For this grouping, the director specially prepared one more guest, for fear of any problems.

According to his original plan, the redundant one and the last one will form a three-person CP. The more Shura field, the more interesting it is.

But Qian Huan happened to have a hard time, if someone else forced one, he would have done it, but Yan Mo is the king of actors, he won't cooperate!
"Don't worry, don't worry, you're definitely not redundant. Maybe someone has a bright eye and decides to choose you. What should we do? We'll have a little game later."

While comforting Qian Huan, Da Lizi winked at Qin Qing: Think of a way!

Qin Qing, who was holding an iced watermelon, also winked at the director: I am willing to cooperate, you should take care of the one next to it first!

Seeing the two people winking at each other, Yan Mo silently raised his fist at the director: No...

The humble Da Lizi was rejected by the actor, and there was a cry of grief in her heart, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Why did the movie king just fall in love with Qin Qing! ! !

"It's fate that everyone met each other in the vast crowd. I don't know who is not satisfied with the combination. Now there is a last chance to change..."

Hearing the director's suggestion, Tong Yu and Zhou Junhao stood up immediately. The two had disliked each other for a long time.

Seeing the tacit understanding between Tong Yu and Zhou Junhao, Feng Rushuang also stood up, and Ye Chengyun, who was still happy, also stood up with a dark face.

Li Minglin's eyes kept drifting to Qin Qing. If Qin Qing was willing to regroup, he would definitely stand up and cooperate.

But Qin Qing, who was eating iced watermelon, was watched closely by Yan Mo, not daring to act rashly.

The rest, Peng Ruxin, was very satisfied with the humor of the little milk dog brother. The two whispered from time to time, chatting happily, and had no intention of regrouping at all.

After what happened to Li Shuo last time, Ruan Yingying was more wary of the guests around her, but Wei Yaozu was originally a grass-type guy, kind and kind, and she was not attacked at all, so she was quite satisfied.

Seeing the four standing up at this time, Qian Huan's expression became even more sorrowful.

Everyone knew about Zhou Junhao's troubles before. As for Ye Chengyun, a model of Pu Xinnan, he deliberately pretended to be cool but was very greasy.

"Since the four are dissatisfied with the grouping, and Qian Huan, we will temporarily form an alliance. Let's start the PK mode and compete for the CP battle."

Seeing the director's excited expression, Qin Qing silently swallowed the watermelon, and glanced at Yan Mo maliciously.

As the film king, she was definitely the target of all the guests in the program group, Qin Qing had a smirk on her face.

Hearing this sentence, Qian Huan regained his energy in an instant, and excitedly said: "Can I snatch the CP? Then can I form a team with Qin Qing?"

Seeing Qian Huan staring at Qin Qing closely, Shao Ting dissatisfied pushed away Meng Xingzhou who was constantly comforting her by her side, and stood up.

In the show, she and Qin Qing are the best. This kind of delicate relationship does not allow other women to intervene.

This was a provocation to Shao Ting Chi Guoguo, she couldn't stand it.

"Little girl, if you want to play like this, I can't just sit and wait for death. With me, I also want to form a team with Qin Qing."

Li Minglin, who finally seized the opportunity, also stood up abruptly. He can't give away the salted duck for free, he must snatch back the missed opportunities!

"Can I play like this? Director, I want to protect the King Kong CP, and I also want to participate."


It is said that the actor with the highest popularity is the actor, why are all the guests staring at Qin Qing now?

[Hahahaha, who would have thought that Qin Qing is the most popular now! ! ! 】

[Look at the actor, his face is dark, the whole world is a rival in love, why? 】

【Qin Qing, who was still eating melons just now, did not expect to eat her own melons now...】

【Qin Qing: It's just my sister's charm~】

Every time there is a well-arranged event, there are always people who want to make troubles. If I knew this way, I would not have to spend money to invite Qin Qing to come.

"Those who didn't stand up just now will be deemed to have abstained and can no longer participate in the CP competition."

Li Minglin sat down unwillingly, Shao Ting continued to stare at Qian Huan, and the two began to act coquettishly with Qin Qing.

"Sister Qingqing, I sing really well. I'll give you a show tonight. You choose me, okay?"

Yo, the little girl still has two faces?

"Qin Qing, unlimited quota, black card, buy whatever you like!"

Money ability, who doesn't have it...

[The Shura field the director wants should be two men fighting for a woman, or two women fighting for a man, who would have thought that it would be three women fighting in the end. 】

[Sure enough, Shao Ting's banknote ability depends on Shao Ting, black card, just swipe it casually, hehe... Sister, I can do it too! 】

[You can't, you're not sick, Shao Ting doesn't like you, hahaha! 】

[Gender is so stubborn, in fact, I would also like to join this big family. 】

[Upstairs, I'm overseas, and your abacus beads are flying on my face, you are quite good at calculating, you scheming man! 】

Before Qin Qing, who was holding a watermelon, had a chance to answer, Yan Mo had already pushed away Shao Ting's black card, rubbed Qin Qing's hair, and said in a low voice, "I sing well, but they don't have what you want. What I have is yours."

What Qin Qing wants is longevity, which no amount of money can buy. Only Yanmo has this kind of thing.

Hearing his words, Qin Qing smiled brightly, stared at Yan Mo closely, and said in surprise, "Really?"

Those shining eyes reflected his figure, the smiling little fox, Yan Mo seemed to feel the long-lost heartbeat.

"So, obediently, stay by my side and don't go anywhere."

A low and hoarse voice sounded in Qin Qing's ears, she nodded resolutely without any hesitation!
Follow the boss, there is meat to eat, hee hee, she is not going anywhere, she wants to build the underworld, she will do her best and die! ! !
Qin Qing, who was instantly bewitched, directly agreed, Qian Huan pouted, Shao Ting smiled, as long as it wasn't Qian Huan, anyone would do, of course, if it was Yan Qin's CP, she would be even more proud.

"You have no chance. You should choose Zhou Junhao and Ye Chengyun. I won't participate. After all, I still have Meng Xingzhou."

Seeing Shao Ting's complacent look, Meng Xingzhou, who was still disgusted just now, evoked a helpless and doting smile, and pulled her back to sit beside her.

[My high-cold actor has changed, I can't bear the sour smell of love! 】

[What I have is all yours. What kind of wedding vows are these? Hurry up, move the Civil Affairs Bureau here, and marry me right away! 】

[The actor's virtue of protecting food, for fear that Qian Huan will snatch him away, tsk tsk, it's so sweet, I'm a local dog, I love watching...]

【I want to hear the actor sing. He never participated in variety shows before. I didn't expect to have such a hidden skill? 】

【The whole world loves Qin Qing, why should she?Just because she is prettier than me, is she more mentally ill than me? 】

In Qian's cheery expression, Li Tao felt the pressure doubled, and finally insisted on announcing, "Tonight's bonfire party, everyone can prepare various talent shows, perform better yourself, and the guests who get the most heart-warming votes can re-select pair!"

(# ^. ^ #)
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