Love complex as a demon, ask that I am doing part-time job

Chapter 7 7 The Cursed Letter of the Confession Night

Chapter 7 7. The Cursed Letter of the Confession Night

It was obviously the most common envelope, but in Qin Qing's eyes, black curse power was constantly spreading.

Because of touching its delicate cover, there is a feeling of being stabbed by a blade on the finger.

Enduring the feeling of pain, Qin Qing opened the envelope, revealing a blood-red curse letter in front of her eyes.

——Curse you with my flesh and blood, let you have bad luck, let you feel resentment, let you have no peace, I will follow you like a shadow, and become your nightmare.

——Transfer this letter to other people within seven days, or you will die unexpectedly and tragically!
The moment she read the letter, Qin Qing shook the iron chain on her wrist.

The original ordinary iron chain instantly changed its size, binding the envelope layer by layer, and the power of the curse was temporarily sealed.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the great king, but the other party still had the same cold voice for thousands of years.

"Qin Qing, you'd better report something important to me, or I will cancel your reward for this month."

Hey, this dog thing will come to this set!
But for the generous reward of life yuan, Qin Qing still forced out a smile in a very doggy manner.

"Boss, someone sent me a weird curse letter, something I haven't seen before, what should I do?"

The phone was silent for a few seconds, but the voice came again from the vanity mirror in Qin Qing's room.

"Show me!"

On the original mirror surface appeared a perfect face that was so exquisite that it made people sigh, like an immature boy, with stars and seas shining in the deep green eyes.

Every time she sees this face, Qin Qing can't help being nympho for three seconds!

Her dog boss really has a face like a peerless and beautiful boy who is angry and resentful, but unfortunately his temper is like a mad dog, and he bites anyone he sees.

Because the envelope that was bound by iron chains and gradually turned black appeared in front of the mirror, Pluto snorted coldly.

"It's really a low-level thing. How dare you use human skin to turn it into a source of curses."

Hearing the word human skin, Qin Qing's face changed drastically, and she threw the envelope away, feeling chills all over her body.

No wonder she felt something wrong when she just picked it up. This kind of delicate touch is not like paper, but human skin!



Seeing Qin Qing's disgusted expression, Hades raised his eyebrows, feeling a little better.

"Continue to watch the big fish in the show, sooner or later you will be hooked."

Although the method is a bit low-handed, this kind of thing is fatal to ordinary people.

"Hey, boss, boss, what should we do with this curse letter?"

It's not that Qin Qing can't do anything, it's just that this thing is human skin, thinking about it makes her feel chilly.

She really didn't want to pick up this curse letter again, and the weak Qin Qing could only ask the boss for help.

"Qin Qing, use your brain more, otherwise how would you deal with those people? Are you going to continue to hide from XZ in the future, just to survive?"

Qin Qing, who had been stabbed to death, gritted her teeth angrily, and used this trick to KTV and CPU her every time.

She has had a hard life since she was a child, and because of her special fate, someone took away her luck, which greatly reduced her lifespan.

Qin Qing has been living carefully all these years, so she grew up smoothly.

If it didn't happen to be a part-time ghost messenger, he might have to go to the underworld to report in a daze.

"I see, I will find a way to solve the trouble."

The boy's figure gradually disappeared, and the mirror returned to normal. Qin Qing stared at the curse letter and cursed in her heart.

They are all guests who came to participate in the romance show, why did others receive a confession from the person they were attracted to, but she received a curse letter?
Since everyone doesn't want to get along with each other, don't blame her for taking action!
They are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are they playing Liaozhai here...

Looking out of the window, the wailing of ghosts continued to be heard from the lake wrapped in thick fog.

Qin Qing didn't care, all of her room was pasted with talisman paper, and no ghosts could get close, so she went to sleep first.

Early the next morning, everyone appeared in the living room listlessly.

Only Meng Xingzhou is in better condition. After all, his fate is good, and with the blessing of Yuanyang, most evil spirits dare not approach.

"I'm a bed-ridden person, and I haven't had a good rest. Why don't I get up early and prepare breakfast for everyone."

Although there were only simple sandwiches, everyone was satisfied with the food, especially the male guests who surrounded her and praised her.

[Sure enough, Yu Bao is the most considerate woman, I really want to marry her! 】

[I don’t know how the cp will be formed today, looking forward to it~]

[What cp is not cp, I don't care, I want to see the brave Qin Qing continue to tear. 】

Qin Qing, who was named, was full of thoughts on how to solve the curse letter, and walked to Shao Ting with hot milk.

"Shao Ting, you don't look very well today, drink some hot milk."

Although the program team arranged for Qin Qing to do things, her attitude has always been that she will only disgust anyone who disgusts her.

As a super rich and beautiful woman, Shao Ting doesn't know how to play tricks on the show.

So Qin Qing's attitude towards Shao Ting is very gentle, and the two get along well.

"I don't know what's going on yesterday, I kept having nightmares, and someone was always crying in my ear, begging me to let go, saying that I crushed her hair..."

Speaking of this nightmare, Shao Ting felt very real. Now thinking about it, she felt cold behind her back and felt uncomfortable all over.

"It's okay, maybe it's a new place and I'm not used to it." Qin Qing, who was pretending, took Shao Ting's hand and began to massage. "I'll rub the acupuncture points for you to restore your spirit."

What nonsense acupuncture points, Qin Qing doesn't know Chinese medicine at all.

But she branded a ghost mark on Shao Ting's tiger's mouth. Ordinary people can't see the mark, but it can deter ghosts.

The imprint of the ghost messenger was covered by Shao Ting's golden light, and the lingering coldness on her body immediately dissipated.

"Qin Qing, do you still know Chinese medicine? It's amazing, I feel much more comfortable in an instant."

Looking at the curious baby-like Shao Ting, looking at Qin Qing adoringly, asking all kinds of questions.

[Sure enough, the lilies in my hometown are the best, sisters, how about my cute daughter and sharp Cinderella cp? 】

[Is it a hurricane version of a lily? 】

[Shao Ting is responsible for the madness, is Qin Qing responsible for the madness? 】

After everyone had breakfast, director Li Tao, who had few hairs on his head, appeared out of the camera with black eyes.

Looking at the huge difference from yesterday, who seemed to have stayed up all night without sleep for three days and three nights, Qin Qing felt much better.

Although she received a curse letter on the confession night, it's not bad to have an unlucky director to accompany her, hehe!

"Did everyone receive confession gifts last night? Now let's find out whether there is a CP who goes both ways."

Everyone looked at each other, Tong Yu first showed a shy expression and took out a paper crane and a heart-shaped post-it note from his pocket.

"I just received these two gifts..."

Stimulated by Qin Qing yesterday, Tong Yu immediately arranged for his agent to arrange the future cooperation after returning to the room.

She is very confident in getting up early, putting on makeup, and busy downstairs preparing breakfast for everyone to maintain the image of a perfect girlfriend.

 Hey~ I'm coming! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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