and they are all in a daze.

At night, I fell into a nightmare. When I fell asleep, I was crushed by ghosts, and when I woke up, I was depressed.

Choking on water, choking on food, walking and wrestling, ghosts hitting the wall when going out, hallucinations when returning home, all kinds of shocks, feeling exhausted physically and mentally!

Many people began to pray to gods and worship Buddha, but it still didn't work, and they became increasingly haggard.

I put it on the shelf, and I will add more today! ! !

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